Bureaucrats 457 Visas & You
Australia’s Corrupt Mandarins Protecting Their Empires
The Great Oz Sell-Out
What is the definition of logic? “A particular mode of reasoning viewed as valid or faulty.”
There is a cover-up going on about the use of foreign workers and the governments 457 Visa as a solution to the skills shortage they created. (Governments are supposed to lead but as we now should all know the only thing they lead is their own vested interest mates network.) Here’s how it works and of course the mandarins and the vast Centrelink bureaucracy (again) are at the core of it.
Centrelink needs a minimum number of unemployed and other socioeconomic victims to make sure Centrelink and its vast web of government and jobs network parasites can keep their jobs and government funded empires intact. (Including the Salvation Army and a string of other pseudo religious charities too long to list here.) Because unemployment has declined apparently according to Howard’s devious lying government, from 15% to 5%, it would mean that there is no longer a need for Centrelink and their network of free – loading parasites to remain the same size as they were when servicing the 15% unemployment. For example Westpac bank or any of these commercial bureaucracies will fire thousands to make their financial results and their economic viability and efficiency remain balanced. Not so government bureaucracy. They reckon they are not economically accountable and can keep doing what they always do. In other words Centrelink and their networks defy economic efficiency and accountability and not only remain the same size but are doing everything possible to grow their empires. Easy to prove by the way!
For example they are going to spend hundreds of millions designing more new computer systems and moving them to South Australia in addition to creating the Australia ID Card and so on. Anything in fact to make sure they do not lose any of their budgets and any of their empire. The political parasites go along for the ride as usual by claiming to create jobs in SA etc. The usual bullshit from the usual suspects! Of course in the case of Centrelink there are many buildings they are setup in that are owned by the political parties (probably a few too many empty ones in SA), the Howard coalition and their mates and also the labor party mafia. Therefore you can understand why the shadow government, the labor party mafia is not saying anything about the Centrelink empire building and corruption because they are making a lot of money out of it and which they can use to remain in power by manipulating the wider public using their propaganda in the same way Howard and co do.Therefore to make sure Centrelink always has a minimum number of socioeconomic victims to service and therefore keep their offices open providing their parasitic counterproductive inefficient solutions, they have convinced the mealy mouthed scumbag politicians that a good solution would be to allow foreign workers to be employed in Australia and Australian business. This also diverts attention away from the shenanigans of some of the corrupt bureaucracy like Centrelink that has failed to get jobs for all. Logically this is a conflict of interest because if they find jobs for all they will put themselves out of jobs. To prevent losing their jobs and to help this along they have used a number of their solutions and which also benefit their vast network of mandarins and bureaucrats including across TAFE and universities for example. At all times these solutions are devised to protect the political status quo and their vast corrupt infrastructure of bureaucracy as the first priority. Not the people of Australia as they are always claiming. But, what else could these scumbags say?In the case of Centrelink and to protect it from having its victims get employment, the bureaucrats invented the 457 visa. This means their jobs network can connect up with overseas employment agencies and vast pools of workers. As these workers can easily get 457 visas because the government and private network of bureaucracies work together as a mafia, they protect Centrelink and many other bureaucratic empires. Peers protecting peers! Centrelink now still has many unemployed people to “service” as they cannot get jobs because the Centrelink mandarins with the help of Howard and the labor party mafia have made sure foreign workers can get jobs in Australia. Presto all the bureaucrats not only save their empires by making sure there are always many unemployed Australians but they get more money from politicians to cook up schemes like 457 visas and maybe paying Australians $5,000 to leave their areas to work in other parts of the country if they want a job. Meanwhile these huge bureaucracies and their empires and budgets keep getting billions of dollars for more useless schemes they devise and sell to the scumbag political status quo, and that includes Howard and the labor party mafia. Labor can never be a solution after the decades of opportunity they have continued to fail at but while lining their own pockets as the Liberal National coalition do. The Democrats and the Greens are always only trying to protect what little is left of their irrelevant and gutless opposition. The Democrats for example spent 2 or 3 decades claiming to keep the bastards honest but quickly became the same dishonest bastards, so obviously they should not be voted for again like the labor party mafia because they are equally responsible for the creation of Howard and his scumbag corrupt government. (They all seem to convey the impression they are deeply religious but after 2000 years of this marketing and PR exercise we should all now be a wake up to this cunning trick. Shouldn’t we?)
Now it’s more than interesting to know that most of Howard’s party that you keep on electing to rule you, also happen to be card carrying members of the Aussie legal profession. (As are the labor party mafia.) This is a profession that is based on logic and probabilities,(which raises a question about why they, if logic prevailed, could have all latched onto religion but for another time perhaps), therefore one would think that they would be tuned into this gross lack of logic and its prevalence across government. They are not of course as decades of self-serving failure should prove, but of course they are not interested in making you aware of this miserable lack of logic simply because they live off it, and very well indeed. Their use of logic is only to gain and retain power and control over you as the majority. Any other failure of logic is therefore irrelevant to them and gets buried with the help of their media oligarch mates and propaganda. As we have mentioned elsewhere protecting this entrenched media mafia ensures the propaganda apparatus gets maintained and perpetuated (and they get to keep their jobs and from threat of more economically efficient innovators…) and it is why you will never get FREE interactive DTV if you do not wake up to reality.You have an alternative though and that’s the EBR Party. See http://economicbillofrights.blogspot.com
But in the meantime the government must now create more propaganda and pay the media mafia oligarchs to promote excuses as solutions. The public of course isn’t sure what’s going on BUT WE HOPE YOU NOW KNOW a bit more? And you thought it was egalitarian Oz? The power of propaganda!TAFE and universities have also benefited from the government allowing foreign workers to be employed by using the fact any foreign students paying full fees to go to one of Australia’s TAFE and /or university schools allows them to work 20 – 40 hours a week. This has of course helped market their courses overseas and has attracted around 200,000 per year (while stirring racial tensions across Oz, which your governments live off), many of them prepared to work these 20 – 40 hours if possible and overstay visas if necessary. This of course props up the vast academic bureaucracy across many TAFE colleges and universities and their empires of Aussie bureaucracy get to keep their jobs and pensions and so on as they sell out as much as they can to prop up their own failures over decades such as their inability to create new industry and wealth. I’m okay Jack! Meanwhile they continue promoting themselves as Australia’s solution and demanding and getting more money from entrenched inept and corrupt state and federal politicians, so they in turn can keep their corrupt positions of power and control over the majority. YOU!Of course packing up and going to sunny Queensland is never a solution. You have to face the obvious logical fact that if you keep on believing their mealy-mouthed propaganda and voting for these corrupt scumbags you are in effect rewarding them for screwing you and the nation. As they continue to get rewarded for failure on a grand scale they logically avoid serious solutions that would mean you do not have to pack up and go to Queensland and your children will have employment. Now here is a little bit of logic that might either shock you are make you stick your head in the sand. Or both!One of the main reasons you are moving to Queensland is probably because you have been retrenched as your employer has moved to Queensland –or some other state - etc. Peter Beattie the labor party mafias man in Queensland (and another Aussie lawyer!) recently declared he will not terminate Industry Assistance and fully supports it. This is the $20 billion slush fund used by all states and federal government to pay companies to move from one state to the other and is used as a vote rigging and manipulating system. It is insidiously corrupt of course but we have explained some of this elsewhere. SEE http://industryassistance.blogspot.com
(We will be updating this eventually when we setup our new website, because blogging is next to useless and in fact benefits the media status quo more than it does most bloggers but we won’t get into this here.)This means the taxes you and your children etc paid in say NSW have been included in this pool of $20 billion Industry Assistance funding which Qld has used to pay your employer to move from NSW. This puts you out of a job (and probably many others in your area?) and as you have been retrenched your employer, now in QLD, probably has no interest in employing you in Qld as they are probably going to get Qld government subsidies to employ new locals and /or use 457 visas to import foreign workers. We use probably a lot in this context because the government will not release any of this information to the public and therefore you can take it for a fact the corrupt bastards are milking it for all its worth. Keeping the bastards corrupt and dishonest! (The Democrats have been trying to figure out for years how they could get their cut of this! Which might explain why Senator Kernot started humping Senator Evans?) You in the meantime (and maybe one or more of your children) will probably go to Centrelink and (yes the penny has dropped has it?) and go thru a small army of bureaucracy to apply for welfare and so on. In fact you have provided Centrelink with a new socioeconomic statistic (YOU!) so they also live off this corrupt Industry Assistance scheme otherwise known as Corporate Welfare, except that the scumbag political status quo and their bureaucrats queue up to give it to companies so they can be seen to be “creating industry and jobs” in their areas. (This is what a slush fund is supposed to do of course.) Now as you break your roots and maybe break up your family to go to QLD you keep many more bureaucrats employed (we won’t go into that here). Meanwhile the same Industry Assistance slush fund is being used by the NSW government in cooperation with the federal government Austrade department for example, which is another empire created by bureaucrats for bureaucrats, to fund a foreign investor to setup a factory in NSW, which will do so but only on the condition it can hire any workers it needs, such as on 457 visas, which were also created for this purpose to get foreign businesses to setup in NSW and other states, including QLD. We could go on of course but unless you are interested we are probably wasting our time. Nevertheless your move to QLD is really a “cut and run” cop-out strategy because it does not solve the problem of your governments profiteering from their priorities and in fact benefits them because you are now another socioeconomic victim and statistic they are rid of that will also keep more bureaucrats in Centrelink in Qld employed.
In fact the only solution is to get rid of this vested interest collection of career parasites and use the vast resources they squander for their agendas (to stay in power and control you) to create new industry, new wealth and new jobs and so on, which is something these scumbags have proven they cannot do. (As each 3 year political cycle is devoted to pulling the wool over your eyes and telling you more whoppers!) But cutting and running to Qld leaves the problem to continue and in fact it will flourish because no one is staying to take-on the scumbags. Without competition of course they will become more corrupt and more powerful (sound familiar?) until eventually they will sacrifice democracy, free speech and new wealth creation to save their own miserable arses. While blaming it on your or some ethnic group!
Therefore, and logically, you need to vote for alternatives that will compete with these entrenched vested interests and their networks. In other words you have to do something more than vote for one or the other of these entrenched parasites and get rid of them. Get rid of them anyway possible and being a democracy means you have the right to establish new political parties and expose them for what they are and use this to throw them off their gravy train. Of course we assume that if you have been reading this stuff you should by now understand what their insidious game is. No it isn’t about nation building for you but POWER and CONTROL over the majority at any cost. YOU!So if you are wondering what this 457 visa business is really about and why Centrelink keeps growing, now you know. More or less anyway because we have limited resources to explain in more detail and at a higher quality! You can donate to our efforts to protect free speech and expose the tyranny of the Aussie status quo and so on, which would at least be better than doing the same old thing like voting for the failures and then moving to Qld.
Get serious and we are also about LOGIC not only An Economic Bill of Rights. But what’s that, You weren’t wondering? Well if you like democracy and economic efficiency its time you started! So what do you intend doing about it? Stuff all as usual? Or maybe next election you will vote for the labor party mafia or the shadow opposition which is the opposite at the state level. Is this a solution? NO! (Logically!) You are doing what the status quo expects you to do and of course you are rewarding them by voting for failures and riding off to Qld. Some solution? And as explained above if you keep doing this for decades you end up with corrupt politicians and mandarins and their corrupt networks of mates ruling you and no respect for you or your family, although you won’t get this exposed to you through the media status quo mafia and their mates. If you want some quick proof why not ask your ABC or your SBS to give it one of their exposures. Fat chance! But do you understand why? (Subscribe and or donate to us and you soon will.)
So anyway is this state of government affairs LOGICAL? If you answer YES then you should test to what extent you have been so thoroughly brainwashed by these bastards you can’t tell the difference anymore. If you answer NO then the question is, what do you intend doing about it? Time to wake up folks! It’s the new millennium! Out with the old in with the new!If you are interested in supporting us and free speech and our new website please email us at any of the email addresses we have on this not quite useless blog. Take a look around. We are not politically correct so be warned. However we are not the status quo!
And by the way before you blame the Asians or any other ethnic groups first line up the scumbags you vote for and their mandarins and who hide behind these ethnic issues they create. (The sleazy Aussie mandarins hide behind the politicians.) And make sure you have the right questions and the facts and let them have it. (Of course where will you get these from? Not the government not the media monopoly not the status quo, as they prosper from you the majority being kept in the dark like mushrooms. YOU WILL GET IT FROM US IF YOU SUPPORT US! And yes our standards will go up. But do not expect us to become the media status quo! Simply that would not be logical! )
You put them in power and continue to keep them in power, logically therefore it’s time to take responsibility for it and that means lay off the ethnic groups and do something about YOUR corrupt political and bureaucratic creation, instead of just shuffling along every few years to vote for the shifty lying, democracy and free speech destroying bastards!
Australia’s Corrupt Mandarins Protecting Their Empires
The Great Oz Sell-Out
What is the definition of logic? “A particular mode of reasoning viewed as valid or faulty.”
There is a cover-up going on about the use of foreign workers and the governments 457 Visa as a solution to the skills shortage they created. (Governments are supposed to lead but as we now should all know the only thing they lead is their own vested interest mates network.) Here’s how it works and of course the mandarins and the vast Centrelink bureaucracy (again) are at the core of it.
Centrelink needs a minimum number of unemployed and other socioeconomic victims to make sure Centrelink and its vast web of government and jobs network parasites can keep their jobs and government funded empires intact. (Including the Salvation Army and a string of other pseudo religious charities too long to list here.) Because unemployment has declined apparently according to Howard’s devious lying government, from 15% to 5%, it would mean that there is no longer a need for Centrelink and their network of free – loading parasites to remain the same size as they were when servicing the 15% unemployment. For example Westpac bank or any of these commercial bureaucracies will fire thousands to make their financial results and their economic viability and efficiency remain balanced. Not so government bureaucracy. They reckon they are not economically accountable and can keep doing what they always do. In other words Centrelink and their networks defy economic efficiency and accountability and not only remain the same size but are doing everything possible to grow their empires. Easy to prove by the way!
For example they are going to spend hundreds of millions designing more new computer systems and moving them to South Australia in addition to creating the Australia ID Card and so on. Anything in fact to make sure they do not lose any of their budgets and any of their empire. The political parasites go along for the ride as usual by claiming to create jobs in SA etc. The usual bullshit from the usual suspects! Of course in the case of Centrelink there are many buildings they are setup in that are owned by the political parties (probably a few too many empty ones in SA), the Howard coalition and their mates and also the labor party mafia. Therefore you can understand why the shadow government, the labor party mafia is not saying anything about the Centrelink empire building and corruption because they are making a lot of money out of it and which they can use to remain in power by manipulating the wider public using their propaganda in the same way Howard and co do.Therefore to make sure Centrelink always has a minimum number of socioeconomic victims to service and therefore keep their offices open providing their parasitic counterproductive inefficient solutions, they have convinced the mealy mouthed scumbag politicians that a good solution would be to allow foreign workers to be employed in Australia and Australian business. This also diverts attention away from the shenanigans of some of the corrupt bureaucracy like Centrelink that has failed to get jobs for all. Logically this is a conflict of interest because if they find jobs for all they will put themselves out of jobs. To prevent losing their jobs and to help this along they have used a number of their solutions and which also benefit their vast network of mandarins and bureaucrats including across TAFE and universities for example. At all times these solutions are devised to protect the political status quo and their vast corrupt infrastructure of bureaucracy as the first priority. Not the people of Australia as they are always claiming. But, what else could these scumbags say?In the case of Centrelink and to protect it from having its victims get employment, the bureaucrats invented the 457 visa. This means their jobs network can connect up with overseas employment agencies and vast pools of workers. As these workers can easily get 457 visas because the government and private network of bureaucracies work together as a mafia, they protect Centrelink and many other bureaucratic empires. Peers protecting peers! Centrelink now still has many unemployed people to “service” as they cannot get jobs because the Centrelink mandarins with the help of Howard and the labor party mafia have made sure foreign workers can get jobs in Australia. Presto all the bureaucrats not only save their empires by making sure there are always many unemployed Australians but they get more money from politicians to cook up schemes like 457 visas and maybe paying Australians $5,000 to leave their areas to work in other parts of the country if they want a job. Meanwhile these huge bureaucracies and their empires and budgets keep getting billions of dollars for more useless schemes they devise and sell to the scumbag political status quo, and that includes Howard and the labor party mafia. Labor can never be a solution after the decades of opportunity they have continued to fail at but while lining their own pockets as the Liberal National coalition do. The Democrats and the Greens are always only trying to protect what little is left of their irrelevant and gutless opposition. The Democrats for example spent 2 or 3 decades claiming to keep the bastards honest but quickly became the same dishonest bastards, so obviously they should not be voted for again like the labor party mafia because they are equally responsible for the creation of Howard and his scumbag corrupt government. (They all seem to convey the impression they are deeply religious but after 2000 years of this marketing and PR exercise we should all now be a wake up to this cunning trick. Shouldn’t we?)
Now it’s more than interesting to know that most of Howard’s party that you keep on electing to rule you, also happen to be card carrying members of the Aussie legal profession. (As are the labor party mafia.) This is a profession that is based on logic and probabilities,(which raises a question about why they, if logic prevailed, could have all latched onto religion but for another time perhaps), therefore one would think that they would be tuned into this gross lack of logic and its prevalence across government. They are not of course as decades of self-serving failure should prove, but of course they are not interested in making you aware of this miserable lack of logic simply because they live off it, and very well indeed. Their use of logic is only to gain and retain power and control over you as the majority. Any other failure of logic is therefore irrelevant to them and gets buried with the help of their media oligarch mates and propaganda. As we have mentioned elsewhere protecting this entrenched media mafia ensures the propaganda apparatus gets maintained and perpetuated (and they get to keep their jobs and from threat of more economically efficient innovators…) and it is why you will never get FREE interactive DTV if you do not wake up to reality.You have an alternative though and that’s the EBR Party. See http://economicbillofrights.blogspot.com
But in the meantime the government must now create more propaganda and pay the media mafia oligarchs to promote excuses as solutions. The public of course isn’t sure what’s going on BUT WE HOPE YOU NOW KNOW a bit more? And you thought it was egalitarian Oz? The power of propaganda!TAFE and universities have also benefited from the government allowing foreign workers to be employed by using the fact any foreign students paying full fees to go to one of Australia’s TAFE and /or university schools allows them to work 20 – 40 hours a week. This has of course helped market their courses overseas and has attracted around 200,000 per year (while stirring racial tensions across Oz, which your governments live off), many of them prepared to work these 20 – 40 hours if possible and overstay visas if necessary. This of course props up the vast academic bureaucracy across many TAFE colleges and universities and their empires of Aussie bureaucracy get to keep their jobs and pensions and so on as they sell out as much as they can to prop up their own failures over decades such as their inability to create new industry and wealth. I’m okay Jack! Meanwhile they continue promoting themselves as Australia’s solution and demanding and getting more money from entrenched inept and corrupt state and federal politicians, so they in turn can keep their corrupt positions of power and control over the majority. YOU!Of course packing up and going to sunny Queensland is never a solution. You have to face the obvious logical fact that if you keep on believing their mealy-mouthed propaganda and voting for these corrupt scumbags you are in effect rewarding them for screwing you and the nation. As they continue to get rewarded for failure on a grand scale they logically avoid serious solutions that would mean you do not have to pack up and go to Queensland and your children will have employment. Now here is a little bit of logic that might either shock you are make you stick your head in the sand. Or both!One of the main reasons you are moving to Queensland is probably because you have been retrenched as your employer has moved to Queensland –or some other state - etc. Peter Beattie the labor party mafias man in Queensland (and another Aussie lawyer!) recently declared he will not terminate Industry Assistance and fully supports it. This is the $20 billion slush fund used by all states and federal government to pay companies to move from one state to the other and is used as a vote rigging and manipulating system. It is insidiously corrupt of course but we have explained some of this elsewhere. SEE http://industryassistance.blogspot.com
(We will be updating this eventually when we setup our new website, because blogging is next to useless and in fact benefits the media status quo more than it does most bloggers but we won’t get into this here.)This means the taxes you and your children etc paid in say NSW have been included in this pool of $20 billion Industry Assistance funding which Qld has used to pay your employer to move from NSW. This puts you out of a job (and probably many others in your area?) and as you have been retrenched your employer, now in QLD, probably has no interest in employing you in Qld as they are probably going to get Qld government subsidies to employ new locals and /or use 457 visas to import foreign workers. We use probably a lot in this context because the government will not release any of this information to the public and therefore you can take it for a fact the corrupt bastards are milking it for all its worth. Keeping the bastards corrupt and dishonest! (The Democrats have been trying to figure out for years how they could get their cut of this! Which might explain why Senator Kernot started humping Senator Evans?) You in the meantime (and maybe one or more of your children) will probably go to Centrelink and (yes the penny has dropped has it?) and go thru a small army of bureaucracy to apply for welfare and so on. In fact you have provided Centrelink with a new socioeconomic statistic (YOU!) so they also live off this corrupt Industry Assistance scheme otherwise known as Corporate Welfare, except that the scumbag political status quo and their bureaucrats queue up to give it to companies so they can be seen to be “creating industry and jobs” in their areas. (This is what a slush fund is supposed to do of course.) Now as you break your roots and maybe break up your family to go to QLD you keep many more bureaucrats employed (we won’t go into that here). Meanwhile the same Industry Assistance slush fund is being used by the NSW government in cooperation with the federal government Austrade department for example, which is another empire created by bureaucrats for bureaucrats, to fund a foreign investor to setup a factory in NSW, which will do so but only on the condition it can hire any workers it needs, such as on 457 visas, which were also created for this purpose to get foreign businesses to setup in NSW and other states, including QLD. We could go on of course but unless you are interested we are probably wasting our time. Nevertheless your move to QLD is really a “cut and run” cop-out strategy because it does not solve the problem of your governments profiteering from their priorities and in fact benefits them because you are now another socioeconomic victim and statistic they are rid of that will also keep more bureaucrats in Centrelink in Qld employed.
In fact the only solution is to get rid of this vested interest collection of career parasites and use the vast resources they squander for their agendas (to stay in power and control you) to create new industry, new wealth and new jobs and so on, which is something these scumbags have proven they cannot do. (As each 3 year political cycle is devoted to pulling the wool over your eyes and telling you more whoppers!) But cutting and running to Qld leaves the problem to continue and in fact it will flourish because no one is staying to take-on the scumbags. Without competition of course they will become more corrupt and more powerful (sound familiar?) until eventually they will sacrifice democracy, free speech and new wealth creation to save their own miserable arses. While blaming it on your or some ethnic group!
Therefore, and logically, you need to vote for alternatives that will compete with these entrenched vested interests and their networks. In other words you have to do something more than vote for one or the other of these entrenched parasites and get rid of them. Get rid of them anyway possible and being a democracy means you have the right to establish new political parties and expose them for what they are and use this to throw them off their gravy train. Of course we assume that if you have been reading this stuff you should by now understand what their insidious game is. No it isn’t about nation building for you but POWER and CONTROL over the majority at any cost. YOU!So if you are wondering what this 457 visa business is really about and why Centrelink keeps growing, now you know. More or less anyway because we have limited resources to explain in more detail and at a higher quality! You can donate to our efforts to protect free speech and expose the tyranny of the Aussie status quo and so on, which would at least be better than doing the same old thing like voting for the failures and then moving to Qld.
Get serious and we are also about LOGIC not only An Economic Bill of Rights. But what’s that, You weren’t wondering? Well if you like democracy and economic efficiency its time you started! So what do you intend doing about it? Stuff all as usual? Or maybe next election you will vote for the labor party mafia or the shadow opposition which is the opposite at the state level. Is this a solution? NO! (Logically!) You are doing what the status quo expects you to do and of course you are rewarding them by voting for failures and riding off to Qld. Some solution? And as explained above if you keep doing this for decades you end up with corrupt politicians and mandarins and their corrupt networks of mates ruling you and no respect for you or your family, although you won’t get this exposed to you through the media status quo mafia and their mates. If you want some quick proof why not ask your ABC or your SBS to give it one of their exposures. Fat chance! But do you understand why? (Subscribe and or donate to us and you soon will.)
So anyway is this state of government affairs LOGICAL? If you answer YES then you should test to what extent you have been so thoroughly brainwashed by these bastards you can’t tell the difference anymore. If you answer NO then the question is, what do you intend doing about it? Time to wake up folks! It’s the new millennium! Out with the old in with the new!If you are interested in supporting us and free speech and our new website please email us at any of the email addresses we have on this not quite useless blog. Take a look around. We are not politically correct so be warned. However we are not the status quo!
And by the way before you blame the Asians or any other ethnic groups first line up the scumbags you vote for and their mandarins and who hide behind these ethnic issues they create. (The sleazy Aussie mandarins hide behind the politicians.) And make sure you have the right questions and the facts and let them have it. (Of course where will you get these from? Not the government not the media monopoly not the status quo, as they prosper from you the majority being kept in the dark like mushrooms. YOU WILL GET IT FROM US IF YOU SUPPORT US! And yes our standards will go up. But do not expect us to become the media status quo! Simply that would not be logical! )
You put them in power and continue to keep them in power, logically therefore it’s time to take responsibility for it and that means lay off the ethnic groups and do something about YOUR corrupt political and bureaucratic creation, instead of just shuffling along every few years to vote for the shifty lying, democracy and free speech destroying bastards!
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