Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Aussie Policeman Rape Aussie Policewomen
Government Minister Zips Up
Police Chief Studying His Code of Conduct Handbook

The true Aussie culture is once again exposed for what it is. Hypocritical packs of predatory parasites! At the NSW police academy in Goulburn, an unknown number of cadet policewomen were forced by their male course instructors to have sex or fail the course. This is rape and worse because the police are meant to be ethical people society depends on to catch criminals. This gang of thugs was well organized and the rapes have been going on for years. And how many police across the state have known about this pack of rapists and for how many years and none of them reported it. This police force conspiracy should be something society can consider as a threat to them in many other ways, not just the systematic rape of their daughters. And have the senior commissioners and their political sponsors got the guts to take legal action and more or do the police know they haven’t got the guts to clean it up? They therefore know they can get away with anything? What other criminal activities have they got going across the state and nation?
More proof of Australia’s 3rd world culture.Some ethnic youths of “mid east appearance and origins” were jailed for life recently for gang raping two teenage girls and occa Aussie society went berserk, and started a war in the suburb of Cronulla as a result. They targeted ethnic youths of “mid-east appearance”.So we now also have some more serious double standards and it looks like occa Aussies reckon its okay for occa Aussies to rape occa Aussie women. The government does anyway as they are doing their utmost to do one of their spineless cop-out cover-ups.So what’s going on here? What version of rule of law is this? Selectively make it up as it happens.
The police commissioners will do what any 3rd world equivalent would do: They will protect there own at any cost and including pumping out propaganda and all at your expense. Aussies will eat it up of course and as usual because after all and in the final analysis they created this sewer and would prefer not to take responsibility for it, so they help the status quo bury it by pretending it is “fixed”. The status quo of course understands this and has the propaganda apparatus primed for the purpose.The cop-out NSW police minister is none other then the career mealy mouthed corrupt Carr government politician Carl Scully. (Obviously a product of the typical corrupt labor party mafia branch stacking. Why would any rational person keep voting for the dogturd?) Someone who has not made a contribution in over 10 years as a labor party mafia politician and takes out more than he has ever put in, and will continue to live of the majority when he retires “for personal reasons” with his indexed for life pension. That means say 2 of the Aussie majority will be needed at all times to work to support this scumbag for the rest of his life. For having contributed zero while being nothing but a corrupt labor party mafia number. And are you working to pay for corrupt Carr’s lifetime pension and hundreds more of these parasites. Some like Gary Nairn, Ian Causley and others are collecting 2 government pensions. One from state government for being state members and another when they retire from federal government. It might be tolerable if they would have ever contributed to nation building in some tangible way but they haven’t. They are typical political status quo parasites. It’s past time for a change!No doubt Scully and his entourage of yes minister flunkeys will need to do a world study tour to see how other nations’ police fuck their female associates on a regular basis and get away with it. Lets see, UK in time for cricket, Germany in time for soccer, Italy in time for anything, USA in time for a range of things and so on.There is a solution:
Power to the people!


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