Aussies & SME’s Screwed Big Time
Media Oligarchs Politicians Mandarins Plot & Plan While Majority Pay
Humungous Economic Cost
Yet again Aussies have deferred the decision for their interactive digital TV to a handful of media oligarchs, politicians and mandarins. Technology illiterate politicians like Senator Coonan and her predecessor and now Ambassador Richard Alston (it pays to maintain the tyranny of the status quo) have maintained the governments full support on behalf of the media status quo but at enormous economic cost to SME’s and all Australians. As mostly a cabinet of ex conveyancing clerks, or lawyers if your prefer something more impressionable this should not be surprising. Lost economic opportunity costs are not of any interest to Aussie lawyers. Only wealth transfer opportunities! Your wealth to them and fuck wealth creation!! (And why we have a reliably growing $650 billion foreign debt.)
We will keep it brief but there are some other items about iDTV on these blogs that should be of interest. Australia’s SME’s are unnecessarily subsidising Telstra’s high service costs including the cost of a loss of over $10 billion in Telstra market value and the stifling of free interactive DTV among other short to long term costs. While Packer and Murdoch rake in your chips! This $10 billion among other billions we won’t detail here, happens to be a transfer of wealth to both from SME’s and the majority of Australians. (The humungous economic cost for example. And imagine how many new and real jobs $10 billion could create including exports? Instead of breeding more trough feeding public and private bureaucracy.)
Rupert get-them-by-the-short-and-curlies Murdoch is going to be talking privately to Howard about the need for a 4th TV network in a few days and of course he will be using some bullshit line about it making the status quo FTA TV networks compete. Of course Murdoch wants a piece of a new network and the free spectrum he can control in addition to the control he has over Telstra through Foxtel, to prevent delivering fibre to all SME’s and homes and thus the capability for all Australians to have free iDTV instead. Howard will be as usual accommodating at your expense.
It’s your choice by the way but if you keep ignoring this issue and accepting the media status quo’s propaganda you can expect to keep paying for all this and making the billionaires bigger billionaires while you watch increasingly more junk TV including more junk reruns of reruns etc (Imagine what it could be doing to your precious childs little grey cells? Among other things reprogramming comes to mind. And while Stokes slips 100% of Channel 7 into his pocket in case you haven’t noticed).
Do you expect the media oligarchs to use their old headed –for –the- junk- heap media assets to tell you they are stifling iDTV? LOGIC, what does it tell you? SOME PROOF you say? Well we have plenty but when up against the propaganda machine they have at their disposal it’s a bit like pushing the proverbial bog up hill. (We never realised how potentially brainwashed Aussies are thanks to this propaganda apparatus!) But at least read some of the other stuff mentioned. But here’s some good current proof. LISTEN UP! Switch on some of your critical thinking cells. What’s that? Got none? Persevere here for a few minutes.Murdoch, whether with Howard or anyone else, will never mention anything about the real priority, which is for a pure INTERACTIVE DIGITAL TV platform as the 4th license network. NOT another useless fucking 4th analog network at your expense! None of these old asset owning oligarchs will do anything to break the old boys network of old FTA-TV by invoking a digital platform. That’s the death knell for them! Once they did, or someone else did, the flood gates would be open and YOU would get FREE multichannel iDTV plus a few unprecedented economic benefits Howard, Packer and Murdoch could not give a piece of goat shit about. (Not more of the not free Free analog TV! That’s your choice.) And they would get flushed down the gurgler with their old assets that will go to zero value quicker than they are now. YOUR CHOICE amigos! This is why they must stifle your iDTV, so they have enough time to own and/or control it, while using their media assets to make you believe you already have it and all at your expense. This is why the introduction of what could be your iDTV is taking so long and remember this is a democracy where laws can be changed overnight. Yes laws can be changed overnight (it happened just this week for example regarding some laws relevant to Royal Commissions) but if you remain ignorant of this then your mealy- mouthed political representatives and their media oligarch mates can get away with delivering their agenda to you. And guess who owns the media or the same thing, the propaganda machine that never ever tells you what you are missing out on with iDTV? (Noticed that have you come to think of it?) And guess who benefits? No not you although this is the desired perception the media oligarchs and their political mates want. And who in their right mind could still believe what Howard says?This transfer of wealth from you and public assets (you know all about the free digital spectrum of course that YOUR government gave the media oligarchs that is worth billions, but they got for free? No!), worth billions has helped bankroll Murdoch’s global expansion and Packer’s casino expansion among a few other benefits.Aussies have been manipulated for almost a decade now about digital TV and to believe they have digital TV. This is a huge blatant lie which is easy to prove because it comes from the media that wants to own and control everything about digital before it destroys their old so-called free TV system. Its never been free by the way! Aussies are paying for all of this. That’s capitalism you might say? Then if so its communism dressed up!Aussies are then made to believe they also have telco competition which is another blatant lie because Telstra still controls the copper monopoly to each home and thanks to Murdoch and Packer’s control of Foxtel. This means state of the art broadband is impossible because it can only be delivered through fibre optic cables to the home with the support of analog spectrum freed – up to be digital spectrum. But of course you already know that one old network channel spectrum can carry at least 25 digital channels? But this also means homes could receive infinite bandwidth and therefore 100 plus channels of free digital TV. Therefore the old media mafia must stifle bandwidth and therefore fibre. Starting to get the picture now? Has the penny dropped yet? Now you know why Packer and Murdoch control Telstra through Foxtel and why it was never offered to others including foreign investors. These media oligarchs and the liberal and labor party mafia go way back. Howard loves Aussie mate-ship so much he wanted to put it in the constitution.
(We have something better that definitely must go into the constitution and its well past time for it. AN ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS
This is why they must prevent free multichannel interactive digital TV. So far they have been successful in this over the past 10 years and stifled interactive digital TV to all Aussies, including SME’s and this includes the Yellow Pages rip-off which must be maintained to keep the potential price of Telstra high enough to get rid of it and in the same way they and their greedy investment banker mates set Telstra T2 adrift on the market while shorting the stock so that they made out like bandits on the overpriced sale and the subsequent share-price decline. Conflict of Interest! Do we hear any shouts of CONFLICT OF INTEREST at this point?And there’s more! Lots-a-more!But let us know if you’re interested first. Given you are paying for all this and given the value of the old media mafia’s digital spectrum if auctioned, it would be economically more beneficial and with optimal public interest benefits if you supported AN ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS, dumped the old media mafia and paid them off, and settled in for superior near free interactive digital entertainment and the unprecedented economic benefits it will provide the nation.
Howard can retire to Xmas island and his cabinet of conveyancing clerks can be controlled in real time through one of these digital channels dedicated exclusively for the purpose; Packer can move to Macau and gamble his brains out with his jewish business advisers while using one of the digital channels for casino games; and Murdoch can basically retire to let the world move on to pure digital platforms instead of wasting shareholder funds holding it back.Australia will become a more economically diversified country and democracy will have prevailed.In the meantime there is a solution. And it’s a lot cheaper than what the status quo have been delivering for years. But you need to appreciate how much the status quo has cost you and is costing you and whether you want to keep on allowing them to get away with it or do something about it.
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