Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Keep a Bureaucrat Employed
Australia’s Gold Medal Suicide Tally
Part Of Australia’s Homegrown and Necessary Slice of 3rd World
Support The System That Supports You

During the Howard coalition governments tenure Australia’s suicide rate has broken all previous records and over the past 5 years has reached 12,312. This is a remarkable achievement by any measure and deserves to be recognised worldwide as such. That it isn’t more widely known is probably because Australian governments have the reliable profiteering Australian media monopoly to protect them against closer scrutiny on this and some well deserved exposure. And many other issues of course, we are attempting at last to remedy to some extent given limited resources, which successive squandering governments can be grateful for. During the labor party mafia’s tenure from 1982 through to 1996 their national suicide tally was half this or less over comparable time frames.
But the popularity of Howard and his coalition government correlates nicely with this gold medal result. To the extent they have voters giving them unprecedented control of federal parliament. This could be interpreted as the Australian people rewarding political parties that have such gold medal credentials and contributing to weeding out the herd. And with the National Party farmers such a wonderful component of the coalition, culling could be being pushed as desirable for national security and so on.
And the future of Australia as a nation and so on according to Howard.
Some families have even sacrificed 2 of their offspring and this is apparently happening on a more frequent basis.Of course the academics and bureaucrats in true ozzy style have latched onto this gold medal performance as a source of funding and careers. Once again, with their infinite capacity to spin off all kinds of useful solutions. Getting a budget and an empire going for example. A think tank perhaps? (They got A$40 million for a Bureaucracy For Depresssion!) That only and typically thinks selectively for purposes of producing more propaganda! And we know what that means in Australia. (If not see some of previous.) Anything to dissipate budgets to keep and grow empires and so bureaucracy expands as does the stupidity and waste. And corruption, its cover-up and more propaganda!
Although the blackout includes government data, it is probably the case that the victims are mainly vulnerable already and supporting a string of bureaucracies as solutions meant to prevent it. We hope to discover this eventually, like many of the gems the treasure chest of government data contains that is collected at the public’s expense but restricted from the public domain. Democracy indeed!
Another gold medal tally that should make all Ozzies proud, in true cop-out fashion. How about a word from the sponsor! Via free to air analog TV of course.


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