Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Australia’s Politicians and Mandarins Destroy Telstra
Reward Themselves With $20 Billion

Consumers And SME’s Paying Hi Price

As Howard claims his government does not want to be running companies and the Telstra sell-off is good for the nation, he overlooks the government’s involvement in the corrupt wheat company, AWB, as one of many examples. But of course the AWB is a trough for his ag mafia mates to keep their snouts in, to subsidise their ag asset investments. These scumbag politicians are always claiming the value of competition but maybe the gullible Australian public hasn’t noticed they are the same political status quo that has been in power for decades and they have rigged the system so they do not have competition and have everything stacked against a new political party gaining any headway unless it is one of there own clones such as Families First, where the rigged system can be used to fund their involvement across the country, as long as they support the status quo.Nick Minchin MP reckons he is a mover and shaker but is no more than a front for the investment bankers and mandarins who want a minimum of Telstra sold off so they can collect some big easy fees and donate a percentage of them back to the Howard/Minchin coalition government so they can remain in power and keep the game rolling. And get their hands of a $20 billion Future Fund. All the while spruiking the need for competition and privatision but selectively of course according to how easy it is to manipulate the gullible majority. After T2 and more they know they could sell the public anything!Competition in politics though is not allowed. And the tyranny of the status quo makes sure of that.Should Australians buy any more Telstra shares? No, because Telstra has bigger problems than Howard and Minchin would comprehend if their efforts of the past 10 years are any guide. Or maybe they know but need to cover it up? Of course it’s a question whether the investment bankers comprehend it either! But they are not in the business of comprehending telcos or anything else, except how to package it and flog it to the far from fully informed gullible majority.Since T1 and through to T2 and now T3 you are being sold a dinosaur that bureaucrats and mealy mouthed politicians have been milking and shuffling around for decades and all at the public expense including 1 million plus SME’s.Telstra with the new CEO Trujillo had decided that they needed to install fibre optic infrastructure – about at least 5 years or more too late- and when the implications of this were realized by Howard and his media mates something had to be done to stop it. Again! Rupert Murdoch of News Corp turned up in Australia and used his newspapers to tell deputy sheriff Howard to “dump his media plans”. Howard responded true to form and type by making sure Telstra dumped its fibre optic plans, which happened about 2 weeks later. Of course this was one of the main things Murdoch wanted so he remains the tail wagging the Telstra/government dog through his ownership of Foxtel. Of course the rest of the media oligarchs are happy with this as overall it protects their lousy economically inefficient media monopoly and is just proof once again that none of them will break ranks on such things. If it has the potential to threaten their analog dinosaur (government propaganda apparatus) then it should get the blunderbuss treatment. It is all designed to look like media diversity but this is what they want the majority of Australians to believe. The reality is it is an economically inefficient analog monopoly and it includes the advertising mafia.
So this is what you are being asked to buy as a percentage of T3.
But it is curious that the equivalent of about $20 billion is going to go into the mother of all government slush funds, the Future Fund. For the political status quo pork barreling can now be more diversified and unaccountable. In fact it looks like Minchin is spruiking the failure of T3 more as a strategy to ensure they get this $20 billion into their Future Pork Barrel Fund. The tactic is a deliberate manipulation of the public to make sure the mandarins and the political status quo get this $20 billion plus Future Fund. Anyone who trusts what these Machiavellian trough feeding parasites say should ask themselves just how seriously brainwashed they are.The investment bankers are in on this heist and for their cooperation as some sort of remote nameless faceless patsy the political scumbags can use whenever needed and they will get a nice big fat fee and your rulers get their Future Fund.
T3 should in fact be sold completely for whatever the market pays or it should not be sold at all until better telco plans are made.But there is no way the rulers want to miss out on this opportunity to get hold of the easiest $20 billion heist they have ever had. All paid for by the gullible public and over 1 million SME’s. In fact Australia’s SME’s deserve a chunk of this Future Fund and more so than any corrupt counterproductive mandarins and politicians. The government stuffs Telstra up over at least 10 years, do the same to digital TV and run up a foreign debt of $650 billion and counting, and then reward themselves with $20 billion plus of your telco. Clever country indeed! Banana republic more like it! Rewarding proven corrupt mediocrity. These career parasites make sure they take out more than they ever put back in. (The question has been asked, do Australians understand the economic bases of wealth creation? Aussie mandarins and politicians don’t that’s for sure as they milk every opportunity at any taxpayer funded trough they create for themselves and their mates. If they did know how to create wealth they wouldn’t be corrupt mandarins and politicians!)It seems Australians are complete suckers for anything “their” government dishes up to them. And doesn’t Howard’s mealy mouthed mafia know it! Such is the power of propaganda! Of course you won’t get this kind of news from your media monopoly propaganda apparatus. Which is why you should wake up and start supporting real media diversity and that means 4iDTV.


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