Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Australian Governments Sell-Out Oz Future
Local ICT & iDVT Industry Stifled & Blocked

Ethically Bankrupt Corrupt Leadership

As Australia’s interactive DTV continues to be driven backwards by the media status quo, the ICT industry generally, and software specifically, is being silently moved offshore as the ICT deficit continues to grow from $2 billion 20 years ago to $25 billion now and rising. As one opportunity after another is missed throughout a continuing digital technologies industry trend line unprecedented in any industry in history, governments keep on squandering billions and opportunities. They are now peddling biotech as the new solution to somehow show Australia can commercialise innovation. After decades of lack of success this is delusion as usual.
Why can’t Australia create an eBay, Google, Microsoft or any of many more that have been created and now worth billions over the past 3 or even 4 decades of digital technologies? We now know the answer. EMAIL:bsqwatch@yahoo.comIt’s past time the real story was disclosed so that the perpetrators are exposed. Who could they be? Technology illiterate transient politicians, mandarins and the media status quo vested interests. BUT it is what is happening to iDTV that is now vitally important and to all Australian’s, SME’s and the nation into the long-term.
Our unique independent research over more than a decade easily proves what the economic cost has been and is for the majority of Australian’s, for SME’s and for the ICT/iDTV software and hardware industry. IT’S BIG! The cost has been and continues to be enormous. But it is so big for iDTV that it would be more cost-effective for all 20 million Aussies if the digital spectrum was auctioned off on a use it or lose it basis. It is not too late! (The direct Telstra T2 and voter shareholder losses today are now over $15 billion and this money alone would have been enough to setup 4iDTV. The lost opportunity cost is probably much greater.) However the handful of old media monopoly oligarchs and their heirs like James Packer would have to compete in a purely interactive digital environment. And they would lose on a level playing field without government protection that costs every Aussie and SME. You have the entrenched political status quo to thank for this humungous ongoing failure and its ongoing successful cover-up, which we are attempting to expose on a shoe string budget. But with 4iDTV, 20 million Aussies and SME’s and the nations economy would benefit enormously.But who has benefited the most from preventing iDTV? Less than a handful of media oligarchs, (and a few of them rarely live in Australia but reside in offshore tax havens instead as they get digital technology illiterate thug managers to run them as absent analog TV license owners) and their political backers. They are also completely ignorant of the economics of digital technologies, because convergence has never been possible before until the past 10 years. Is this worth the price? NO!The majority of Australians should stop and consider how come with such a unique and unprecedented opportunity as iDTV, the same old analog media oligarchs like Murdoch and Packer are also dominating digital, but to hold it back so their old media assets won’t get buried. But 20 million Aussies and SME’s are paying for it now and will pay even more in the future.
Support 4iDTV if you want free or near free, state of the art iDTV, instead of what Murdoch and Packer and their gutless Machiavellian government backers decree you get, including the mandarins who are more focused on their dual career paths than any wider long-term public interest benefits. The government claims that competition is their priority, and they have big expensive bureaucracies (mainly jobs for lawyers etc) like the ACCC to prove it but with ACCC full of more lawyers and with a track record of not doing anything about the media monopoly, it is clear it’s all about form and no substance. But what else can be expected from Australian lawyers and bureaucrats as long as they maintain and grow their counterproductive empires and budgets. (Even the taxpayer funded Productivity Commission produced a report about 8 years ago that clearly stated the old analog TV network monopoly was economically inefficient. But the government has made sure they now remain silent on the subject and like good Aussie bureaucrats they have obeyed. Notice that out of Australia’s 35 or more “intellectually independent” universities there are no academics exposing the media oligarchs and the cost. No backbone.) The ACCC generates a lot of self-serving hype but in the last analysis the ACCC and their various offshoots (another big extra cost for holding Australia back while keeping plenty of lawyers and economists employed), represent the media monopoly oligarchs to make sure competition is prevented and history proves it time and time again, including now. The media oligarchs and their media mafia of course do not and cannot tolerate competition. Sure they look like 3 to 5 networks competing (the ABC and SBS bureaucracies keep quiet as they cruise in the background protecting their empires) but this is the monopoly’s strategy, BUT none of them will break ranks and push for 4iDTV. The first one to do so will be the nail in the coffin for all of them. And so long as they have the ACCC and full government backing to maintain the economically inefficient and enormously expensive old analog media license owners, they prevent digital and competition. BUT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HEAR ANY OF THIS FROM THE MEDIA MONOPOLY AND THEIR MEDIA MAFIA.
Australia is supposed to be a democracy and you therefore have a choice, which is being denied by the nation’s rulers. Us it or lose it!ARE THESE entrenched absentee MEDIA OLIGARCHS –and their heirs and digital economics illiterate thug managers- FIT AND PROPER PERSONS TO HOLD and operate BROADCAST LICENCES THEY CONTINUALLY ABUSE. This and more is why old analog TV is not and can never be free as they always claim, which by the way is misleading advertising (on their media networks), which the ACCC for one never challenges.
Lying to government and the public about needing ALL free digital spectrum to be able to give Australians iDTV! (Which raises 2 questions: was government that stupid or were they just being their usual accommodating available for old media mates? They get an accommodating propaganda apparatus in return as usual. The old Aussie mateship tradition! You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.) Then, also sitting on this multibillion dollar value spectrum for a decade doing the absolute bare minimum,(the laws never included the obvious condition that they must use it lose it, and how convenient is that?) while they deliberately squander the nation’s economically unprecedented digital opportunities to save their own investments. (As we have said elsewhere, Analog networks are digitals worst enemy!) Not only with the governments full support as they cop-out of any real public interest benefit changes to the broadcast laws, but also subsidizing these media oligarchs using billions of dollars of taxpayer’s funds. The solution for this is now clear but don’t expect to hear it from the media mafia and government, because between them they must keep Aussies in the dark. UNLESS!
4iDTV now or more of the same old analog media mafia? Over 50 iDTV free or near free channels now with enormous national economic and export potentials into the future or, 5 tired old economically inefficient analog channels that will and should already, be buried anyway?
Whether they are fit and proper can be challenged. Again, it’s your choice. Incredibly could 10 million to 20 million Australians believe that what they get now from the old media mafia is the best there is? It isn’t, because logically they must prevent the best there is to survive. But only with the support of Machiavellian Howard and his cabinet mafia of lawyers or their labor party mafia equivalents (and anyone who believes any of the promises the labor party is making now to get back to power should look at history). And to what extent has this digital neglect and failure contributed to the nations growing foreign debt of $650 billion? Any support is welcome, including copying or emailing this to others. The entrenched media status quo and their misuse and abuse of public assets in the form of spectrum, and public interest benefit laws, needs to be exposed, made accountable and quickly converted to state of the art multichannel iDTV.


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