Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Friday, April 21, 2006

Crude To Test US$100 & US$125?
West Stupidly Triggers Opportunity?

Crude oil could be set to test US$100 a barrel and once it penetrates that price it could then test US$125. Crude oil is now the WMD and interests across the Middle East are probably planning to emphasise its range of direct and indirect damage. When a devious liar like Prime Minister Howard starts his most recent media opportunity about high fuel prices in Australia by declaring Iran is developing nuclear weapons, it might be expected they will be encouraged to do whatever they can to drive the crude oil price to unprecedented levels that will have an increasing impact on the USA and their allies economically. Iran might consider shutting off their production for a short period to achieve that end and to goad deputy Howard and Bush. If other oil related events occurred simultaneously they would extend their reduced oil exports to give it greater impact. Other determined interests would likely be attempting to correlate their activities with any such action by Iran (not necessarily coordinated by Iran although the propaganda the USA and its allies spread would emphasise their involvement) to maximise opportunities that would cause more pain in the west with their energy dependent economies. Their most important target would be a significant attack on any major oil installation in Saudi Arabia. The bigger the success of such an action the greater the increase in the price of crude and if it happens to significantly interfere with production and exports, or both, then the price will perhaps test US$125. As it rises in price it provides a greater incentive for groups to become more aggressive and to take higher risks, in Saudi Arabia or as one example, a spontaneous activity in the Malacca Straits or vicinities to compound the opportunities.
Howard of course hasn’t paid for his own fuel for decades and won’t ever take the blame for anything and in the case of oil it is usually the oil companies as the scapegoats but now he can get a double benefit by scapegoating Iran, peddling Bushes propaganda about Iran developing nuclear weapons and also blaming them for economically damaging high oil prices.
Israel meanwhile continues to develop their established nuclear weapons capabilities and with funding from the US of course but also from Australia among others. Naturally this is bound to goad interests across the Middle East to achieve some sort of balance. For example pursue economically damaging high oil prices and establish their own nuclear energy capabilities to further conserve their depleting oil resource the west is so dependent on. Given history and under the circumstances a not unreasonable national interest strategy.


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