Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Coonan’s Media Plans No Plans…

Media Mafia Maintains Status Quo…
ACCC Cops-Out…

Also see http://4idtvforum.blogspot

One of things they all have in common of course is Australian lawyers whether as politicians, regulators or economic impediments to nation building.
Coonan got the media baton from Alston and will now be looking for someone to pass it to as she prepares for her retirement from politics and a gravy train payoff like Alston. Meanwhile Australia slips further and faster behind in the once wonderful leading opportunity to develop and build a world leading interactive DTV platform, free and profitably deliverable to all Australians.
Australians should also understand that this media mafia is not going to use their media assets to explain what it is Australians have lost. You won’t for example get fully informed through any of the analog TV mafia broadcasters like C9, C7, C10 and their regional networks, WIN TV and Prime.(It is in fact a unique narrowcast as it so limits what Australians are fed as any propaganda machine would.) This mafia and their assets remain continually protected by the government of the day. In the past in was the labor party mafia now it happens to be Howard’s coalition. (And you thought the wheat mafia and their corruption was the only thing the government is protecting from exposure. Full exposure is now the Cole cover-up.)
The print media is part of the media mafia and also will not be using their print assets to fully inform Australians about what they are losing or probably after 10 years have already lost.
Coonan and Howard are running a media mafia orchestrated propaganda line and the majority of Australians will be effectively bamboozled by it.
The government with your billions on tap and the entrenched profiteering media mafia are a formidable wall of propaganda you are not expected to be able to individually challenge.
However there is a way.
Firstly every Australian should by now be demanding a 4th national digital TV network. In a democracy there are ways to make this happen, including voting for those who will deliver it, but if apathy prevails it will not happen and the media mafia and the government therefore will do anything and everything possible to attempt to insure Australians remain less than fully informed about the subject and apathetic about the delivery of a 4th network.
Secondly an Economic Bill of Rights that would amend the Australian Constitution is an imperative if Australia wants to maximize benefits now and for the future in this regard.
A democracy allows both of these imperatives to happen. If the citizens can manage to get more and better informed about both. The media mafia and the political status quo will prevent the majority from achieving one or both if possible. It’s in their vested interest to do so. One for power and its perpetuation under their control. The other for profit. They have a mutually beneficial alliance to do so.

We would like to hear from anyone wanting more information about both subjects and their imperatives.
Two years ago Coonan was in the Finance portfolio spruiking over the media about her knowledge and expertise in all things financial to consumers. She is now an expert about digital technologies and their economics. She knows little about either except what a network of sycophantic dual career path corrupt bureaucrats and media mafia lobby trolls and representatives feed her.
The latest media coverage about the government’s plans for the media mafia (them) can never be objective. They are too corrupted from decades of highly profitable deviant government support to be able to assess and report on the optimal public interest benefits of these new digital technologies and their economic benefits.Remember they are owners of old legacy assets that they must protect at any cost, especially from the digital threat. And they have reliably been aligned with the political status quo for decades. This is not about you and maximising public interest benefits. It is about the tyranny of the status quo.
It’s your choice. Use it or lose it!
It is now or never for 4iDTV and Australia’s unique hardware and software digital opportunity now and into the future.
Are you going to leave it all up to the status quo and a bunch of self-serving transient mealy-mouthed ignorant politicians and their nameless faceless mandarins?


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