Aussies As Mushrooms Fed Usual Diet
Telstra T3 & Cross Media Coincidence No Coincidence
Coonan & Minchen Deliver Packaged Manure
It’s no coincidence Telstra T3 and some supposedly red-hot new cross media laws occurred at the same time. Both are a load of shit as usual but this is mainly all you ever get from one or the other main parties in government. The political status quo protecting and perpetuating the tyranny of the status quo! Time to wake up BOZOS!
Coonan has given you zero as the technology illiterate puppet and mouthpiece for the media status quo, but is making it look and sound like a new media vision, because they know you bozos who put them in power or not will eat any shit they feed you and not do anything about it. The 2 lousy channels of datacasting spectrum should be combined with all of the other broadcasting analog spectrum and auctioned off internationally on a use it or lose it basis. The media oligarchs are laughing as usual on another predictable win, and they haven’t created a new job in about a decade already as they siphon off more wealth into other investments like offshore tax havens, casinos and tax sheltered tax avoidance, from their government issued publicly owned licenses to print money. Why have the media status quo broadcasters still been allowed to sit on the free public spectrum handed to them by weasel-words Howard about 8 years ago and which they have done nothing with since. (See elsewhere on blog for the answer.) Howard has stated recently he considers media a maybe second order priority. This weasel has no idea about the economic benefits of digital as this proves and as he gives billions of dollars of government ICT contracts to offshore outsourcing companies like IBM in India etc. His priority is maintaining the status quo and feeding you bullshit to keep hold of the power they have over you. Send an email or whatever to one or more of these devious scumbags you voted for and ask them about it? If you’ve got the guts to!Minchin has flogged T3 to you using the media propaganda apparatus and what are they going to do with the money they raise from it? (see elsewhere for answer) and the left over percentage? Putting it in their pockets dumbo as the Future Fund, when it should be going into laying a public utility fibre optic infrastructure network with universal access. That’s wealth creation and nation building, but these sleazebags wouldn’t have a clue what that means and they no you don’t either.You have been suckered once again by the Howard government status quo pimps and whores and their media mafia equivalents. But give the devious labor party sewer rats half the chance in government again and they would do the same. Barnaby Joyce and the rest of his National Party “rebels” are only stooges putting on a show for you suckers so they can protect their vested interest as liberal party bootlickers and wheat/AWB scammers. And now they are milking the drought like the rest of the government funded opportunities they create to buy votes and fund their ag asset investments.
Someone in Europe was quoted not long ago as saying, Australia is run by idiots for idiots! Wonder how come they got that impression?And while we’re at it, Would you like to know why Australia can never create a Google, eBay, Yahoo, MySpace or now a YouTube among a string of others and never will despite the 2 main parties squandering billions and billions on 38 universities and more over years? Use the above as your guide bozos. And if you still can’t figure it out send us a cheque for $100 and we will let you in on the obvious.
Telstra T3 & Cross Media Coincidence No Coincidence
Coonan & Minchen Deliver Packaged Manure
It’s no coincidence Telstra T3 and some supposedly red-hot new cross media laws occurred at the same time. Both are a load of shit as usual but this is mainly all you ever get from one or the other main parties in government. The political status quo protecting and perpetuating the tyranny of the status quo! Time to wake up BOZOS!
Coonan has given you zero as the technology illiterate puppet and mouthpiece for the media status quo, but is making it look and sound like a new media vision, because they know you bozos who put them in power or not will eat any shit they feed you and not do anything about it. The 2 lousy channels of datacasting spectrum should be combined with all of the other broadcasting analog spectrum and auctioned off internationally on a use it or lose it basis. The media oligarchs are laughing as usual on another predictable win, and they haven’t created a new job in about a decade already as they siphon off more wealth into other investments like offshore tax havens, casinos and tax sheltered tax avoidance, from their government issued publicly owned licenses to print money. Why have the media status quo broadcasters still been allowed to sit on the free public spectrum handed to them by weasel-words Howard about 8 years ago and which they have done nothing with since. (See elsewhere on blog for the answer.) Howard has stated recently he considers media a maybe second order priority. This weasel has no idea about the economic benefits of digital as this proves and as he gives billions of dollars of government ICT contracts to offshore outsourcing companies like IBM in India etc. His priority is maintaining the status quo and feeding you bullshit to keep hold of the power they have over you. Send an email or whatever to one or more of these devious scumbags you voted for and ask them about it? If you’ve got the guts to!Minchin has flogged T3 to you using the media propaganda apparatus and what are they going to do with the money they raise from it? (see elsewhere for answer) and the left over percentage? Putting it in their pockets dumbo as the Future Fund, when it should be going into laying a public utility fibre optic infrastructure network with universal access. That’s wealth creation and nation building, but these sleazebags wouldn’t have a clue what that means and they no you don’t either.You have been suckered once again by the Howard government status quo pimps and whores and their media mafia equivalents. But give the devious labor party sewer rats half the chance in government again and they would do the same. Barnaby Joyce and the rest of his National Party “rebels” are only stooges putting on a show for you suckers so they can protect their vested interest as liberal party bootlickers and wheat/AWB scammers. And now they are milking the drought like the rest of the government funded opportunities they create to buy votes and fund their ag asset investments.
Someone in Europe was quoted not long ago as saying, Australia is run by idiots for idiots! Wonder how come they got that impression?And while we’re at it, Would you like to know why Australia can never create a Google, eBay, Yahoo, MySpace or now a YouTube among a string of others and never will despite the 2 main parties squandering billions and billions on 38 universities and more over years? Use the above as your guide bozos. And if you still can’t figure it out send us a cheque for $100 and we will let you in on the obvious.
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