Australian Voter Logic is Irrational
Labor Creates Devious Corrupt Howard Government
Australians Now Reward Devious Corrupt Labor Party Mafia! Logic?
The clever country indeed! With the NSW state elections due in a week Australians can expect to see the lousy Labor Party mafia rewarded for failure in NSW over 12 years and for creating the Howard Liberal/Coalition federal government and its tyranny and excess, including war in Iraq, and the Australia ID Card to mention two of many more.Australians simply have either forgotten the 12 years of inept and corrupt federal Labor party mafia government of Hawke and Keating, Carr and co, and how it resulted in the creation of Howard and co, or Australians are too brainwashed, manipulated and cowardly to recognize and acknowledge the cause and effect relationship. Either state of affairs means Australia’s entrenched corrupt and devious political status quo is being incentivised to entrench itself even further. A country gets the governments it deserves. However, democracy is now at stake and Australians simply prefer to stick their heads in the sand. The insidious political status quo and their mandarins know this and they encourage it without the majority aware of it. (Email to find out how they do this, or prefer to stay in the dark do we? That’s the ANZAC spirit!)Carr made corrupt business profits during his time in NSW government and Keating cleaned up on the Australian Stock Market through a deviously clever form of political payoff that no one seems to have picked up on or does not have the guts to mention. This is also what can only be expected from Australia’s media mafia. Notice now that the labor party is gaining political mileage the labor party rats are starting to crawl out of the woodwork (and sewer if Latham is any sort of informed guide), to get in early for their slice of the pie.Australians have had decades to study and analyse these scumbags and parasites and how they operate and have had some great opportunities to get rid of the bastards. It is still available but as they say, no guts no glory, no risk no reward. This is an Economic Bill of Rights solution and by now after 12 months of blogging it should be a national topic. It isn’t of course because it is about naught when up against the wall of propaganda the status quo has available and generated and mostly at your expense.But keep going because an Economic Bill of Rights will happen. And these bastards and their mafia culture will get flushed into the sewers they flourish in, according to Mark Latham.
Kevin Rudd is one of the new class technocrat (like in China, which could be this labor party frauds model and Rudd has taken the trouble to learn Mandarin!) others have warned about in the past. A pure bureaucrat/technocrat who knows nothing else but how to slither around in government and manipulate the majority. The Labor party mafia scumbags chose well.
His wife is up to her eyeballs in milking the less fortunate and vulnerable through the Centrelink scams and Jobs Network which is a solution kept self-perpetuating by bureaucrats for bureaucrats. As a typical labor party mafia parasite she (and the career technocrat hubby Rudd) has made millions apparently out of this Centrelink created industry and she is a certified member of this insidious bureaucracy’s corrupt and economically old-girls network, which has one priority and that’s to keep the Jobs Network/Centrelink show and profiteering, rolling. They and their networks also own businesses that the Centrelink fodder is forced and intimidated into working for through devious sewer rat bureaucrat cunning and typical little Hitler intimidation. They give it names like mutual obligation. Of course it never applies to these little Hitler bureaucrats and their mates. These douche-bags wouldn’t have jobs if they never had millions of fodder and victims to live off. So what do you think their priority is, Creating industry and jobs? The billions they squander and transfer to themselves over more than a decade could by now have created many jobs and even exports. But these parasites only understand bureaucracy and how to use it to milk stupid governments through career political vermin like Howard and his crew of mediocre conveyancing-clerks. And the union mafia ironically enough. They are all milking these billions and transferring it to their networks. So don’t expect this multibillion dollar scam to get reduced in size or shut down. It’s now systemic institutionalised corruption. And only something Australia can produce. Other countries should beware of this model and some of its offspring like HECS for example. So much for efficient government in low unemployment times.Whether it’s the buildings Centrelink operates out of, or putting junk mail in mail boxes or volunteering for any of the many scams and schemes they have cooked up to generate statistics to justify their self-serving profiteering “solutions”, just remember who is getting rich off you as one of their victims.One of our mottos is “bury bureaucracy before it buries you” and you might consider supporting a web site that will expose these scumbags and their “solutions”. Remember also they are using these scams to fund their political parties, who also own some of the Centrelink buildings. Time to start thinking about doing something about these pigs instead of just changing your vote.Don’t expect any changes to this Centrelink industry because it is funding the labor party mafia and insiders to the extent it will probably be expanded by Rudd and his crew. Don’t expect these scumbags to stop the Australia ID Card either and when you are forced to present your this-is-not-an-ID –card Australia ID Card just remember the political vermin that forced it on you. John “lying rodent” Howard, Joe Hockey and Senator Chris Ellison and the cast of little Hitler bureaucrats and mandarin pigs and parasites who designed it for their own empire building but needed to blame the Centrelink fodder (you) for the massive fraud they perpetrate against the Australian people. Always a good scapegoat for any political part out to protect and perpetuate its power. Typical Aussie bureaucrats just go along for the ride like the little Hitler parasites they are. And don’t forget that the labor party mafia under Hawke and Keating also did their best to force and Australia ID Card on you but they were by that time getting exposed for what they really are and decided to back off. But if they get a Howard type mandate now, which is looking likely, watch them whip you into line and that will include sliding the CARD in.Centrelink was recently crowing it had prevented fraud and recovered $130,000 from the Centrelink fodder that Rudd and his old lady get rich from, but no one put a cost on what these counterproductive bureaucrats spent to do it. Like the Australia ID Card they are a fraud on the majority. The greatest collection of self-serving unaccountable corrupt bludgers any nation could ever dream up. Compulsory voting is needed to maintain their power and control over the majority. ( Email for details…)
Now the majority is going to reward this Howard creating Labor party mafia by voting the scumbags into state and federal government. And when they do win watch all the promises these parasites have peddled to the majority get sidetracked for other priorities. All the universities and other hangers on are now all lining up for their turn at the trough after Howard and their hangers-on have pigged-out for 12 or more years. Keating will probably end-up Ambassador in France (collecting clocks with the millions he scammed out of Aussie investors), Carr maybe the US ambassador, Graham Richardson the Alpine Press, Swiss bank account crim will get a get out of jail free card, and so on. Watch out for the mafia sewer rats (thanks Latham) when they all come crawling out onto the surface to feed off the majority again for another 10 plus years.
Does Rudd have a media and iDTV policy that is any different from the devious Howard scumbags? Of course not and it will be milked for all its worth by the media mafia that has held Australia back for a decade with its stifling of diversity and prevention of infinite broadband.
You created this and now you are going to vote for it again. Wake up folks! There is no diversity in Australian politics which is why you end up eating the shit they keep on dishing up to you, like failed train services and corrupt city freeway deals. Wake up or what else can you expect? You tell yourself it’s as good as it can get with the help of government funded propaganda via the same old media mafia. Well BULLSHIT!
Yet again Australians get a bird’s eye inside view of the political mafia in the form of Brian Bourke and the Labor Party mafia sleazebags in WA and still the penny hasn’t dropped and after 50 years it looks like it never will. It’s the culture stupid, they don’t know how to operate any other way and its nationwide not isolated, and goes back more than 50 years. Probably back to federation. And there are now reputable companies listed on the stock market that owe their existence and longevity to corrupt relationships with these political pigs. Time for a change but change takes guts and imagination. What’s that, you prefer being manipulated and fed propaganda on a daily basis? Well no surprises there!But we press on with the Economic Bill of Rights because it’s time. And it’s right! And past time to flush these mealy mouthed corrupt unaccountable free-loading scumbags who by now it should be clear have no idea and no interest in real nation building stuff. let a 1,000 blossoms bloom is how they do it by getting others to give the plagiarizing creeps ideas they then use to promote themselves. Whoever called Australia the clever country clearly had (and still has) his head up his arse. Their focus and priority is brainwashing the majority for each 3 year cycle. It’s all about getting and retaining power over the majority by any means and milking the endless perquisites they create for themselves as the nation’s leaders and lawmakers. Naturally this is never -ending and all at your expense amigos.
Rudd and Guillard are technocrats out for power and perqs under the guise of leading the majority. Nothing changes except the names and faces. With a landslide the Labor party mafia sleazebags will go crazy with power. Dumb choice folks. DUMB! Again! And again!...
Your only choice should by now be an Economic Bill of Rights. Step up to the plate if you have the guts to. Email us any time for details. It takes staying power to bury this garbage.It’s up to you as free individuals (or suckers according to your government by the status quo for the status quo.) Make a choice and if your choice is switching from one political status quo party mafia to the other then guess what, It’s no choice at all. But this is what happens from too much power for too long and too much propaganda. Feel good being thoroughly under their control and brainwashed?Enjoy your 10 plus years of the Labor Party mafia and the Australia ID Card, when you could have a new party and an Economic Bill of Rights, without the Australia ID Card. Because we care about democracy, enterprise, productivity and a Bill of Rights for all.Even useless but expensive scatterbrains like Pauline Hanson and free-loading frauds and parasites like David Oldafield!Save democracy, save Australia, bury bureaucracy before it buries you and more importantly bury the political status quo, join up for an Economic Bill of Rights and regain some voter power. Do it for your children at least! Did you know that it is lousy self-perpetuating corrupt government that contributes to such a damaged environment including climate change. But you keep voting for it! So until you can wake up AND ACT then you or your children and so on will probably drown in your own sewerage. Have a nice day.
Labor Creates Devious Corrupt Howard Government
Australians Now Reward Devious Corrupt Labor Party Mafia! Logic?
The clever country indeed! With the NSW state elections due in a week Australians can expect to see the lousy Labor Party mafia rewarded for failure in NSW over 12 years and for creating the Howard Liberal/Coalition federal government and its tyranny and excess, including war in Iraq, and the Australia ID Card to mention two of many more.Australians simply have either forgotten the 12 years of inept and corrupt federal Labor party mafia government of Hawke and Keating, Carr and co, and how it resulted in the creation of Howard and co, or Australians are too brainwashed, manipulated and cowardly to recognize and acknowledge the cause and effect relationship. Either state of affairs means Australia’s entrenched corrupt and devious political status quo is being incentivised to entrench itself even further. A country gets the governments it deserves. However, democracy is now at stake and Australians simply prefer to stick their heads in the sand. The insidious political status quo and their mandarins know this and they encourage it without the majority aware of it. (Email to find out how they do this, or prefer to stay in the dark do we? That’s the ANZAC spirit!)Carr made corrupt business profits during his time in NSW government and Keating cleaned up on the Australian Stock Market through a deviously clever form of political payoff that no one seems to have picked up on or does not have the guts to mention. This is also what can only be expected from Australia’s media mafia. Notice now that the labor party is gaining political mileage the labor party rats are starting to crawl out of the woodwork (and sewer if Latham is any sort of informed guide), to get in early for their slice of the pie.Australians have had decades to study and analyse these scumbags and parasites and how they operate and have had some great opportunities to get rid of the bastards. It is still available but as they say, no guts no glory, no risk no reward. This is an Economic Bill of Rights solution and by now after 12 months of blogging it should be a national topic. It isn’t of course because it is about naught when up against the wall of propaganda the status quo has available and generated and mostly at your expense.But keep going because an Economic Bill of Rights will happen. And these bastards and their mafia culture will get flushed into the sewers they flourish in, according to Mark Latham.
Kevin Rudd is one of the new class technocrat (like in China, which could be this labor party frauds model and Rudd has taken the trouble to learn Mandarin!) others have warned about in the past. A pure bureaucrat/technocrat who knows nothing else but how to slither around in government and manipulate the majority. The Labor party mafia scumbags chose well.
His wife is up to her eyeballs in milking the less fortunate and vulnerable through the Centrelink scams and Jobs Network which is a solution kept self-perpetuating by bureaucrats for bureaucrats. As a typical labor party mafia parasite she (and the career technocrat hubby Rudd) has made millions apparently out of this Centrelink created industry and she is a certified member of this insidious bureaucracy’s corrupt and economically old-girls network, which has one priority and that’s to keep the Jobs Network/Centrelink show and profiteering, rolling. They and their networks also own businesses that the Centrelink fodder is forced and intimidated into working for through devious sewer rat bureaucrat cunning and typical little Hitler intimidation. They give it names like mutual obligation. Of course it never applies to these little Hitler bureaucrats and their mates. These douche-bags wouldn’t have jobs if they never had millions of fodder and victims to live off. So what do you think their priority is, Creating industry and jobs? The billions they squander and transfer to themselves over more than a decade could by now have created many jobs and even exports. But these parasites only understand bureaucracy and how to use it to milk stupid governments through career political vermin like Howard and his crew of mediocre conveyancing-clerks. And the union mafia ironically enough. They are all milking these billions and transferring it to their networks. So don’t expect this multibillion dollar scam to get reduced in size or shut down. It’s now systemic institutionalised corruption. And only something Australia can produce. Other countries should beware of this model and some of its offspring like HECS for example. So much for efficient government in low unemployment times.Whether it’s the buildings Centrelink operates out of, or putting junk mail in mail boxes or volunteering for any of the many scams and schemes they have cooked up to generate statistics to justify their self-serving profiteering “solutions”, just remember who is getting rich off you as one of their victims.One of our mottos is “bury bureaucracy before it buries you” and you might consider supporting a web site that will expose these scumbags and their “solutions”. Remember also they are using these scams to fund their political parties, who also own some of the Centrelink buildings. Time to start thinking about doing something about these pigs instead of just changing your vote.Don’t expect any changes to this Centrelink industry because it is funding the labor party mafia and insiders to the extent it will probably be expanded by Rudd and his crew. Don’t expect these scumbags to stop the Australia ID Card either and when you are forced to present your this-is-not-an-ID –card Australia ID Card just remember the political vermin that forced it on you. John “lying rodent” Howard, Joe Hockey and Senator Chris Ellison and the cast of little Hitler bureaucrats and mandarin pigs and parasites who designed it for their own empire building but needed to blame the Centrelink fodder (you) for the massive fraud they perpetrate against the Australian people. Always a good scapegoat for any political part out to protect and perpetuate its power. Typical Aussie bureaucrats just go along for the ride like the little Hitler parasites they are. And don’t forget that the labor party mafia under Hawke and Keating also did their best to force and Australia ID Card on you but they were by that time getting exposed for what they really are and decided to back off. But if they get a Howard type mandate now, which is looking likely, watch them whip you into line and that will include sliding the CARD in.Centrelink was recently crowing it had prevented fraud and recovered $130,000 from the Centrelink fodder that Rudd and his old lady get rich from, but no one put a cost on what these counterproductive bureaucrats spent to do it. Like the Australia ID Card they are a fraud on the majority. The greatest collection of self-serving unaccountable corrupt bludgers any nation could ever dream up. Compulsory voting is needed to maintain their power and control over the majority. ( Email for details…)
Now the majority is going to reward this Howard creating Labor party mafia by voting the scumbags into state and federal government. And when they do win watch all the promises these parasites have peddled to the majority get sidetracked for other priorities. All the universities and other hangers on are now all lining up for their turn at the trough after Howard and their hangers-on have pigged-out for 12 or more years. Keating will probably end-up Ambassador in France (collecting clocks with the millions he scammed out of Aussie investors), Carr maybe the US ambassador, Graham Richardson the Alpine Press, Swiss bank account crim will get a get out of jail free card, and so on. Watch out for the mafia sewer rats (thanks Latham) when they all come crawling out onto the surface to feed off the majority again for another 10 plus years.
Does Rudd have a media and iDTV policy that is any different from the devious Howard scumbags? Of course not and it will be milked for all its worth by the media mafia that has held Australia back for a decade with its stifling of diversity and prevention of infinite broadband.
You created this and now you are going to vote for it again. Wake up folks! There is no diversity in Australian politics which is why you end up eating the shit they keep on dishing up to you, like failed train services and corrupt city freeway deals. Wake up or what else can you expect? You tell yourself it’s as good as it can get with the help of government funded propaganda via the same old media mafia. Well BULLSHIT!
Yet again Australians get a bird’s eye inside view of the political mafia in the form of Brian Bourke and the Labor Party mafia sleazebags in WA and still the penny hasn’t dropped and after 50 years it looks like it never will. It’s the culture stupid, they don’t know how to operate any other way and its nationwide not isolated, and goes back more than 50 years. Probably back to federation. And there are now reputable companies listed on the stock market that owe their existence and longevity to corrupt relationships with these political pigs. Time for a change but change takes guts and imagination. What’s that, you prefer being manipulated and fed propaganda on a daily basis? Well no surprises there!But we press on with the Economic Bill of Rights because it’s time. And it’s right! And past time to flush these mealy mouthed corrupt unaccountable free-loading scumbags who by now it should be clear have no idea and no interest in real nation building stuff. let a 1,000 blossoms bloom is how they do it by getting others to give the plagiarizing creeps ideas they then use to promote themselves. Whoever called Australia the clever country clearly had (and still has) his head up his arse. Their focus and priority is brainwashing the majority for each 3 year cycle. It’s all about getting and retaining power over the majority by any means and milking the endless perquisites they create for themselves as the nation’s leaders and lawmakers. Naturally this is never -ending and all at your expense amigos.
Rudd and Guillard are technocrats out for power and perqs under the guise of leading the majority. Nothing changes except the names and faces. With a landslide the Labor party mafia sleazebags will go crazy with power. Dumb choice folks. DUMB! Again! And again!...
Your only choice should by now be an Economic Bill of Rights. Step up to the plate if you have the guts to. Email us any time for details. It takes staying power to bury this garbage.It’s up to you as free individuals (or suckers according to your government by the status quo for the status quo.) Make a choice and if your choice is switching from one political status quo party mafia to the other then guess what, It’s no choice at all. But this is what happens from too much power for too long and too much propaganda. Feel good being thoroughly under their control and brainwashed?Enjoy your 10 plus years of the Labor Party mafia and the Australia ID Card, when you could have a new party and an Economic Bill of Rights, without the Australia ID Card. Because we care about democracy, enterprise, productivity and a Bill of Rights for all.Even useless but expensive scatterbrains like Pauline Hanson and free-loading frauds and parasites like David Oldafield!Save democracy, save Australia, bury bureaucracy before it buries you and more importantly bury the political status quo, join up for an Economic Bill of Rights and regain some voter power. Do it for your children at least! Did you know that it is lousy self-perpetuating corrupt government that contributes to such a damaged environment including climate change. But you keep voting for it! So until you can wake up AND ACT then you or your children and so on will probably drown in your own sewerage. Have a nice day.
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