Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A New Political Party
The Economic Bill of Rights Party

The Economic Bill of Rights Party needs at least 500 members (preferably no lawyers but we don’t discriminate) to complete membership application forms (email us for the forms) to send to the Australian Electoral Commission office to qualify to become a party. This minimum of 500 is the minimum the political status quo has made law for any group to become a registered political party. If you would like to become a member of the EBR Party and create history and clean up and clean out the corrupt political status quo then this is your chance. Unless, of course you believe they are the optimal solution? (If you do then we can only suggest you do some serious research into brainwashing to establish whether you could be a victim. But read through some of our other stuff because it might spare you wasting your time attempting to discover the obvious.)What line of reasoning though, would make anyone believe such a thing?
You no longer need to say, But there is no party I want to vote for! And then go and vote for the status quo! (This is by the way one of the various reasons the political status quo will not change compulsory voting! And how they control your decisions.)Australians can no longer continue to bury their heads in the sand. The political status quo will only get more corrupt if nothing is done about them.Australia’s democracy and future depends on it. Not mealy-mouthed Costello’s budgets! (These budgets are cooked up by bureaucrats for bureaucrats and they have nothing to do with nation building. Costello is just their current mouth-piece!)
Do something for your nation, not the entrenched corrupt political status quo of trough feeders and their equally corrupt mandarins.We realize you have probably been voting for the same old mealy-mouthed political status quo in the past. This is nothing to be embarrassed and ashamed about because you have been manipulated to do so. As you have seen from the AWB wheat corruption, WMD, and more, the political status quo has become decidedly more corrupt and more unhealthy. WHY? Because you keep, illogically, voting for them you silly dunder-head, which is rewarding them for their increasingly unhealthy disposition and culture! Which encourages them to keep doing more of what they have been doing, at which point they start to smell like a sewer. (Refer to Mark Latham’s revelations if you need more proof). And they thank you by forcing an Australia ID card down your throat, which is only one example of many others.
But change and diversity is healthy. (Inbreeding is definitely not, as anyone should know by now. Again Latham has attempted to alert you to what your traditional voting decisions have now created. As he made off with his stash.)
Interestingly the political status quo and currently Howard’s mafia in particular, keep telling us that diversity and change is good for the nation and the people. But, whoopee, only if it comes from them the same old political status quo that definitely does not tolerate diversity and change! HYPOCRITES! If the labor party mafia were in power Beazley or his equivalent would be feeding you the same line of bullshit. (So when does some critical thinking among the majority eventually kick in?) Silly you, it’s their propaganda of course and curious how the media mafia never picks up on the contradiction.(A shortage of critical thinking perhaps?) But of course as we have explained elsewhere we should all understand why this is so by now.The EBR Party can be your payback. Don’t be scared of these bastards and the power they have thanks to your vote, that’s always been part of their overall strategy to control you and over decades they have been perfecting it but at your expense, including democracy.
Imagine, you could be one of the original EBR Party members? So when your children or grandchildren ask you what in heavens name were you doing during the era of the mealy-mouthed political status quo? You can show them your EBR membership.
You can donate if you want to support an Economic Bill of Rights. What we are doing costs some time and money and we need a Web site for it at least and such an important cause should have one. But maybe you reckon the status quo is a better investment and proposition? If so then ask the fat corrupt mealy-mouthed bastards why they never mention an Economic Bill of Rights. The looping chorus line would probably be, Never heard of it! Unlikely somehow, but this is what you are continually manipulated to keep voting for.


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