Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Australias Future Fund More Institutionalised Corruption
Created By Bureaucracy For Bureaucracy
Rewarding Counterproductive Governments

As you beaver away productively day after day and give 4 months or more of your work to government or at least 50 cents in every dollar you make, the parasites you are supporting and who have given you $86 billion a year in red tape and a foreign debt of $650 billion and rising and denied you 4iDTV and undermined your industries from ICT to manufacturing and more, have rewarded themselves with their very own pork barrel nest egg that they also intend to use to guarantee they get their pensions. This is the secretive Future Fund now at about $100 billion and the proceeds of Telstra and the government surpluses are being poured into it at your expense. Only after these 4 months or 120 plus days do you get to keep what you earn. This means that each year another 1.25 plus days are added to the 4 months you already spend working for corrupt wealth transferring counterproductive government and an army of parasites, including the entrenched political status quo and their double dipping pensions and so on. Many of them are like Gary Nairn MP who already get one government pension from the military and now will get another from government as a retired member of parliament. He is not alone! Where and when does it end? IT DOESN’T, unless you have a constitution that protects you from these insatiable corrupt self-serving parasites.
Of course it begs the question, Did you vote for this or is it just another feature of the dictatorship of the political status quo and their vast supporting infrastructure of self-serving bureaucracy?By buying Telstra T3 you are rewarding these scumbags for failing on a massive scale and they are doing everything like blaming Sol Trujillo for Telstra’s failures. By buying Telstra T3 you are also funding their corrupt Future Fund. By buying Telstra T3 you are transferring wealth to their media mates while being denied 4iDTV and broadband and major economic benefits. You are being grossly manipulated and fed streaming propaganda thru the media monopoly. That’s why they must keep protecting it as a media monopoly. Stupid!
Wake up Aussies you are rewarding parasites who have built counterproductive empires, including new ones such as the Australia ID Card to make sure they increase their control over you and your family and the work you do, while denying you free speech and free multi-channel interactive digital TV and radio and more.
This Future Fund will open new unprecedented opportunities for them to rig government and your votes in association with the equally counterproductive and corrupt political status quo.With all of these vast resources over decades they can’t plan for water, they can’t plan for skills shortages, they can’t plan for anything much except more counterproductive parasitic bureaucracy and perpetuating the entrenched political status quo and their own interests. (They have now found a way to get their indexed pensions back after Latham forced them to stop it.)
And now you can expect the Muslim blowback because of these devious lying scumbags! Your leaders! Why don’t they arrest the AWB and other government terrorists involved in the wheat oil for food funding – terrorism - crimes and jail them for being a national security problem? Because they are not of “Mid-East” appearance mate! They are Aussies mate and represent Aussie values mate? Sure thing mate! Whatever you reckon mate! Mates gotta take care of mates, mate! Right mate! Mateship’s a number one Aussie value mate! Any moron ASIO types breathing down their neck and busting down their front doors in the middle of the night? No mate, they’re our mates mate! Interrogate the bastards for with-holding information that jeopardizes national security. Or do they in fact work for ASIO? That’s national security mate!
It’s time for change and the only way you are going to get your democracy back and get control of these disproportionately expensive government parasites is to either have a revolution or change the constitution to create AN ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS. Or, keep on eating their dictatorship over you. And this being Australia we can forget about the revolution?
It’s your choice, Use it or LOSE IT! Bury bureaucracy before it buries you!
Email this to anyone anywhere and save your democracy. Or print it and send it to others.

ALERT! – Your Economic Bill of Rights – ALERT!
In 3 decades Australian governments increased claims on you from -15 cents in the dollar to over -50 cents now. Where will it be in another 3 decades? - 85 cents !? When does it stop? It doesn’t without an Economic Bill of Rights!
Australia’s foreign debt has also increased to -$650 billion! Counterproductive Red Tape costs you -$86 billion a year! The AWB wheat corruption is more typical unaccountable corrupt government and their endless gravy train. Telstra T1 T2 T3 has now lost -$20 billion and counting. Demand fibre-optic infrastructure now instead of 3rd world broadband! It’s the tip of the iceberg. Now they reward themselves with secret multibillion dollar Future Fund at your expense. The mother of slush funds! More controls on corrupt propaganda peddling government (at your expense) instead of you? Exercise your democratic rights while you still have some. Support a world first solution! An Economic Bill of Rights. A unique amendment to the Australian Constitution. The tyranny of the status quo holds Australia back! Your devious power hungry corrupt Politicians Mandarins & Bureaucrats are now pushing thru their insidious
Australia ID CARD. They want it! DO YOU? And preventing multichannel 4iDTV an unprecedented rare opportunity! Squandered at what cost? Why? Any support is welcome, including copying or emailing this to others. Join the EBR Party


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