Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Saturday, July 29, 2006

KPMG Is Pushing The Australia ID Card
Another Corrupt Arthur Anderson
Profiteering Partnerships Bandwagon

Most people don’t know what democracy is until they’ve lost it! What are you going to tell your children or grandchildren when they ask you what contribution you made to fighting the tyranny of the status quo and their parasitic destruction of democracy? Well fuck all as a matter of fact if history is any guide!
The Howard government and their sneaky sleazy corrupt politicised dual, career path mandarins (we are being polite and perhaps it is all that is to be expected from the creation of over 35 corrupt self centered self serving universities) are quietly pushing ahead with the big brother Australia ID Card. KPMG has been appointed as an outsourced service (in between advising Westpoint Group among many others, about how to avoid ASIC’s threats etc) to ensure this privacy - violating undemocratic piece of computerized plastic is embedded into every Australian.(No doubt we can soon expect its justification presented to all by KPMG’s resident propagandist Bernard Salt through the News Corps, The Australian newspaper (Keeping The Nation Informed?). They are like one of their previous competitors Arthur Anderson, no more than a bunch of profiteering corrupt partnerships connected to their networks inside government with their greedy elitist snouts stuffed into as many government troughs as their insider network can cook up. With their ever present help! These profiteering partnerships are riddled with ex-mandarins and politicians and as members of the tyranny of the status quo they have little if any regard for privacy and democracy. Never have never will! (These plagiarizing innovation - preventing –unless-we-can-get-on-the-profiteering-gravy –train - elites and their government trough feeding networks consider the rest of Australians are a bunch of, if -they -can’t- eat -it, can’t -shoot -it, can’t- fuck- it, they’re not interested fodder. Something similar to what Hitler and the Nazis thought and obviously so did IBM at the time.)ICT monoliths like IBM are linked into this profiteering network and of course we all know their history with Hitler and the Nazis is still part of their business model. KPMG is happy to benefit from it for a share of the take!So you think you live in a democracy? Such is the power of the propaganda apparatus you have been made to believe is free entertainment. Or perhaps these elites are correct after all? NOTICE how your wonderful media monopoly is avoiding the Australia ID Card issue? Easily explained why!


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