Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Centrelink Mafia

More Corrupt Australian Bureaucracy At Work

Centrelink and their extensive secretive and unaccountable network of public and private bureaucracies need a large percentage of society dependent on them. This ensures they can maintain their corrupt empire and grow their multibillion dollar budgets. And they are at it again in 2006 as they advertise to their network of corrupt mates to “tender” for contracts for their version of a jobs network solution. Created by bureaucrats for bureaucrats.The Jobs Networks (JN), NEIS, CWC, DOES, PSP,JPET and anything else that will keep their corrupt public and private empires like Centrelink going and their budgets spent has also contributed to undermining entrepreneurship and an export culture.Australians need some answers (but first they need to know what question to ask) about why Centrelink is getting bigger and its budgets are growing when unemployment according to government, has declined from 15% to 5%. If there are fewer unemployed then why does this vast corrupt network of public and private bureaucracy need to be the same size (or larger) as when unemployment was at 15%?They do not want full employment! The bureaucrats would lose their network and Centrelink empire and they would all need to get real jobs instead of being typical little Hitler’s living off fellow Australian’s. Howard would rather keep propping them up and their corrupt Jobs Network mates with billions than use the money for new industry, new job and new wealth creation. It is now an industry and given ozzy bureaucracy probably can’t be dismantled. So the show continues. They prefer a growing A$600 billion foreign debt than reducing it. Anything to keep the empires intact and now they reckon they deserve their very own slush fund trough - The Future Fund – funded by the majority but unbeknownst to them. Obviously given their handiwork over decades they believe they deserve it.Howard’s coalition crusaders have also found innovative ways to transfer public wealth to religious organizations who are more than happy (given history no surprise and keeping up the crusaders tradition – loot, pillage etc…) to profiteer off this critical mass of 5% (?) to 15% (?) fodder.
Recently the Salvation Army Plus Job Network agency was partly exposed up to its humanitarian eyeballs in corruption as it engaged in illegal activities to divert over A$10 million from government. They repaid the A$9 million and are still in the jobs network. (Rewarding the crimes! Is it any wonder then AWB and the rest of ozzy bureaucracy is so inspired? The trough feeders!) This is equivalent to bank robbers handing their gains back after getting caught. Or, like the few individuals caught by Centrelink cheating the government for a few thousand dollars. Invariably they get convicted and often jail time. Another one of Howard’s religious mates Hillsong also got caught with its snout in the trough. And so on and on it goes. Howard’s old mate runs the Salvation Army!Australia it seems is now governed by a cadre the equivalent of the three wise monkeys!What do Centrelink, Australian Wheat Board, Austrade, Ausindustry, Jobs Network, NEIS, DFAT and a string of state and federal bureaucracies have in common? An entrenched insidious corrupt network of zealous bureaucrats and ex – bureaucrats! Underwriting their interests using vast taxpayer resources through a confusing complex array of schemes and programs, reinvented and recycled for the purpose.They are capable of creating any kind of so-called solutions to keep their budgets spent and to protect their jobs! Every week this network of public and private bureaucrats dream up something new to keep their vulnerable victims running around wasting time, money and energy to generate statistics for these counterproductive bureaucrats. An old-boys and old-girls network of bureaucrats and ex-bureaucrats.As the Cole commission is reluctantly exposing, Australia’s bureaucrats are a mafia and the whole bureaucracy should be exposed through a royal commission. Then what? Smaller and less expensive government of course!This network is underwriting their own extensive business interests and dual career paths using these billions and Australia’s elected representatives ignore it by constantly promoting skills shortages and other diversions including scapegoating the victims. Despite age discrimination laws discrimination is rampant across Australia and Howard (and Beazley and co) is in convenient denial. They would rather waste billions on useless counterproductive bureaucrats than use funds to create new industry, new jobs and new wealth. No surprises therefore the foreign debt keeps building.The bureaucrats have devised a range of clever statistics generating "solutions" to provide data that ABS ( Australian Bureau of Statistics ) uses to claim unemployment has never been healthier, which the politicians quickly use to crow about. The RBA governor claims at 5 % its as good as it can ever be (what else could he say? Although would anyone trust the opinion of an ozzy mandarin these days? Unfortunately it seems so.) Meanwhile a local academic – a rare example – suggests that unemployment is in fact over 10 %. Which would explain why the Centrelink mafia is still a growing empire with a growing budget. And also reduce the RBA governors version of the state of affairs to the humbug it is. Interestingly these two views were published on the same day in the same Fairfax Media newspaper, the Australian Financial Review, and apparently the content producers are not abale to join the dots in a basic attempt to explain the conflict. But of course this is not what ozzy content producers do, if they want to get a career and protect it. Conform to get in and conform to remain in. Anyone concerned about the nazi holocaust equivalent occurring again should wake up to the fact the same culture prevails in 2006. Perhaps it should be acknowledged as a fundamental flaw in human nature as a survival instinct, which means of course and inevitably such horrors will occur again and in fact have been in one form or another over the past 50 years. It seems governments anywhere are capable of anything to protect empires and the tyranny of the status quo, to repeat history and never to admit to having erred. The formula?Australian’s seem to have been so succesfully brainwashed over decades they believe they have a world class media that keeps them fully informed, which is probably certain proof of how efficient the brainwashing is.Massively inefficient (and corrupt) Australian governments now claim 50 cents of everyone’s dollar and this is an increase from 15 cents about 30 years ago. Or, from about A$20 billion in federal government revenue to over A$200 billion per year today. Given such a rate of growth and the dominance of Australian bureaucracy over every aspect of Australia’s democracy, where is it likely to end up in another 30 years? Seventy five cents in the dollar!?And given the laws that drive Australian bureaucracy to what extent is democracy itself threatened?(Howard’s little Hitler’s are using anything and everything to ensure they get every citizen with a national smart ID card, which is another example of the measures bureaucracy will take to justify growing empires and budgets.)Never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. The empires must grow at any cost.The solution is not so difficult, the execution however presents a challenge.


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