Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ADF Iraq Fatality
Accident or Suicide?
Another Government Cover Up?

Is the Australian media engaged in yet another cover up with the government of the possibility a highly trained ADF soldier might have taken his own life while on duty in Iraq?. There is a pattern of suicide across all branches of the military but it seems more prevalent in the Army and Navy. Defending his nation for the likes of Banana Republic Howard and his corrupt cabinet mafia makes this loss of life then, an overwhelming tragedy? In light of the rapid (all too convenient) media coverage, does anyone dare now to question the governments version? After 10 years of their insidious propaganda and lying perhaps this young man and the nation deserve the truth as bitterly tragic and painful as it might turn out to be. Is Brendon Nelson MP peddling the military line or more of the Howard coalitions wretched propaganda, which these days is probably the same thing.
It seems unlikely such an accident occurred as this government and their media sycophants have quickly claimed it has. Highly trained soldiers in active duty mode don’t make such precise mistakes.A suicide in Iraq might turn out to be a serious embarrassment for this government and its politicized military. Especially on ANZAC day! And typically they are going to use the media mafia to push more of their lies onto the public.
The great myth about Australian individuality is that Australians do not tolerate it. The cult of individuality that is supposed to be a unique characteristic of ozzies has been nothing more than government propaganda for decades. The culture that dominates all aspects of Australian life requires one to be a member of a group. (It dominates the media monopoly mafia and the political status quo for example.)If you are not part of some group then you are suspected as being a dangerous threat to the values of Australian society and therefore the status quo. The most prevalent forms are probably directly and indirectly part of the political and bureaucratic status quo. The next might be sport. Universities and so on are another. The military of course! To become a member of a group one must first prove that one conforms to the demands of its culture. Once accepted it is necessary to continue to conform or the group retaliates. Anything government of course has a specific culture and a range of filtering systems are in place to ensure only mainly conformists get in. (Thus the wheat corruption and its lack of accountability as one example of many.) Psychometric tests are either blatantly or cunningly applied to ensure mainly conforming recruits are accepted. These are the main Aussie values thanks to a self-perpetuating political status quo and their vast counterproductive corrupt bureaucracy? And their combined propaganda paid for as usual by the productive majority.One of the benefits of an economy that is limited in its diversity and still has in reality a high unemployment rate is the military can discriminate extensively and cherry pick its recruits. (certain family backgrounds are typically culled and rejected early in the process) However there is bound to be a percentage of their acceptable recruits who eventually realize it is not the life it is promoted as. Unless you happen to be the officer class which cruises through life brainwashed to the eyeballs about their superiority and what legends they are and the prospect of being consultants for corrupt commercial entities like Deloitte and many others.
The defense bureaucracy of course is one of the most consistently inept and corrupt with a reliable track record of project failure and lack of accountability as it ironically continues to increase its budgets. Rewarding failure! Deloitte and its ilk reward insiders to get them closer to this trough.
Once again another bureaucracy that conforms to the two reliable laws of Australian bureaucracy: That is. Never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. The empires must grow at any cost. Even if it fuels a counterproductive military and industrial complex that undermines more valuable entrepreneurial wealth creation whilst growing more bureaucracy! But this insures the web of empires is maintained indefinitely under any pretext.
For example consider South Korea’s creation of a world leading bulk carrier ship building industry over the past 30 years and now worth over $25 billion a year to them, while Australia, too clever by half, basically closes down its existing steel shipbuilding industry – that was mostly dependent on military contracts to survive – and creates an uncoordinated aluminium multihull ship building capability that is once again dependent on military contracts. Defense and many other related bureaucracies like Ausindustry, DFAT and so on are now living off this fragmented and relatively small industry. Once again ensuring they are able to protect their empires and grow their budgets while fueling the expansion of the military industrial complex that insures global instability and conflict.Economically more diverse and committed wealth creating economies like Japan and South Korea could be reliably included in assisting in regional but modest defense commitments instead of a small nation like Australia bankrupting itself while deluding itself (with the help of corrupt public and private bureaucracy) it is some sort of big gun in regional affairs. Although these successful nations are probably quite content to watch Australia dissipate what industrial capacity it has left, to go slowly but steadily bankrupt over decades and pick up any assets they choose at fire-sale prices. (Australia’s foreign debt is now around A$650 billion thanks to this strategy and government leadership.)
It is this leadership and vision that the majority of Australians blindly support and fund over and over again. Once again proving how efficient the propaganda is that they also fund successive governments to feed them. The clever country indeed!


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