Dictatorship By Bureaucracy For Bureaucracy
Australia’s Little Hitler Culture
Bury Bureaucracy Before It Buries YOU
This dictatorship knows that 95% of Australians will do in the future what they have consistently done in the past. Which lot do you belong to? The 95% or the 5%?
Building a nation with counterproductive RED TAPE! Another Aussie oxymoron!
Australia’s bureaucracy is driven to empire building because of two laws and which we have included elsewhere in this and other blogs. That is:Do anything and everything possible to get a budget and then do whatever is needed to increase that budget. Always spend a budget even if it means squandering it and never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved. The empires must grow at any cost.
Australia’s army of parasites are out of control! Australian government regulation and bureaucracy is now estimated to cost the nation A$86 billion a year. Who benefits from this unaccountable corrupt bureaucracy? Conveniently for this army of government bureaucrats there are no accurate estimates of the total cost to the economy and business of this growing red tape bureaucracy and its national culture. The opportunity cost for example. The corruption for example. The slow erosion of democracy. And more and more counterproductive always expensive self-serving Aussie bureaucracy. What has this insidious wealth destroying bureaucracy cost Australia and Australian’s over decades? It is our goal to find out and expose it for what it is before more damage is done.Australian Bureau of Statistics for example crows about its necessity to the nation and its contribution (what else are career parasites going to say?) but in fact it is just another entrenched self –serving bureaucratic empire that threatens and intimidates Australian citizens as and when it feels like it to create work for itself and to justify its existence. Curiously Australians never question if this ABS bureaucracy is such value for money as they claim, then why is health, education and so on always such a mess and does anyone really analyse their closely held data. Curious also that given the public pays for it and owns it the data as not available in the public domain unless you want to pay thousands of dollars for it. Cost recovery these pigs call it but their cost could be eliminated and done more efficiently without them. Just do what the media monopoly propaganda apparatus and brainwashing tells you to do! Lemmings! Fill out those forms you brainless Aussie drones. Don’t be fooled by the propaganda the ABS is not about nation building it’s about building their empires and their dictatorship over the 95% and enriching themselves in the process.The ABS statistics and data are used by government as another means of controlling the lemming like majority of Australians. The ABS bureaucrats represent the rest of the army of Aussie little Hitlers and their entrenched political sponsors. The media monopoly as the convenient propaganda apparatus pumps out whatever the government pays them to pump out. The power of brainwashing!
In addition they conveniently are unable to even inaccurately estimate the cost of red tape to the nations economy. ABS is little more than a permanent sink-hole for more of the product of Australia’s 38 universities who with many other layers of expensive self-perpetuating bureaucracy haven’t been able to figure out infrastructure problems before they occur. The ports and airports bottle necks, the skills shortage, broadband imperatives and a lot more but of course that isn’t their individual and collective purpose. They are sink holes for an excess of production from 38 universities, too many TAFE colleges and so on, and the vast parasitic layers of bureaucracy they support. These plagiarizing tertiary education bureaucracies conform to the demands of whatever the political status quo government of the day requires and for them to milk it for bigger budgets.
There are other statistics gathering bureaucracies and empires also, like ABARE, and between them there is still no way to accurately estimate the red tape cost. This is how Australia’s army of little Hitler parasites prefers it. (How much did ABS pay Ernie Dingo to peddle their lying devious propaganda? And so they could blow some more of their budget and claim they need more. The usual chorus line. While they prop up their media monopoly mates by using government advertising to pay them off as they then kickback a percentage to the government of the day to keep them in power to keep the ball rolling.)Of course we don’t want to encourage more of them by pointing out this information gap because being true proven Parkinson’s Law parasites they will latch onto it and get budget increases and build their insidious empires bigger than they now need to be. But this is now the Aussie culture. And used by their political sponsors to entrench their power and control over the Australia majority.But on top of this excess and dissipation of A$86 billion (???) a year there is also the fact governments now claim over 50 cents of everyone’s dollar, up from 15 cents only 30 year ago. Federal government revenue in 1970 was $15 billion and it is now $200 billion. We won’t include state figures but the growth is similar. For this contribution to the nation and its $650 billion foreign debt and growing, this army of little Hitler parasites and their entrenched political status quo sponsors, has now rewarded themselves with the proceeds of the coming sale of the remaining 50% of Telstra by putting it into their Future Fund which is the mother of all slush funds and dedicated to paying bureaucrats and their scumbag political sponsors their well earned (so they reckon) pensions. This is something of communist or Russian proportions but Aussies are too controlled and fed constant propaganda to figure it out let alone do something about it. Such as AN Economic Bill of Rights!For example we have ASIC the national corporate regulator failing investors who continue to lose billions of dollars through corporate failures, getting an extra $355 million for their budget to “protect investors”. ASIC is now over 1400 bureaucrats from zero in 1992, and is costing Australians over $100 each per year and growing. They are always singing the Aussie bureaucrats’ anthem that they don’t have enough money to do their jobs! Aussies never question this. ASIC is just another example of the bureaucrats getting rewarded for failing. Not only that but it is a regulator that can never protect investors because of massive conflicts of interest. Just ask Westpoint Group investors or any of many, many others over decades and ongoing.They have cooked up another little bureaucracy as a spinoff that will keep a growing army of little Hitler parasites employed indefinitely instead of leaving solutions to the market which is what Howard and his mealy mouthed cabinet of mediocre Aussie lawyers claim they represent (propaganda of course as they keep on growing bureaucracy). By the way Howard and his ilk have not paid for their own petrol for years. You have been paying for it, so don’t expect any relief in this regard. This is something called “understanding money” and it has not been explained by anyone in government of course and as usual. Apparently they, like the ATO, have got themselves a nice starting budget of $50 million ( The ATO bureaucrats have been sitting on $25 million for years planning how they can use it to educate consumers about investing. This new one is another group of bureaucrats who have gotten another $25 million to do something similar.) Bureaucrats of course are using this money to underwrite their dual career paths and agendas based on their claim they will help investors avoid such rip-offs as Westpoint. Of course they don’t explain that government bureaucracy contributed to the $300 million Westpoint corporate failure. This conveniently gets left out. Once these secretive unaccountable parasites get this little combined empire up and running their objective will be to build it into a new empire that they can suck off forever. Meanwhile and yet again, privately developed innovation with competitive market solutions and export opportunities can’t get funding. No doubt whatever these sneaky government scumbags and their network cook up they will use government resources to underwrite their commercial priorities. This also stifles Aussie entrepreneurship and its development. But this is understandable when Australians choose to be ruled by Aussie lawyers and mandarins. And on and on it goes! (Notice how the mandarins who created the ID Card opportunity while in government have now quit and gone to work for the companies the government is going to use to produce the ID Cards. This is what the parasites do.Whether its airports, Telstra or many more, they enrich themselves by being government insiders. Just like Russia or any other 3 rd world oligarchs. But in the process stifling real entrepreneurship.)Just recently we find another little empire that has grown from zero less than 10 years ago to 190 now and which is a growth of 40 per cent in bureaucrats and a budget increase of $14 million to $35 million in 2 years. This is Austrac and no doubt it is full of Aussie lawyers and other product from Australia’s 38 universities who would be unemployed otherwise. So the mandarins and their political sponsors create another little empire and throw $50 million at it so they can all get their snouts in and pig out while the majority of Australians don’t even know it exists. Is it value for money and does it save as much as it costs? No one knows and no one will ever no as these parasites march on and on. Nation building indeed! But once again Aussies persist in being ruled by corrupt mediocre mandarins and lawyers. Perhaps this is because the brainwashing is so effective? There can’t be any other reason.
The little Hitlers’ next big killing will be the Australia ID Card, but as we have attempted to point out elsewhere Australia’s army of little Hitlers is unstoppable. If Australians woke up and created an Economic Bill of Rights it would be possible to stop it but then again this is a big ask under the circumstances.Meanwhile: “For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them, and too little time to think between fifteen minute appointments and thirty page briefs. This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer, which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.”
Australians call this nation building! While Microsoft and Oracle as 2 of many foreign examples laugh all the way to the bank. This is what Australians have created as Australia’s protective stupidity marches on and is now out of control. Clever country indeed! Or was that innovative country? Or was it lucky? Or… what’s next?Australian’s have been brainwashed by successive devious governments to believe this is all nation building stuff when in fact it is never anything more than an army of expensive elites from too many universities protecting and building their respective empires to control and live off the majority of Australia’s. The “uneducated” drones! Are you one? They are corrupt and unaccountable and eventually will become the dominant dictatorship that rules Australian’s every hour of the day.Within a short time this vast expensive profligate insidious corrupt web of now public and private bureaucracy will blatantly rule Australia more than Aussies can imagine. (Because they have been manipulated to believe it can’t happen in OZ. Fooled again!) Particularly when they have the Australia ID Card. You have a choice use it or lose it!Bury Bureaucracy Before It Buries YOU! But have you got the guts for it? If history is any guide probably not.http://economicbillofrights.blogspot.com
There highest priority is always to maintain and perpetuate their infrastructure of corrupt unaccountable wealth dissipating bureaucracy. Their empires at all costs! Your cost not theirs! Are you going to continue to sit by and watch this dictatorship grow until it takes over all aspects of your life? Australia’s devious bureaucracy can justify anything they do because they are organized with huge government tax revenues to fund them. You are not! Unless you support an Economic Bill of Rights. If you don’t then the cost of this dictatorship will continue to grow until we will not be able to publish and free speech and democracy will only be their prerogative. You get the brainwashing and the delusion of democracy. And the implanted Aussie ID Card. Ignorant brainwashed gutless suckers?This dictatorship knows that 95% of Australians will do in the future what they have consistently done in the past. Which lot do you belong to? The 95% or the 5%?
Australia’s Little Hitler Culture
Bury Bureaucracy Before It Buries YOU
This dictatorship knows that 95% of Australians will do in the future what they have consistently done in the past. Which lot do you belong to? The 95% or the 5%?
Building a nation with counterproductive RED TAPE! Another Aussie oxymoron!
Australia’s bureaucracy is driven to empire building because of two laws and which we have included elsewhere in this and other blogs. That is:Do anything and everything possible to get a budget and then do whatever is needed to increase that budget. Always spend a budget even if it means squandering it and never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved. The empires must grow at any cost.
Australia’s army of parasites are out of control! Australian government regulation and bureaucracy is now estimated to cost the nation A$86 billion a year. Who benefits from this unaccountable corrupt bureaucracy? Conveniently for this army of government bureaucrats there are no accurate estimates of the total cost to the economy and business of this growing red tape bureaucracy and its national culture. The opportunity cost for example. The corruption for example. The slow erosion of democracy. And more and more counterproductive always expensive self-serving Aussie bureaucracy. What has this insidious wealth destroying bureaucracy cost Australia and Australian’s over decades? It is our goal to find out and expose it for what it is before more damage is done.Australian Bureau of Statistics for example crows about its necessity to the nation and its contribution (what else are career parasites going to say?) but in fact it is just another entrenched self –serving bureaucratic empire that threatens and intimidates Australian citizens as and when it feels like it to create work for itself and to justify its existence. Curiously Australians never question if this ABS bureaucracy is such value for money as they claim, then why is health, education and so on always such a mess and does anyone really analyse their closely held data. Curious also that given the public pays for it and owns it the data as not available in the public domain unless you want to pay thousands of dollars for it. Cost recovery these pigs call it but their cost could be eliminated and done more efficiently without them. Just do what the media monopoly propaganda apparatus and brainwashing tells you to do! Lemmings! Fill out those forms you brainless Aussie drones. Don’t be fooled by the propaganda the ABS is not about nation building it’s about building their empires and their dictatorship over the 95% and enriching themselves in the process.The ABS statistics and data are used by government as another means of controlling the lemming like majority of Australians. The ABS bureaucrats represent the rest of the army of Aussie little Hitlers and their entrenched political sponsors. The media monopoly as the convenient propaganda apparatus pumps out whatever the government pays them to pump out. The power of brainwashing!
In addition they conveniently are unable to even inaccurately estimate the cost of red tape to the nations economy. ABS is little more than a permanent sink-hole for more of the product of Australia’s 38 universities who with many other layers of expensive self-perpetuating bureaucracy haven’t been able to figure out infrastructure problems before they occur. The ports and airports bottle necks, the skills shortage, broadband imperatives and a lot more but of course that isn’t their individual and collective purpose. They are sink holes for an excess of production from 38 universities, too many TAFE colleges and so on, and the vast parasitic layers of bureaucracy they support. These plagiarizing tertiary education bureaucracies conform to the demands of whatever the political status quo government of the day requires and for them to milk it for bigger budgets.
There are other statistics gathering bureaucracies and empires also, like ABARE, and between them there is still no way to accurately estimate the red tape cost. This is how Australia’s army of little Hitler parasites prefers it. (How much did ABS pay Ernie Dingo to peddle their lying devious propaganda? And so they could blow some more of their budget and claim they need more. The usual chorus line. While they prop up their media monopoly mates by using government advertising to pay them off as they then kickback a percentage to the government of the day to keep them in power to keep the ball rolling.)Of course we don’t want to encourage more of them by pointing out this information gap because being true proven Parkinson’s Law parasites they will latch onto it and get budget increases and build their insidious empires bigger than they now need to be. But this is now the Aussie culture. And used by their political sponsors to entrench their power and control over the Australia majority.But on top of this excess and dissipation of A$86 billion (???) a year there is also the fact governments now claim over 50 cents of everyone’s dollar, up from 15 cents only 30 year ago. Federal government revenue in 1970 was $15 billion and it is now $200 billion. We won’t include state figures but the growth is similar. For this contribution to the nation and its $650 billion foreign debt and growing, this army of little Hitler parasites and their entrenched political status quo sponsors, has now rewarded themselves with the proceeds of the coming sale of the remaining 50% of Telstra by putting it into their Future Fund which is the mother of all slush funds and dedicated to paying bureaucrats and their scumbag political sponsors their well earned (so they reckon) pensions. This is something of communist or Russian proportions but Aussies are too controlled and fed constant propaganda to figure it out let alone do something about it. Such as AN Economic Bill of Rights!For example we have ASIC the national corporate regulator failing investors who continue to lose billions of dollars through corporate failures, getting an extra $355 million for their budget to “protect investors”. ASIC is now over 1400 bureaucrats from zero in 1992, and is costing Australians over $100 each per year and growing. They are always singing the Aussie bureaucrats’ anthem that they don’t have enough money to do their jobs! Aussies never question this. ASIC is just another example of the bureaucrats getting rewarded for failing. Not only that but it is a regulator that can never protect investors because of massive conflicts of interest. Just ask Westpoint Group investors or any of many, many others over decades and ongoing.They have cooked up another little bureaucracy as a spinoff that will keep a growing army of little Hitler parasites employed indefinitely instead of leaving solutions to the market which is what Howard and his mealy mouthed cabinet of mediocre Aussie lawyers claim they represent (propaganda of course as they keep on growing bureaucracy). By the way Howard and his ilk have not paid for their own petrol for years. You have been paying for it, so don’t expect any relief in this regard. This is something called “understanding money” and it has not been explained by anyone in government of course and as usual. Apparently they, like the ATO, have got themselves a nice starting budget of $50 million ( The ATO bureaucrats have been sitting on $25 million for years planning how they can use it to educate consumers about investing. This new one is another group of bureaucrats who have gotten another $25 million to do something similar.) Bureaucrats of course are using this money to underwrite their dual career paths and agendas based on their claim they will help investors avoid such rip-offs as Westpoint. Of course they don’t explain that government bureaucracy contributed to the $300 million Westpoint corporate failure. This conveniently gets left out. Once these secretive unaccountable parasites get this little combined empire up and running their objective will be to build it into a new empire that they can suck off forever. Meanwhile and yet again, privately developed innovation with competitive market solutions and export opportunities can’t get funding. No doubt whatever these sneaky government scumbags and their network cook up they will use government resources to underwrite their commercial priorities. This also stifles Aussie entrepreneurship and its development. But this is understandable when Australians choose to be ruled by Aussie lawyers and mandarins. And on and on it goes! (Notice how the mandarins who created the ID Card opportunity while in government have now quit and gone to work for the companies the government is going to use to produce the ID Cards. This is what the parasites do.Whether its airports, Telstra or many more, they enrich themselves by being government insiders. Just like Russia or any other 3 rd world oligarchs. But in the process stifling real entrepreneurship.)Just recently we find another little empire that has grown from zero less than 10 years ago to 190 now and which is a growth of 40 per cent in bureaucrats and a budget increase of $14 million to $35 million in 2 years. This is Austrac and no doubt it is full of Aussie lawyers and other product from Australia’s 38 universities who would be unemployed otherwise. So the mandarins and their political sponsors create another little empire and throw $50 million at it so they can all get their snouts in and pig out while the majority of Australians don’t even know it exists. Is it value for money and does it save as much as it costs? No one knows and no one will ever no as these parasites march on and on. Nation building indeed! But once again Aussies persist in being ruled by corrupt mediocre mandarins and lawyers. Perhaps this is because the brainwashing is so effective? There can’t be any other reason.
The little Hitlers’ next big killing will be the Australia ID Card, but as we have attempted to point out elsewhere Australia’s army of little Hitlers is unstoppable. If Australians woke up and created an Economic Bill of Rights it would be possible to stop it but then again this is a big ask under the circumstances.Meanwhile: “For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them, and too little time to think between fifteen minute appointments and thirty page briefs. This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer, which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.”
Australians call this nation building! While Microsoft and Oracle as 2 of many foreign examples laugh all the way to the bank. This is what Australians have created as Australia’s protective stupidity marches on and is now out of control. Clever country indeed! Or was that innovative country? Or was it lucky? Or… what’s next?Australian’s have been brainwashed by successive devious governments to believe this is all nation building stuff when in fact it is never anything more than an army of expensive elites from too many universities protecting and building their respective empires to control and live off the majority of Australia’s. The “uneducated” drones! Are you one? They are corrupt and unaccountable and eventually will become the dominant dictatorship that rules Australian’s every hour of the day.Within a short time this vast expensive profligate insidious corrupt web of now public and private bureaucracy will blatantly rule Australia more than Aussies can imagine. (Because they have been manipulated to believe it can’t happen in OZ. Fooled again!) Particularly when they have the Australia ID Card. You have a choice use it or lose it!Bury Bureaucracy Before It Buries YOU! But have you got the guts for it? If history is any guide probably not.http://economicbillofrights.blogspot.com
There highest priority is always to maintain and perpetuate their infrastructure of corrupt unaccountable wealth dissipating bureaucracy. Their empires at all costs! Your cost not theirs! Are you going to continue to sit by and watch this dictatorship grow until it takes over all aspects of your life? Australia’s devious bureaucracy can justify anything they do because they are organized with huge government tax revenues to fund them. You are not! Unless you support an Economic Bill of Rights. If you don’t then the cost of this dictatorship will continue to grow until we will not be able to publish and free speech and democracy will only be their prerogative. You get the brainwashing and the delusion of democracy. And the implanted Aussie ID Card. Ignorant brainwashed gutless suckers?This dictatorship knows that 95% of Australians will do in the future what they have consistently done in the past. Which lot do you belong to? The 95% or the 5%?
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