Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Australia’s Media Status Quo
Fully Informing You?
Or Propaganda?

Each year about 45,000 card carrying union members and plagiarizing media content producers get together and tell us via Australia’s narrowcasting electronic and hardcopy mediums about all of the wonderful work they are doing keeping 20 million Aussies fully informed, while less than a handful of media oligarchs site back (in tax sheltered bliss in offshore tax havens) and laugh all the way to the banks as they marvel how easy it is that so few can control so many for such easy money. We owe this state of inefficient economic affairs to the federal government of the day as one of the media “owners” and Packer’s and Murdoch’s nation building propaganda machine while corporate empire building legacy.Packer often said that he only ever had one Bond come his way, but this is not correct. Successive Australian governments have been far more generous and valuable than any Bond could possibly be. Murdoch would agree of course as he used the governments ongoing reliable and stable largesse as a resource to go global and using basically the same model in other countries, mainly the UK and USA.
Packer used this reliable government business mainly to build gambling franchises issued by the same government network of mates. The governments of course get to use the media resource for propaganda to manipulate the 20 million. This is also why the labor party mafia and Howard’s cabinet mafia of mediocre conveyancing-clerks will never change the laws in a way that jeopardizes the status of the media oligarchs. The public interest benefits are irrelevant which is why you continue to not get universal free iDTV but believe you have it and all at your expense. It is believed the 45,000 understand most of this but naturally enough aren’t going to jeopardize losing a ticket on this gravy train by exposing it. Thus their yearly publicized get-together where they all praise one another and give each other medals. It obviously works of course because the majority don’t seem to question it, or why they still don’t have universal free iDTV but still have the media oligarch’s old analog TV system. As the majority you vote for this monkey business. (Have you noticed how they all coordinate the slow fade – out of the wheat scandal as one of many examples? Events like Beaconsfield are a wonderful diversion and in fact if they didn’t just happen, this media/government mafia would make something up to act as a diversion.)If you believe that what you are continually shoveled almost 24 hours a day from this incestuous mafia, is keeping you fully informed, then you might also marvel at how efficient the propaganda is and has been over decades. And ask the question, Have I been brainwashed?


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