Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Australia Needs New Political Parties Not More The Political Status Quo
- Nation Building Now And For Future Generations-
Governments are now claiming in excess of 50 cents or 50% of everyone’s dollar. After decades are you getting value for money or just more propaganda that you are? The political status quo of 50 years and more continues to promise more than they can deliver and perpetuate the model they have persisted with for decades, which is economically sub optimal and divisive despite their continuing claims it is "as good as it gets". (It isn't of course but what else can they say after living off the nation for 50 years? Logically they aren't exactly going to crow that it is not as good as it gets! We can also prove it could be better and will be happy to send proof to anyone).
However when they are all mostly now so corrupted and entrenched as vested interests (the AWB is typical of the culture and is one of many such corrupt government funded and supported entities), economically efficient nation building proves difficult to do as the past 50 years proves. Government waste and corruption over this period is unquantifiable. Mainly because once elected – whether liberal, labor, democrats, greens etc - they find they have more in common with each other than they do with the people who elected them to power. In the process they have delivered an unprecedented foreign debt and more. They have had more than enough chances to prove if long-term nation building is a priority. They are now cunningly and vigorously endeavoring to reinvent and recycle themselves for another 50 years. And a modern democratic Constitution for the people is not one of their priorities and never will be. They waffle about it to let the majority think they are interested in the area. An Economic Bill of Rights based on less government and more accountability and nation building is only possible through a new political party as it threatens the continuing power and control of the status quo. Why continue to vote for the political status quo? A foreign debt of A$600 billion plus for example is sufficient proof they have failed the nation but have entrenched themselves.A minimum of 500 names are required for a new party to be officially registered as a federal party with the Australian Electoral Office.An application for the purpose can be emailed to you and can be printed and mailed to our address. These applications will then be attached to the application and delivered to the electoral office.
If you have a name for the party you believe would be appropriate please let us know.Anyone is welcome to register and we do not discriminate. If you would like to register please indicate if you would also like to become a candidate for election to Federal Parliament and/or state government. Any other support is always welcome.
Some Of The Important Issues A New Party Has As A Priority Are:
• To downsize government and its intrusion into all aspects of Australian society
• To prioritise and encourage equitable enterprise and wealth creation to benefit all
• To address the nations foreign debt and its reduction for current and future generations
• To insure an Economic Bill of Rights now as an amendment to The Australian Constitution
• To insure an amendment that guarantees free speech is included in the Economic Bill of Rights
• To insure the minimisation of all aspects of bureaucracy and to insure remaining bureaucracy is productive and efficient
• To insure accountability and transparency across all government
• To insure all Australians and SME's have access to free multi channel interactive digital television and they benefit economically and in all other respects from digital technologies and opportunities.
• To insure media diversity of ownership and diversity of opinion
• To eliminate compulsory voting • To insure the Rule of Law is designed and applied equally and not selectively.
• To insure there is no discrimination
• To comprehensively address Tax Issues, Compliance Costs, Productivity and Efficiency


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