Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Friday, April 21, 2006

Banana Republic Howard
AWB Ballot Box Issue
No Prime Minister

Prime Minister John Howard is now claiming that the coalitions AWB criminality (the Australian government /UN – Iraq wheat corruption) is a ballot box issue to be resolved by the Australian people. A cunning cop out that lets the coalition and Howard avoid doing more and the courts. Unfortunately they are going to buy this and eat it. By the next election of course the whitewash will be complete and the ongoing propaganda so cunning that most Australians will have basically, as planned, forgotten about it, or typically will be so indecisive and unable to critically assess the whole affair and its more insidious implications will likely continue to vote for Banana Republic Howard. But it is not solely an issue for the next election, because the systemic culture that has allowed this corruption to go on for decades quite simply still remains and in fact if there are no charges and convictions including long jail terms then this will mean the criminality – as expected – will have been rewarded and this will further entrench the culture and the mandarin mafia with the political status quo will consider it yet another confirmation and example of the extent of the control they have over Australians. (The whitewash has now taken a decisive turn that seems to indicate it is on the home run. The loyal local media mafia is promoting the fact – increasingly buried and in small print - the AWB received legal advice from one of Coles’ QC mates that their corruption did not break any laws. Conveniently Australia has no relevant laws in this area unlike the US. And the Howard cabinet mafia is 90 % lawyers!) Make them eat cake takes on new meaning! If Banana Republic Howard pulls this off (like the lies about GST, WMD, IR, children overboard -Tampa etc) you can kiss a bit more of your precious democracy goodbye. Be alert !
It is also noteworthy that the media status quo has not joined the dots and picked up on the possibility of this dominant systemic culture across governments remaining unscathed to do what it does so well. Unsurprisingly they choose to agree with Howard as part of the cop out that assists in slowly burying the wheat issue and thereafter until the next election, contributing to peddling the propaganda necessary to perpetuate the political status quo.
For this traditional sycophantic loyalty Howard (and/or Beazley) will ensure the media laws are developed to insure the media mafia continues as the media mafia as it stifles Australia’s economic development in this area and beyond. It is therefore imperative to attempt to communicate these issues to foreign media publications in the hope there will be sufficient respect for diversity of opinion to lead to exposing the always too convenient local gaps that, however and unfortunately, Australians have come to believe is being fully informed. In the same way for example, they have come to almost blindly believe free to air TV is free. Good propaganda works! Unfortunately the majority of Australians continue to blindly pay for it.
Another area where the local media has again failed to join a few dots is in the area of employment where Howard and his coalition are continually crowing about their success in this area. How reliable is this claim? China’s growth has led to an obvious demand in resources so Australian governments are typically riding on China’s economic performance but using it to promote themselves as responsible which is equivalent to claiming they are responsible for China’s progress and so on. Japan, India and other nations throughout the region are also contributing. Again clearly Australians have a high tolerance for hubris and humbug and disregarding the consequences. (Is Howard a pathological liar or just a victim of corrupt political power?) Such as the wheat corruption and more! But a recent report from Australia’s productivity Commission on government regulation, its growth and cost exposes another source for Howard’s so-called success in employment. This government has created more government. Over the past 10 years regulation has increased rapidly and even conservative estimates indicate compliance costs are tens of billions of dollars a year. Again though the local media has failed to investigate further and for some of the obvious cause and effect relationships.
Solution? Consider supporting Your Economic Bill of Rights ( and not only get rid of the likes of Banana Republic Howard after 2 terms but in other ways also, including his cabinet mafia mates, Downer, Vaile and co without their pensions, and jail the bureaucrats, the mandarin mafia.
Naturally the last thing they want is an Economic Bill of Rights as they continue to perpetuate an outdated model that breeds unaccountable criminal corruption and more government that allows them to enrich themselves out of all proportion to their contributions! Some would say, What Contributions?More reasons why an Economic Bill of Rights is so important!


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