Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Australia’s Political Status Quo
Free Riding Failures In Common

Or Nation Builders?

Given the labor party’s failures after 13 years in government and therefore the creators of the tyrannical and corrupt (forgot about the WMD lies and the wheat industry corruption already have we?), Howard coalition and their complete control of parliament why would anyone logically vote for labor? Where’s the logic? The old failures or the innovative new with a core purpose?
(Support a world first an ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS amendment to the Australian Constitution to clean up the corrupt political status quo and their corrupt infrastructure of bureaucracy and more. Democracy, free speech and economic prosperity for all Aussies through wealth creation and not wealth transfer, now depends on your support.
Voting for labor means they are going to be rewarded for having failed to do what they were supposed to do as the previous government for 13 years and having created the corrupt weaseling Howard government as a result. The same could be said for any of the minor parties in parliament. The democrats got into government claiming they would “keep the bastards honest” but of course they turned out to be just as flakey as the 2 main parties. Then there are the Greens and they like the rest still have not found a core purpose apart from free riding on the environment. Independents are just that and in the final analysis are wasted votes. They all have two things in common and that is they are responsible for the creation of the Howard dictatorship and therefore the politicization of a more corrupt bureaucracy and, have power and control with the perquisites, over the majority. Their main common priority has always been to do what they have been doing and to perpetuate it forever if they can. But Howard’s coalition got control of parliament because of this self – serving political philosophy and their free –riding has now been exposed. Little wonder they all essentially follow each other around like a bunch of mindless sheep while trying to convey the impression they are representing your interests. A form of Gresham’s law in politics where bad politics drives, or successfully keeps out, some good politics because the status quo is incapable of anything but mediocrity and its perpetuation. It must have a compounding affect where it also includes increasing more and more of the counterproductive bureaucracy if this dissipating mediocrity is to survive. (The AWB/wheat corruption for example and the perpetrators walking away with their rewards is one of many examples of how deep Australia’s government sewers have become. If nothing is ever done about it then it continues to get worse and threatens democracy.)
The opposition element of the political status quo must now attempt to recover their status but for voters this would be folly given their failures created Howard’s success so why reward them for it by voting them back into their previous status. It isn’t logical!
Voters now need to consider the logic of continuing with Howard’s corrupt tyranny and its threat to democracy (the Australia ID Card among many other things, and their most recent assault on democracy is to reduce and limit the number of Senate Committees, which are the peoples main access to monitoring and criticising any government through the associated protection of Parliamentary privilege from any prosecution) or rewarding the equally corrupt labor party and their opposition counterparts, for among many other things, creating Howard and his divisive lying government, mainly made up of Australian lawyers which is also something they have in common with the labor party in particular. The Aussie media monopoly and its media mafia can also be held partly responsible for this as they manipulated the majority for and on behalf of Howard and his coalition meaning the majority were not fully informed as usual and installed the less than honest Howard bastards. We know that Australia’s legal profession is the most unhappy profession in the country and therefore we now know why they opt to become politicians. Who wants to be a wretched legal bureaucrat and conveyancing clerk when you can get a ticket into rich unaccountable corrupt government? (Consider how may Australian lawyers you see unemployed and rolling up to the Centrelink mafia parasites’ offices! None and that’s because as a closed and secretive card carrying society they take care of their own and when they have their own in government and power their prosperity is assured). Why do you think they cooked up the GST and IR laws among many others? (But notice the striking avoidance of changing media laws that would allow you free multichannel digital TV! Doing so would upset the established propaganda apparatus in a way that they cannot predict nor potentially control.) For nation building or to keep an oversupply of lawyers in full employment and the lifestyle they seem to claim a birth right to? A no - brainer as they say. Getting into government gives them power and riches and a protected network they would never have less of a chance of in the commercial world, although they have some pretty crafty wealth transferring networks there.
The choice is easy enough and of course why Australians have handed their democracy over to the Australian legal profession and bureaucracy needs a complete answer. But you first need to ask the question. Again continuing to vote for the status quo is in the final analysis no solution but simply perpetuating the past. Everyone should know by now what happens when history keeps getting repeated. You end up with Howard or the labor equivalent. And do you really believe Beazley will change anything once in power? They will do anything to get back into government. Why it keeps being recycled is because they are collectively the status quo with no core purpose except to white ant each other as corrupt vested interests while the majority ignore history – and logic it seems – as they trot off to vote again for failure and its expensive perpetuation.What you should do when you vote is consider a new party with a core purpose that includes reducing government not continually growing it and its cost; nation building and wealth creation that is original and does not simply depend on the wealth creating vigor of a nation like China to happen and get used as the claimed successful economic leadership by Howard and his ilk whether liberal or labor or the rest of the free riders called peoples democratically elected representatives.
A telling recent example among many of which is truly 3 rd world is Malcolm Turnball a lawyer and wealth transferring capital market manipulator who essentially bought himself a membership in Howard’s parliament (and you thought it was still the peoples), while claiming to have placed his non-wealth creating business interests in a trust that he claims not to influence, by basically buying a seat in an electorate in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.Australia over the past 50 years but especially the past 20 has become a country dominated and ruled by deeply entrenched corrupt and corrupting hierarchy of vested interests (no surprise lawyers are at the top of this heap always clamoring for more troughs) and as the governments claims on everyone’s dollar have increased from 15 cents to over 50 cents now the government troughs have had to be expanded to feed more of the wealth transferring snouts. This is what you vote for and allow yourself to be badly governed by as the entrenched struggle at your expense to remain entrenched and prevent innovation and competition (we won’t elaborate here) to ensure their own survival and its priority including maintaining protection for the necessary propaganda apparatus in the form of an insidiously entrenched media monopoly and its media mafia, which ensures free iDTV and free telephone calls get stifled.
The EBR Party has a core purpose in an Economic Bill of Rights. It can be used to clean out the stables of the entrenched vested interests and build wealth creating innovative democracy. Either that or perpetuate the proven corrupt failures, the political status quo!IT’S YOUR CHOICE! While you still have it.


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