Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Monday, March 13, 2006

Australian Bureaucracy, Pork Barrelling and More Corruption!

This Is 1998 So What’s New In 2006? It’s The Culture!

Is Your Business Competitor Getting Secret State and/or Federal Government Funding?

The labor party has a history of corruption but given the large sums spent on state industry assistance year in and year out and the fact NSW has consistently remained the poorest performing economy over decades and is also not a diversified economy although there seems to be no limit to what bureaucracy can cook up to survive and dissipate budgets. (But notice NSW is at the top of the list at $316 per head, which is an interesting correlation, like so many the labor party mafia at local, state and federal have produced over decades to the extent one would have thought such a blatant devious waste of money might have attracted the odd Phd candidate. Nada!). Maybe the liberal party opposition at least, given their steady PR concern about the people of NSW, could raise a squeak about the return on investment value. Nada! But as all opposition parties are consistently silent about this SRD waste and corruption despite the research proving it, it seems there is really no opposition, unless they all happen to be ignorant of SRD, or perhaps simply too gutless to do what they are elected for. An opposition that is in fact no opposition. So why are they in parliament? For the cruise of course! Although it seems the state coalition has not realised they need to get hold of an equivalent slush fund to be able to get into power (unlikely under the circumstances), or eliminate the slush fund altogether. Nothing like choice but only if used. This would solve many problems and level the political playing field not only for them but other parties as the labor party mafia would no longer have its slush fund nor any party. And in the process because the army of public and private bureaucrats also living off this $316 plus per head exist because they are, according to their PR, so remarkably clever at picking winners, they could go to town at their own expense (no doubt the banks and others would be queing up to fund such astute enterprise and entrepreneurship) and create a large number of new businesses with new jobs, exports and wealth. The $316 plus per head could be returned to the citizen stakeholders who could then decide whether they wanted to consume or reinvest in nation building (and not corrupt bureaucrats and theri perpetuation), and with these astute ex bureaucrats and so on. Enterprise! The benefits are obvious: Fewer public and private bureaucrats and their increasing corruption; all political parties equal in terms of no unaccountable secretive slush fund thereby leading to a more healthy democracy; a positive ROI instead of a negative sum game outcome; SME's not undermining other SME's; And so on. Or maybe they all believe they are a lot sharper than say a bunch of economists in the Industry/Productivity Commission (who never go as far as they could so in effect they have from self interest corrupted the profession and the commission), and the odd Nobel Laureate (no ozzies sorry but maybe now you know why). Basically the network of public and private bureaucrats are now so entrenched around this industry assistance trough no politician has the guts to expose it let alone challenge the value for money. But it is clear the other parties would have a better chance of achieving government and in the process contributing to nation building and perhaps a 5% plus economic growth from all of the enterprise instead of 2.5% if you're lucky. Productivity and efficiency indeed! Or perhaps the status quo as it exists simply resists change to the bitter end. Argentina is a recent example of what happens. Curious also how none of the academics at 38 universities across Australia will touch the subject. We are aware of how this wasteful and corrupt system works and will be publishing descriptions with analysis in due course ( if you want it in a hurry or would like to contribute please email).Some journalists employed by the media monopoly have made various attempts over about a decade to expose the show but they risk any sort of career prospects if they take it too far. That is take it to where any democracy should take it. The media monopoly oligarchs however won't tolerate upsetting the poltical status quo (profits and asset protection etc ) and so they cover it according to their version of diversity of opinion, which is of course not diversity of opinion.Both the labor party and the coalition at state and federal level are as equally protective of this massive pork barrelling trough and allow it to continue for obvious reasons. And Evans wheazing about a "direct and flagrant breach" is typical labor party hypocrisy. Evans is now ensconced in Paris living off the proceeds.It's because of the kickback opportunities to party coffers and politicising and compromising SME's and businesses across the state that the political status quo keeps industry assistance going. The bureaucrats have devised all manner of typically devious ways to prevent the public getting information about who the beneficiaries are and so on. From dubious claims to confidentiality, Privacy laws, competition and competitive neutrality and so on. Truly banana republic stuff. Of course and as usual, with this kind of money the bureaucracy is a mafia and will resort to anything to keep control of the trough. Why not when they have succeeded so well for 20 years or more and with party support. They both do well out of it. And again of course if the state is performing poorly economically then that means there is always unemployment and this means Centrelink and other bureaucracies can continue to live off the many spinoffs, including crime and so on where more prisons can be justified, (and the media oligarchs can use them for TV shows and the pols and bureaucrats can get more propaganda mileage and so on),more police and so on in a virtuous circle of bureaucracy. ...Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.”...As for "undermining public faith...", well first the public have to know about it and with the media oligarchs in your pocket and their content producers and their careers in your cross-hairs, the public gets the usual now familiar mushroom treatment.


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