Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Australia’s Skills Shortage
Fact Or Fiction?
More Government Propaganda

Obviously the mandarins and the politicians are going to use every opportunity to generate the widespread belief they have been a remarkable solution to creating less unemployment. They have everything to gain by doing this and little or nothing to lose. And it is now becoming more obvious that they have, together, created this myth that Australia has a dramatic skills shortage and to the extent it has now been implanted across society to the point it is now self replicating. This is what all propaganda should do to be effective of course. Successive governments have been doing it more and more for decades as it always diverts the population’s attention away from critically thinking about and analysing the pack of lies they are constantly peddled by this corrupt vested interest.Centrelink yet again for example, and their vast incestuous and expensive public and private bureaucracy has devised many self replicating beliefs to divert the publics attention from their corrupt self-serving self-perpetuation. One in particular is now deeply embedded across society much to Centrelink’s delight. This is that at least 20% perhaps 30% of society has become dependent on Centrelink and is a form of burden on the rest of society. However some simple logic exposes this is one of the government’s main pieces of propaganda. That is as government claims unemployment has declined from 15% to 5% and also that they say there is a skills shortage, Centrelink and its networks of parasitic bureaucracy is still as large if not larger as when unemployment was at 15%. So on the one hand government claims to have solved unemployment and to boost this perception across society they have then implanted the perception there is also this skills shortage. But on the other hand they maintain this vast corrupt empire known as the Centrelink /Jobs Network as a large and still expanding bureaucracy.(We won’t cover the obvious devious use of it by Banana Republic Howard to transfer public wealth to a string of religious organizations to the extent they must also keep the problem going to keep profiteering. Solutions cannot be their priority because they would then not be needed. They, like Centrelink and the jobs network, cannot allow this to happen. They cannot allow full employment. Instead they must perpetuate their corrupt, counterproductive waste.)This also exposes Australia’s media status quo monopoly because they continue to peddle the government propaganda and never investigate the conflicts of interest government has in their efforts to remain in power and control. They are profiteering from government propaganda.It is also nothing short of remarkable that given Australia has so much bureaucracy for anything and everything that a skills shortage can become one because it has been overlooked by this vast enormously expensive, but apparently near useless counterproductive bureaucracy. What have they been doing with their vast resources for so long? And that they have completely overlooked it then it probably supports the case that government has produced it as propaganda. ( Or, get rid of useless expensive bureaucracy!) How could such a vast network of bureaucracy including 35 plus universities and who knows how many TAFE colleges, be so blind to the obvious? They were not and are not, therefore it has been something government cooked up to support their claims to solving unemployment and so on. In addition the mandarins used it as an opportunity to peddle another one of their budget spending schemes by inventing the need for more vocational colleges across the country and strategically located in marginal electorates. Their imaginative pork barreling is endless. It appeals to the corrupt political status quo, so the mandarins can easily sell it them and get another empire to build based on some dubious claim there is a skills shortage.
Most Tafe courses across the country and a lot of uni courses are often rarely classes more than 10 – 20 in size. After 6 months they often dwindle to less and so on. That is, current resources are not being adequately used. There are other more efficient and effective solutions for any so-called skills shortage but they do not include as much bureaucracy and the growth of their large empires, so they are never peddled by the mandarins or mealy - mouthed Aussie politicians.


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