Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Telstra Heist Now Officially Underway
Australians Funding $50 billion Wealth Transfer
Who Are The Beneficiaries?

As Howard and his cabinet of inept corrupt lawyers (once again confirmed by the AWB/ wheat inquiry which is a cover-up in progress nevertheless) rush to dump Telstra T3 onto the propaganda manipulated Aussie majority (whether directly thru shares or indirectly thru their super fund) and to slide the balance of about 25% into the bureaucrats and politicians Future Fund, the main beneficiaries are preparing themselves for the ultimate scam/heist. It’s HUMUNGOUS!
So what’s really going on here? We hope this brief explanation will alert you to a crime of unusual proportions and some complexity. But we will attempt to keep it simple. The more complicated version will be released shortly. In the meantime strap yourself in and take a quick look at how your nation really operates. It makes the mafia look like boy scouts! And holy mackerel this mafia runs the country! Crikey!The first thing to consider is how and why the Telstra share market value has declined by about A$20 billion over the past 3 – 5 years. It has been deliberate market manipulation for a specific purpose. Once you grasp this then the rest should fall into place. It gets complicated because it involves the Aussie free to air analog TV mafia and News Corp/Murdoch thru Foxtel in particular. However we will not bring these into the story at this time but will in the more extensive item we will publish in the future, although we have mentioned some of the insidious implications elsewhere across this blog series.There are millions of investors in Telstra scattered across Australia and disorganised to an extent that is supporting this heist. You as one of these millions believe you’re being represented by the likes of Machiavellian scumbags like Howard and his cabinet. WRONG! You are being setup by him for the benefit of those who will benefit mainly from this offloading of Telstra T3. Now who could that be? Well we will restrict it at this stage to 2 main beneficiaries and that is the existing government and the Packer empire and advised by their Jewish adviser Ashok Jacom, who it seems is a member of the Melbourne Jewish establishment. (Keep in mind this $20 billion plus heist could be helping to fund Israel’s wars against Arabs. We will cover this some time in the future.)Howard and his cabinet (anything for power) are basically doing everything they possibly can to protect the Packer and associated media mafia assets by controlling media law. In other words the share prices of the listed media companies and particularly the analog TV oligarchs assets have remained high throughout the past 10 years when digital was supposed to be delivered to all Aussies but has not been (see elsewhere). To further this state of affairs Howard is sliding Telstra into the hands of the Packer empire and their network of mates as the most convenient short –term political solution and at a price to them that will be lower by over $20 billion. That is your $20 billion plus! This is no joke you are being shafted big time and if history is any guide this media mafia knows that you will not do anything about it. Wake up folks! And no, voting for Beazley ain’t a solution although these sleazebags will tell you anything to get back power.
You believe voting is your weapon but this is government peddled bullshit to give you the misguided belief you have some power over your nation and its destiny! They do not give a shit how you vote because power is basically entrenched and shared between the corrupt Howard government and their ag industry mafia (see AWB etc coverup) Nationals mates and the labor party mafia. The labor party mafia probably couldn’t figure out this scam is happening and if they could they would not let you in on it anyway as they have made careers out of allowing this corrupt wealth destroying and transferring media oligarch mafia to be created in the first place (see elsewhere).
Once the Packer empire can get control of Telstra they then have you by the short and curlies and will support the Howard government for a new term and so on. Basically a dictatorship has been created! And its essential propaganda apparatus, controlled by Jews and Scientologists! (Yes, well you might say Good God or, holy shit!)
The control of Telstra by the Packer empire (Jews and Scientologists! Boy oh boy!) means the entrenched political parties and mainly Howard’s crowd at this point can wash their hands of not only Telstra but the whole digital technology mess they have created for the nation and its unbelievable economic cost, and of course that includes the iDTV and broadband failures (the details are too lengthy to include now although see elsewhere). It’s a big diversion!
By the way while you were busy focused on football etc Howard slid his ex bagman and Liberal Party treasurer into the chairmanship of Fairfax Media.
But try to stay focused on the heist of your $20 billion plus. (Sorry about the diversion but they are all part of the same issue IE digital convergence and how to prevent you from getting it and its benefits to you and the nation!) Anyway Packers Jewish adviser Ashok Jacom et al have now setup a fund in Hong Kong called Ok-Ziff etc. and this is going to raise another $500 million plus out of you and your super funds as a so-called private equity investment vehicle. However this is for a bigger scam which is contributing to buying a maximum number of controlling shares of Tesltra to either give them complete control or even privatise this mother. Packers empire will control Ok-Ziff. (We wonder whether James Packer knows much about what’s going on but as long as the empire is making money and he can play polo he probably doesn’t give a shit?) This mother is your Telstra and your $20 billion plus!
But Howard and the deliberate drawn out prevention of digital TV has created a much cheaper Telstra. The Packer empire and its network will not have to pay a higher price for Telstra as they would have if the share price would have remained higher and not lost this $20 billion decrease in market value or heaven forbid somehow increased in price to make it more expensive for Packer et al and therefore which could have prevented this scam being perpetrated. Of course they don’t call it a scam but refer to it as letting market forces work their miracles. And if you believe that shit you need to do a, am- I- brainwashed -check. Except of course markets do not work the way these arseholes – most of them rat cunning devious wealth transferring investment bankers- say they do. That is they are not EFFICIENT! They are INEFFICIENT but you along with millions of brainwashed citizens pay for it as usual. You can thank Howard and his cabinet for this state of affairs and also the spineless labor party mafia as their corruption and empire building in the past laid the foundation for the creation of Howard and co. Clever country indeed!The Telstra and Packer network is now well set up in Hong Kong as the previous scams such as between Telstra and Pacific Century CyberWorks or PCCW about 5 years ago. (This scam worked so well it probably even surprised them and of course emboldened them to go for the big one.The whole box and dice, Telstra!) As it turns out this among a few others has really probably only been a test run for the big one. That is the convenient cheap, cheap acquisition of your Telstra funded by your loss of $20 billion plus! Clever indeed! Which makes you plain fucking dumb! (And you still don’t even have a decent photonic broadband.) But for this mafia of Telstra insiders, the Packer empire and government plans to come to fruition the price of Telstra had to be manipulated and driven down to a record low. This has now been achieved and it also explains why they are rushing the Telstra T3 sale thru as they now have everything in place to make it work. (DING –a - ling, ASIC!) However we have inside information and this is what they must prevent as it could block this sale. If someone had the guts to stop it that is! Easier than you might think but send us an email.To further their control they have made it possible to shift or transfer the balance of the shares not included in the T3 sale into the government owned and controlled Future Fund. (Remember our dot-joining 101? See elsewhere.) This means between the Packer empire and the Future Fund Telstra will be left to a mafia of corrupt insiders to run as the government will not use the Future Fund shares to prevent the Packer empire and its network from doing what they like with Telstra. (We won’t go into the possibilities here suffice to say they will have already gotten a $50 billion asset and monopoly for about half price thanks to Howard and your inability to wake-up and do something about it. This savings will then be used to break-up Telstra and some of the possibilities are positively mind boggling. But one thing you can be sure of they are going to make a shitload of money (good for Israel?) off your lack of interest and action. Most of it will be your money they will be collecting in addition to the $20 billion they already look like getting now. Look what’s happening to Coles if you think we are bullshitting! And this is the tip of the iceburg. And do you know what that iceburg looks like? It is your superannuation money but a handful have control of it not you. So yes you are contributing to selling out your own country. Sucked in again?)Do Australias politicians and bureaucrats understand the economic bases of wealth creation? Only insofar as someone else can make it happen. Wealth creation is not their priority power and control is and they will maintain this status at any cost. Telstra is simply another cost to insure their insidious empires and survival. They have a massive conflict of interest in protecting valuable investment for the maximum public interest benefits. Telstra is one of many examples of wealth they have undermined and destroyed for their own short-term narrow political ambition of power and control over the majority and at the majority’s expense. Time for change!We hope this alerts you to basically what is really going on with Telstra T3 and more. We also hope you might be able to get your head out of your arse and make a move to do something about it.
We can be contacted for more information if you pluck up enough courage. or any other contact listed across this blog series.
Have a nice day!


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