Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Monday, September 18, 2006

Coonan Howard Media Oligarchs Block iDTV Again
Australian Governments Manipulating Markets
Massive Corrupt Corporate Welfare

The Howard government and their equally deviant shadow government the labor party mafia have been running around spruiking imposing their versions of Australian values on the manipulated majority. The media oligarchs might have helped cook this up as a joint effort to divert attention away from what should by now be the obvious fact that the Australian media status quo has yet again succeeded to protect their economically inefficient analog “free TV” monopoly while dramatically continuing to destroy unprecedented public interest benefits with unique and exceptional economic attributes.Coonan (another lawyer) like her predecessor Senator Richard Alston (another lawyer and now Ambassador Alston in London) has managed to give Australians a crock of crap dressed up to look like, well, a crock of crap. You have the choice of being a captive passive recipient of propaganda and equivalents, or the ultimate in diversity and economic efficiency, which means you do not have to worry about content although you will be free of propaganda, which is why they don’t want you getting the ultimate in diversity and economic efficiency. But maybe you prefer James Packer and devious Howard feeding you constant crap while making billions out of it on the one hand and having complete power and control over you on the other?
IF YOU LIKE the Internet YOU will love 4iDTV! One –way analog TV is an anomaly and unnatural, two-way interactive digital is natural! YOUR CHOICE! And you can have it now despite what Howard/Coonan and the analog media alliance keeps telling you. Time to PULL THE CHAIN on this legacy! Not doing so means you are encouraging ignorance and those who gain by pushing it!
Because the media oligarch monopoly is a protected monopoly (when Howard and his spruikers are forever peddling propaganda about market forces and their benefits) it is past time Australians started to seriously question why this status persists. We have basically explained it elsewhere across our blog collection, (a too convenient propaganda apparatus), which should be supported by the way but as you are obviously so brainwashed by these scumbags (or lack the guts to do anything) you prefer to expect us to provide you with free insights and research you plagiarise, and which is why you have a corrupt insidious media monopoly in the first place because there is no diversity only the perception there is, peddled to you by this insidious government and media alliance. They are entrenched because they protect one another stupid! Get a backbone!
But now it is also clear that whether combined with the corrupt T3 sale of Telstra or as a standalone collection of assets based on leased economically inefficient public spectrum, Australia now has a massive case of stock market manipulation on its hands but with governments and their cabinets riddled with lawyers there is a groupthink case for selective memory that prevents this reality from being exposed. As the media monopoly controls the main information delivery system, naturally enough you’re being kept less than fully informed about these insiders manipulating the markets. ASIC of course is nowhere to be found as its 1400 bureaucrats with their billion dollar budgets run around setting mouse traps for field mice and crowing about it. Maximising Parkinson’s Law to maximise their empires while hiring more of their mates to sort out what 1400 parasites can’t. This is by the way why they get another $350 million budget. Not to save investors from corporate excesses and failures but to indirectly fund more of their top end of town mates. Yes, the fox paid to watch the chickens!Research has uncovered correlations between what the government is doing to protect their mates the media oligarchs and their ASX share prices. Of course with Telstra it has been blatant for ages but over all the static you have probably not noticed the old media correlations. So any bells ringing ASIC? Is this what you call a fully informed market subject to open and fair competition? BULLSHIT!But the ABC gave us a taste of their by now obvious priorities recently when they interviewed the new CEO of Fairfax. He insisted the continued backing of the FTA-TV (it isn’t free TV by the way which we shouldn’t have to keep telling you by now) is not in the public interest and made it clear the Fairfax content producers would be conveying this to the public. Yeah, like they have not been doing since the media oligarchs were given a bundle of free public spectrum for digital TV about 10 years ago. (And still have it! Which by now is criminal.) Naturally for any government to claim a public interest priority in delivering DTV to Aussies and then give free public spectrum to digitals worst enemy (FTA-TV) has either got its collective head up its arse or is out to protect the media oligarchs and their market listed assets. Thus protecting the propaganda apparatus! Thus manipulating markets where more and more shareholders are not being fully informed. If ASIC has to go after Visard then there is a case to go after Howard, Coonan and the mafia that is rigging this market. Of course don’t count on the deviant labor party mafia as they as always are only looking after their own miserable corrupt arses. Aussie values!The ABC presenter, Kenny O’Brien made it a point to mention that the Fairfax CEO was an All Blacks player (whatever that is?) and so wouldn’t be deterred by the challenge. Holy shit, what are we supposed to be impressed or what by this media status quo irrelevancy? The ABC by the way is part of the problem in more ways than one (for another time perhaps when we have some more resources to contribute to exposing this expensive deadwood). Aussie team players are not innovative entrepreneurs and that’s what the Aussie company board mafia likes. Protecting the status quo! But gee whiz, look who now happens to be the new Fairfax board chairman. Hollywood Howard’s ex bag man. Media diversity indeed! And more Aussie values. Make sure you protect your corrupt mates!
Past time you woke up folks to what the real game is here and it ain’t your public interest.Fairfax is in a bit of a dilemma now because it finally had to expose its real hand but in the final analysis still has the same fundamental problem to deal with as the rest of the old media mafia oligarchy. It has to transition from economically inefficient analog dinosaur to digital neuromancer and it can’t be done unless it works with the rest of the old boys, including ABC and SBS. Their public complaints about the FTA TV mafia are to blindside the masses or to delude themselves. Therefore market manipulation is being sanctioned by the government as they have the power to make good law to maximise public interest benefits. They not only avoid making good law they go out of their way to make bad law and ignore the rest. You the majority pay for it all!Australians who are constantly lied to by the mealy-mouthed likes of Howard, Coonan and their ilk and made to eat their crow and in addition fed low quality “free-TV” garbage, have a unique and unprecedented opportunity to do something really nation building. But as they say, No guts no glory! No risks no rewards! (That’s why you have a foreign debt of $650 billion and climbing!)By the way James Packer has done little if anything for his inheritance and the fact these media oligarchs have locked up valuable public digital spectrum thereby preventing universal digital delivery to all Australians which has allowed their wealth to increase disproportionately as they have through this government sanctioned arrangement protected their economically inefficient analog assets to in fact increase in value and thereby allow Packer for example to invest in Casino assets (nation building stuff and is it true this media heir is a Scientology clone?), that would not have been possible without this government corruption and its persistence. As most of these analog assets are listed on the ASX this is market manipulation over at least a decade now, that is among many other things detrimental to Australia’s economy previously, now and into the future.You dear suckered and manipulated majority are paying for this and big time! And gee whiz we have hardly mentioned the T3 and Future Fund scam! The media mafia has been rewarded with a captive multibillion dollar market and government manipulation to prevent you from getting economically efficient and extremely more valuable interactive DTV. This insidious wealth transferring and wealth destroying alliance is more than happy to keep you in the dark and in the stone age in terms of digital technologies. (But they have used their media assets to brainwash you into believing they are delivering you world class technology and entertainment. We are fighting back and in the only way we can at this time. Blogs! But we have plenty of ammo if we had enough resources to get it delivered. Do you benefit from our efforts? Yes, but more than likely you are so brainwashed or so gutless you don’t want to admit it and so justify avoiding supporting us and this cause? Aussies prefer the status quo and that’s basically why the nation has failed at innovation.) This government and analog media alliance is doing a lot of damage including holding back innovation and the unprecedented economic potentials from a wide array of opportunities but of course we know Australia has a well earned global reputation for failing to innovate appropriately and to then commercial relevantly. (Enough about the Hills Hoist already it’s 2006!). But what can you expect with lawyers ruling you, and always supported by counterproductive corrupt bureaucrats, including the IMF/OECD brotherhood? The tyranny of the status quo is now a global problem and in the final analysis is probably responsible for driving global terrorism (but for another time perhaps)! But just remember YOU ARE PAYING for this criminal media mafia economic inefficiency! And is it possible Hollywood Howard is a closet SCIENTOLOGIST? For that matter how many more of the media mafia could be Scientologists? The new Masons Movement? Except it is your mind, your democracy and your economic well-being this entrenched alliance is fucking with! And your children’s!And it is now confirmed again as Coonan produces another crock of crap for you!Isn’t it time therefore you started to at least give some thought to why this handful of media oligarchs continues to get this protection and its cost to the nation, you and your children?And while you’re at it ask the 1400 ASIC parasites what market manipulation is and what they are going to do about this 3rd world corrupt media, market and government circus!Is this a dictatorship or what? You have a choice, get your arse into gear and start doing something about your real democracy! What this corrupt brotherhood of old asset owners and government protectors has cost you and the nation already would have been enough to build the worlds leading state of the art iDTV system. If you continue to sit back for another 5 or more years they will be happy to feed you the same propaganda for the same reasons and cost you as much again to protect their monopoly.Enough already! You want the solution? Email us at or don’t forget to let ASIC know about the market manipulation!


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