Howard Must Protect Criminal Government
Australia’s Dual Rule of Law System
Howard Godfather of Cabinet-Bureaucracy Mafia
Australia’s corrupt and criminal government is being protected from deeper investigation and exposure by Prime Minister Howard and his cabinet of Ozzy lawyers. The media status quo in Australia true to form and type does not seem to have picked up on this yet and the interesting contradiction, and after 3 months of the Cole Right Royal Ridiculous Commission already. Of course they are now publishing the fact that this government of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats has known about blatant criminal activities of this cohort for years but only because the Cole inquiry has put it into the public domain. Of course they also stick to their loyalties and avoid deeper investigation and, including of their convenient neglect of the topic, as this litany of criminality could have been exposed years ago. It was touched on about 97/98 when the ANAO was compelled to do 2 typically flakey audit reports on the meat industry equivalent. The ABC went so far as to produce a documentary about part of it and claimed to have been doing a marvelous investigative story. In fact they avoided the main story which would have taken them further and to the heart of this culture throughout government and its corruption. Australian’s of course believe they were being served by ABC. Fooled again!
Howard and his cabinet (all lawyers by the way and in case we haven’t mentioned it before) are confident they will be able to fob off the majority of Australians and with the help of their media mafia mates. (The more they assist government in this the more government supports their media monopoly and its perpetuation as it comes in mighty handy when the public needs to be quickly manipulated.) There will also be no, or minimal wrist-slapping, accountability in the end and the show will move on. Will it happen again? Of course it will but these scumbags will use this experience to enhance their model so that it will never be uncovered next time. And Howard and his cabinet will all reward themselves – at your expense of course – with all kinds of rewards until they are dead and buried. No one will have the backbone to do a book and/or doco on the true story and Australian democracy will sink a bit further into the sewage and swamp that is the Australian political status quo and their vast network of devious bureaucracy.
Over decades the mandarins have devised a complex system of peers protecting peers and their political mouth-pieces, to insure the public rarely gets wind of the depth and extent of their combined corruption, to the extent it can be said there really is no one watching the watchers. Has anyone noticed the stream of youthful executives from bureaucracy appearing at the Cole inquiry? Some corporate memory but also part of the mandarins’ strategy to protect themselves and remain nameless and faceless. And spineless! Apparently this is the cream of Australia? Hang together instead of hanging alone!
There are two other issues the AWB wheat crimes raise. One is have there ever been direct and indirect kickbacks from the kickbacks and other devious arrangements, paid to any of the politicians and/or bureaucrats in any form of currency either in Australia and/or overseas? For example many of the DFAT bureaucrats have means to bury treasure offshore and which has been a rewarding feature of DFAT/Austrade for decades and continues with impunity. It’s the culture! The other is why this possibility refuses to get covered by the local media mafia and the Cole commission. That’s a hard one!
Howard and his cabinet (Ozzy lawyers and just what kind of oath do these shifty bastards take to qualify anyway? The same one no doubt as the mandarin mafia? Including the code of silence !) must persist in this game of attrition that they are playing with the voting public who put them their to lead (Ha!), because they know that they will beat them down yet again as they always do. Eventually Australian’s will become sufficiently bamboozled and bored and will be flicking to the sports pages a lot quicker until eventually they will accept whatever their leaders (Ozzy lawyers! Wake up voters! ) tell them. Howard being the pathological liar he is and cheered on by his cabinet (Ozzy lawyers in case you weren’t aware.) will relish cooking up a stream of propaganda to explain why there will be no court cases (recall a court can drag more out into the public domain and we can’t have that know can we?) and there will be a series of studies done to find the best solution for the wheat industry and its marketing that will be the best solution for the Australian people and blah! Blah! Blah! Another blow to democracy!
So anyway where is the ANZAC spirit when needed? Or is that just an ongoing versioned feature of their propaganda?
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