Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Australia’s Machiavellian Monkeys
Terrorists in Trees and Tea-leaves
Reds Under The Bed Syndrome

Prime Minister Howard of Australia is either a devious chimpanzee constantly reveling in his political monkey-business trickery or is so swamped by yes minister mandarins and their 15 minute briefs he is completely controlled by them as the nations chief chimpanzee. This wouldn’t be so bad if these monkeys were being paid peanuts but they aren’t. They treat themselves like royalty and ruling dynasties and make sure they are kept in luxury for life. The chief chimpanzee has been so detached from the majority of Australians for so long – 3 or 4 decades at least – that he seems to believe he has achieved great nation building things. Leaving out the happy coincidence that China among others decided to go capitalistic on capitalism. This delusion is probably encouraged on an hourly basis by the army of flunkeys and sycophants protecting their easy money stupidity
“For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them, and too little time to think between fifteen minute appointments and thirty page briefs. This leaves the field open to protective stupidity, Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer, which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.”
…(And how clever do you have to be to fuck Telstra to the extent they have and somewhere a direct cost to you of $20 billion in cash in about 2 years! In case you haven’t noticed! And how on earth could so many not notice $20 billion plus? Anyone out there awake? And they call this nation building! Chimpanzees you want chimpanzees you have got! And by the way it now looks like they have undermined Telstra’s market value so much it won’t be possible to flog it to the masses. However their solution for this is to put it into a Future Fund created by chimpanzees for chimpanzees. In other words did the scumbags plan to undermine Telstra to that extent for this reason? Not bad for chimpanzees! And by the way the Chairman of the board is none other than one of their own thugs, technology and tech economy illiterate Donald McGauchie who reckons he is a nation builder after putting the boot into the wharfies and milking the wheat board scam as a wheat grower. Lots of ag mafia mates in this bunch in case you haven’t noticed! So he would go along with any plan that fucks over the masses/majority. He also holds a board position on James Hardy the asbestos weapons of destruction of the masses company, and expects to get a 50% increase in his board pay now. Once again you vote for chimpanzees you can expect to get them but unfortunately not at peanut prices. Its get rich time and it only lasts for as long as the next election. So they hump it for all it’s worth.)
The worlds greatest Treasurer (another one again) Costello’s view of the world now includes the possibility that “islamo-terrorist zealots…” want to rule Australia and destroy what we have. Maybe start with the lawyers! Now where this scatter brained insight came from is anyone’s guess but more than likely it came from somewhere like the Australian University (ANU) where some ex bureaucrat has gotten a gravy train position as a terrorist expert and has used it for self promotion by running it by Costello’s sponge. Good for propaganda too.What could they destroy that the status quo hasn’t? Exploding bombs aside! They could destroy the army of parasites like government bureaucracy. They could do something about getting more diversity into politics and getting rid of the entrenched political status quo and their corrupt culture. They could do something about a lot of things. If they were serious about democracy they could fund a new political party like the Economic Bill of Rights Party just to see if it has any legs. No chance which is why you will have to fund it and if you care about democracy. But wait on isn’t this what Australia’s democracy is supposed to allow for but denies, and for reasons kept from the masses through an insidious propaganda apparatus? The tyranny of the status quo! You’ve got the chimpanzees you deserve! You should be more alert?
Costello and Howard and their cabinet of lickspittle boot licking cabinet bureaucracy, now reckon there are terrorists in trees and maybe in their tea-leaves as enthusiastically as the reds under the bed syndrome of not too long ago. Of course the Aussie mandarins and bureaucrats are milking this “islamo-terrorist” threat for all its worth and then some. They have never had such an open cheque opportunity for empire building and are going for it hammer and thong. Many of them are moving out of government into firms they and their mates have established using government money and there will be more profiteering bureaucrats and ex bureaucrats made millionaires in this era than ever before. Not statistics your ABS wants to collect and expose though. After all they expect to boost their take from this heist.Expect a new multimillion dollar funded university department “islamo-terrorist strategic institute” etc. Should suck up a few more ex mandarins and keep them out of the Centrelink offices. Too bad there isn’t a university department for exposing Centrelinks corrupt gravy train of parasites and their ability to avoid economic efficiency. With unemployment now around their statistic of 5% there should not be a reason to keep funding and growing such a bureaucracy that was servicing 15 % unemployment. But notice there are no Aussie academics from your wonderful 38 universities jumping onto this economic anomaly? Intellectual freedom indeed! (The same bunch who will write the new “but unofficial” history of OZ!) No mandarins and any number of so-called experts have zeroed in on it. No guts government funded little Hitlers? All protecting their spineless Aussie arses. Any wonder Australia has never been anywhere near getting a Nobel laureate in economics. And never will!Anyway stay alert for “islamo-terrorists”. And if you are found not carrying your soon to be issued Australia ID Card, you could end up detained indefinitely as one of them.


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