Howards Cronulla Contribution – Government Propaganda Backfires?
Who Benefits?
As the Ozzy media status quo goes through the usual politically convenient exercise to get to the source of the Cronulla rampage, they yet again expose themselves as being programmed to avoid identifying and exposing government as the cause. Don’t bite the hand that feeds, just convey the impression.
Howard is the trigger and it should be obvious. How so ?
It isn’t difficult but it clearly is for the media status quo as decades of being the profiteering propaganda machine for successive governments has defined their concept of what an open media encouraging diversity of opinion means. Australian’s over decades of this media monopoly have become programmed to accept their narrow view and version of the world, now believing it is the best that can be achieved in a free and democratic society. Such is the power of propaganda!
Howard and his coalition sycophants have spent a number of years, especially since 9/11 constantly and relentlessly attacking the Mid - East and of course people of Mid - East appearance, for obvious reasons. Eventually this self - serving and orchestrated propaganda is going to do what propaganda and brainwashing are designed to do. In this case to eventually confirm to the Anglo-European Ozzy that it will be acceptable to turn on the source of much of what Howard and his cabinet (of Ozzy lawyers) view, for political expediency, as the scourge of everything these cunning cocooned political manipulators convey as being worthy of being called civilization.
It clearly shows how racist elements in the community are prepared to take advantage of such situations to further their own interests. Particularly politicians and bureaucrats. Naturally enough as anyone in advertising and marketing would know (and employed by all of the political status quo at your expense) the message will sink in and in this case it has with the added benefit the politicians and bureaucrats at many levels, including state, can use the results to justify bigger empires, bigger budgets and greater control over society. (For example they have by now lost just about all credibility on their expensive, boof-head war on drugs and needed a new reason to justify bigger budgets and empire building. Communism more or less is attempting to adopt variations of capitalism and so on. Thanks for saving my career and empire al-Qaeda! Numero uno bogey – man!)
The detonator as it were has been the new laws to fight terrorism. There was a long drawn out subtle but relentless government PR campaign and build up to this event and when finalized there was the appropriate additional government propaganda to attempt to prove how necessary they were. (Don’t worry folks we want you to get your moneys worth). Of course terrorism as it is now understood through media manipulation, has been a boon for governments and many bureaucrats must be secretly grateful it happened along to give them an open cheque book on expanding their empires and increasing their budgets. They are now in full flight and anything goes. It is an unprecedented opportunity for the political status quo and the gravy train of bureaucrats (the insidious new class) and their empires to gain even more control over the masses and no opportunity is being ignored. They now see it as a unique opportunity for an ID card, biometric passports and other such documents, compulsory or nearly so, psychometric testing, and more.Howard has proven time and time again that he is either a pathological liar or deviously cunning in his manipulation of and contempt for the Australian people.
The Cronulla clashes occurred because of Howard and his relentless self - serving propaganda. And it should be acknowledged. This is your leader! To divert the publics attention from identifying this he and his coalition cowards then immediately scapegoated anything and everything in sight including the state labor party mafia over deliberately manipulating resources to the eastern suburbs areas, which happens to be the coalitions electorate.
Then to quickly use the free to air TV propaganda machine in typical style and enthusiasm and claim oz is not a racist country. This is what the result is after decades ensconced and encased in the political cocoon that is the political status quo. Anything Howard knows about the Australian people he gets fed to him through layers of sycophants with dual career paths their priority.
As they say in the USA, and in this regard, he probably wouldn’t know his arsehole from a hole in the ground. But that he persists probably says more about Australians. And of course voting for the labor party mafia as a solution would be rewarding them for Howard’s and the coalitions prevailing status. Clever country indeed!
Remember the laws bureaucracy lives by: never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. The empires must grow at any cost. Even at the cost of democracy and free speech!
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