Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Centrelink Psychos and Ozzy Little Hitlers
More Nation Building Bureaucracy?
Or Runaway Gravy Train?

Australia’s bureaucracy is driven to empire building because of two laws and which we have included elsewhere in this and other blogs. That is: Never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. The empires must grow at any cost.
(Pissing it up against the wall is preferable to losing it and downsizing your empire and then losing your job as an ozzy little Hitler.)No one has any idea (how convenient) what this corrupt network of government and private bureaucracy has squandered over the past 10 or more years (like the wheat crimes) and not even government but they keep the show going. This is what the two laws demand. And of course we all know about Parkinson’s Law! When combined, corrupt criminal bureaucracy becomes a formidable increasingly blind force and therefore a threat to society and democracy as it resorts to any means to protect and grow empires and budgets.In the process of finding schemes and plans that can be used to dissipate a budget – instead of not spending it and risking losing it – the bureaucrats must call on all their creative abilities to arrive at one or more plan they can use for this purpose. Naturally given they are all mainly products of Australia’s universities this is a challenging requirement but over decades they have aligned themselves with a vast network of public and private bureaucracy to extend the possibilities. (The wheat crimes are the result of a more fundamental problem which is bureaucracy). The universities are one of their most important partners in this endeavour as they have reached a critical mass where they not only cannot pay their way as they have grown their empires but need to milk any source of funds they can find to insure their empires can be maintained. (It is no coincidence that UniSuper is the largest single pool of superannuation funds and engages in insider trading to insure it produces better returns.)A recent advertisement exposes the extent of this relationship and the depths they will go to insure their respective empires and budgets are perpetuated in mutually beneficial alliances that feed of government funds. They produce nothing and there is no identifiable return on investment, juts lots of promises and hype.
Not surprisingly the Centrelink Mafia is at the centre of this “creativity” and it is becoming entrenched as a reliable trough for this army of self-serving parasites to the extent in probably can never be dismantled. This is the main reason Centrelink continues to grow despite the governments dubious claims that employment has declined from 15% to 5%. As mentioned elsewhere any organization would be downsizing with this kind of obvious reduction in services result but not your good old ozzy bureaucracy. It in fact grows and this of course is what gives it away as a typical self-serving bureaucracy of parasites and conforms to the two laws as expected. But back to the example of creative bureaucracy.
As yet another means of extending and growing their empire and blowing their budgets they are increasing the number of psychologists they employ although they are already the largest employers of this professional group and have no proof they are a good return on investment. One of the reasons also has to do with the fact that like lawyers Australian universities have continued to produce far too many and there are large numbers of them unemployable, which again confirms another reason why Australia cannot identify skills needs, shortages and remedies. Remedies before they develop into failures.
Therefore to keep these professionals employed and the university empires intact and even continuing to produce more of them, the mandarin mafia and its extended networks including into universities has devised a plan to claim to need more psychologists across Centrelink. They will pay them between $45,000 and $65,000, so they can maintain a lifestyle befitting an excess of university educated unemployable professionals.
They justify it this way and anyone who is or has been a victim of the Centrelink mafia and as fodder to keep it rolling should understand what government and the Centrelink mafia parasites think of them.
Centrelink states that their customers (you as their necessary 3rd world equivalent fodder) “have diverse and complex psychological barriers to social and economic participation and lack intellectual, cognitive (thinking), behavioral, personality, clinical and many other socially undesirable traits.”
Next time you see an advertisement about Centrelink and the Centrelink mafia urging you to “support the system that supports you”; realize they have a vast corrupted unaccountable empire that ironically to protect its vested interests needs to claim you are some sort of psycho case. This is another example of government needing to subtly scapegoat a certain percentage of the population and their fellow citizens so they can gain a majority support for justifying living off them. Full employment for example can never be one of their priorities and in fact cannot be tolerated by these parasites. Protecting their empires and their jobs –preferably for life – is their main and only priority.
All Centrelink and Centrelink mafia “customers” are subject to what the government dictates yet the Salvation Army Employment Plus, Hillsong and many others in their network are able to fraudulently and corruptly rip government off for millions and no legal action is taken. Once again there is one rule of law for government and their profligate corrupt bureaucracies and another for the unrepresented citizens.
But this same form of scapegoating a percentage of society is exactly the same as the scapegoating and isolation perpetrated by Hitler and his Nazi regime during the mass exterminations 50 years ago.
If one chooses to undertake sufficient analyses one can identify this common necessity across most if not all bureaucracies once they are established. Unfortunately it can also be shown that the Australian media mafia avoids any such comparisons and as occurred 50 years ago, also fails to join the obvious dots. As a media monopoly they are dependent on government not to change media laws that will negatively impact on their businesses and asset values and in addition they profit from large government advertising spending.
The TV advertising for example, by government, that emphasizes Centrelink and for its “customers” to support the system that supports them. In fact the victims are the fodder necessary for the vast corrupt Centrelink network to remain intact and even grow despite the fact and as claimed by government that they have reduced unemployment from 15 % to 5%. This means there are now 10 % fewer Centrelink “customer” so why is this empire still being funded and maintained at the level it was when unemployment was at 15%.
Because their jobs, corrupt networks and empires are the first priority not the citizens. In fact this vast web of bureaucracy needs the equivalent of a small local 3 rd world be maintained forever so they can keep this empire intact and growing each year.
The newly hired psychologists though are unlikely to ever see their role in this light. Once these previously unemployable professionals become Centrelink mafia insiders they are not going to do or say anything that would jeopardize their yearly $50,000. It’s easier in fact to support the Centrelink mafia and if that means marching their scapegoats into gas chambers then if it protects their status, so be it.And many people still ask can it ever happen again! This psychology is a constant therefore the answer is obvious. Groupthink does the rest and as we continually find, including the growth of the Centrelink mafia over decades and the wheat crimes currently.
Bureaucracy has a growing social cost as it resorts to any means to survive, unfortunately it and they are rarely exposed and challenged. Except when it’s too late.
Bury bureaucracy before it buries you!
AN Economic Bill of Rights Now!


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