Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Solution or Parasites?
Centrelink Jobs Network Mafia

New Big Brother Card

As expected the bureaucrats and Howard’s cabinet mafia (the only thing missing out of Howard’s gloating conveyancing- clerk cabinet- mafia media lineup were the black uniforms and boots) have gotten their new ID card empire up and running. It will soon be a card every Australian will have to have. Only anyone brainwashed and with a preference for ignorance would believe otherwise. This first stage is just their experimental stage and as usual their guinea pigs are the weakest most dependent group in society. The usual scapegoats! (The stuff of ANZACs?) As mentioned elsewhere Centrelink and their jobs network mafia (and other bureaucracies) are systemically corrupt (why?) and will do anything to keep their empires intact and growing if possible and at any cost including democracy. Most of the large population of rank and file little Hitler’s are the pawns of the mandarin mafia and also the union mafia. The union mafia and therefore the labor party political status quo are aware of what’s going on in and with this and other bureaucracies but remains silent because they must be seen to be protecting their union members and more so when they are a weak shadow government. Howard and his cabinet mafia and politicized mandarins are well aware of this conflict (because Australians do not seem to comprehend that diversity, lack of in this case, is as relevant in politics as it is in investing and the media say) and are able to get away with anything. (see Australia’s Socioeconomic Cleansing) We have also pointed out that Australian bureaucracy depends on the two laws that keep bureaucracy always growing.
Never under any circumstances give back one dollar to the people of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. That is always keep government growing. They must grow their empires at any cost to protect their jobs, careers and pensions.If you are interested in exposing this vast self-serving counterproductive bureaucracy, its corruption and waste (and it is enormous including human capital) please indicate whether you would support our efforts as we have a large body of research but insufficient resources to put it all online. No doubt the bureaucracy and the political status quo are more than pleased to hear this. Or do you prefer their endless propaganda fed to you by their media monopoly mates and that you pay for? (Why do you think you still do not have universal free digital TV? And how much has it cost you and the Australian economy?) Most Australians seem to be afraid to challenge the ethics and morality, among other things, of this army of authoritarian unaccountable corrupt little Hitler’s. (Been intimidated by any of these bastards lately? Had your ID card number tattooed to your forehead yet? No! Penalise that miserable piece of fodder! Watch out for the ID card number tattoo watchers. Is that an official tattoo?...). Again this is what they want but you will continue to pay a higher and higher price for it if you do not act. It is also a cop –out to leave the demanding work of protecting democracy and rights up to others. And don’t be fooled the political status quo and their mates has this as their priority.
As mentioned elsewhere it is a question why Centrelink and their entire public and private infrastructure continues to expand when government claims unemployment has declined from
15 % to 5 %. The answer of course is that this vast secretive corrupt public and private bureaucracy has no intention of downsizing but will do anything to maintain and grow their empires and budgets to protect their jobs and status and private business interests being underwritten by government. This is what you voted for? The perpetuation of an army of self-serving devious counterproductive parasites who need the equivalent of a 3rd world problem to exist to live off! They are now a deeply entrenched systemic vested interest bent on survival at all costs. But you should know understand why the labor party mafia shadow government says nothing. The democrats are supposed to have been keeping the bastards honest but they are as equally corrupt. The Greens are no better. Independents are useless.
Individually and collectively this political status quo has no innovative core purpose relevant now and for the future. Except to survive as elected representatives for as long as they can to maximise their life indexed pensions and other perquisites when no longer in government!There is also still no sign that the federal police or public prosecutor is going to charge the Salvation Army and Hillsong for their fraud, embezzlement and theft of government millions.
(We can arrange for anonymous contributions if that is your understandable preference.)
Support our publishing efforts and an Economic Bill of Rights. It’s your democratic right to do so. Use it or lose it! Or kiss your democratic paradise good bye!


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