Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Cop Out Coonan
The Broadband Switch Flicking Witch
Now Hot For Broadband

Now that Telstra T3 has been dumped on the majority by the Howard, Coonan, Minchin three stooges they reckon Telstra should be flicking broadband switches to create high bandwidth broadband. However as usual these scumbag politicians and bureaucrats conveniently leave out the fact they had and still have the power and resources to do some broadband switch flicking. For example the $20 billion that they now have locked up in their Future Fund (to pay Coonan her indexed pension for life for when she retires from government for holding Australia back), could easily have been used to install universal broadband where all Australians and the nation would massively benefit. But no this was not the plan, getting their hands on $20 billion with barely a whimper from the majority was the first priority. Like AWB no one will be watching it!So now these clowns as government reckon they can buck pass all the blame onto Telstra as it is no longer “government owned”! But of course this has always been their plan.In the meantime the BCA (Business Council of Australia) has just published a report about Australia’s track record of failure to innovate, while this useless expensive cow Coonan has made a career and especially in regards to media, of doing zip for the nation and nation building. The left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing as usual. But this is what you get when you have mediocre conveyancing clerks as politicians and government.At least $5 billion of the Future Fund $20 billion from T3 should be spent on broadband for the nation and now not on useless counterproductive corrupt politicians, mandarins and bureaucrats. The rest can come from auctioning off the digital spectrum. (see below)
VOILA! Infinite bandwidth for all including business and free iDTV! If that ain’t nation building then what is? Don’t waste your time asking your government?And guess where the head of the ACMA comes from? From the media mafia broadcasters as an ex employee, and clearly they now have one of their own running the “peoples” media policy creating and watch dog bureaucracy. Clever country indeed!
And with the convenient new media laws created by the media for the media where they can again indulge in yet another round of asset shuffling funded by your superannuation funds, the question, and one of many, is will the free spectrum given to the broadcast media monopoly and mafia for the development of digital TV, that has allowed them to avoid developing DTV, be included in any sales of any of these broadcast media networks? (What idiot and fuckwit would give free digital spectrum to digital TV’s biggest enemy anyway, the analog media mafia? Only a government that would want to make sure iDTV did not happen and for the media mafia to prosper! And over 10 years and more what has happened? iDTV has been stifled and the analog broadcast media mafia has prospered. That’s your corrupt government’s idea of maximizing public interest benefits?? See elsewhere on blog for answer.) In an international auction this spectrum would be worth billions and it is a public asset. If Channel 10 changes hands will the value of this spectrum be included? If WIN TV changes hands will its digital spectrum be included and so on? When your corrupt government (after AWB any doubts about how corrupt should be buried) gave this spectrum to the media mafia broadcasters was there a contract? Did the contract specify the life of this free multi-billion dollar gift and its free transfer at any time? Has anyone in this vast massively expensive corrupt government ever attempted to do a valuation, including economic? And so on! For not giving you iDTV among other failures, your corrupt pollies and bureaucrats have just claimed about 18% of Telstra’s shares worth about $20 billion and put it into their Future Fund! (see elsewhere.) The pork barrel fund?Of course to give the majority iDTV now this free spectrum should be recovered by the government and sold on an open international auction and the proceeds by the way combined, in the public interests and for nation building, with some of the Telstra Future Fund billions and broadband infrastructure of fibre optics built across the nation. Not given to scumbag politicians and bureaucrats to add to their Future Fund.And where is the mealy mouthed labor party mafia on all of this? Nowhere of course because they created the environment for the corrupt weasel Howard - Coonan tyranny to take root in the first place! More cleverness!
Aussie nation building indeed!


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