Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Australian Universities Dumb Down
Wollongong University Is Model For The Rest
While Claiming University of The Year And More

Australian universities have been in dumb down mode for at least a decade now and it was identified by them and supported by these secretive and unaccountable Vice Chancellors Committees which is made up of mandarins from each of Australia’s 38 universities as a strategy to sustain their now corrupt empires. Over decades they have managed to continue building these academic empires for their own purposes first and education probably about second.Wollongong University’s claim to fame is that it has been voted Australia’s top university 2 or 3 years in a row but of course who were the voters, no one knows and how was the vote carried out and so on? Wollongong University’s other main claim to fame is that it is an innovator but this is even more controversial. This university has for a couple of decades become a proof of concept developer for many multinationals who have developed innovative commercial products and need a cheap source of proof of concept design. The MNC’s pay the university a dollar and the university gets a matching dollar of taxpayers money to do this therefore it sustains the university empire and its mandarins. For this business model they now claim they are a leading innovative university and are building a new campus on the real fact they have only ever been the proof of concept developers for innovative MNC’s. Wollongong University also has the dubious distinction of becoming a large university in a region that has had a relatively large manufacturing base that has been downsizing for decades and overall the region has one of the highest unemployment rates in Australia and it has been maintained this way for decades but particularly for the past decade because the bureaucracy that services the unemployed is a large employer throughout the region of bureaucrats so it must have a critical mass of fodder to live off. This has become an industry in its own right and peopled like Kevin Rudd and his wife Therese Rein as career bureaucrats have made a fortune out of living off the victims. This proves this university has not created wealth in the region through new industry and so on because they basically don’t need to when they can rig the system to suit themselves. Keep a low profile and generate self-serving propaganda whenever needed paid for by the taxpayer of course. The government has now rewarded this kind of dubious innovative model by setting up a $5 billion university endowment fund that they will yet again be able to rig to suit their respective universities and empires. It is another typical network devised by Australia’s bureaucrats for bureaucrats and operates a lot like a mafia. Taking care of its own and ex - politicians and bureaucrats. The wider public interest benefits are only useful for propaganda.Wollongong University meanwhile and to maintain its empire has not been able to attract enough local students so started to dumb down years ago so that it could use government finding from Austrade such as EMDG and so on etc to market positions to students overseas at a minimum of A$15,000 plus a course. There are insufficient local people who can afford this (and this has always been known but they have kept on building their empires anyway) so doing whatever is possible to bring in foreign students was necessary to keep the universities mandarins and bureaucrats in jobs and the lifestyle they reckon they are entitled to. (Any wonder though-out history the first group targeted are the so-called intelligentsia). To keep this game going more and more foreign students with lower academic competence had to be allowed to become students and so the universities mandarins have been able to keep their empire going under the disguise of various propaganda such as being an innovative top university and so forth.
In addition to keep local people in their place and useful as fodder they have manipulated student positions so that more locals are directed into such areas as nursing and so on which most foreign students are not interested in. Statistics are available to prove this but neither political party will put them in the public domain because it is too convenient to keep it unexposed. This means say a local student might apply to study some area of ICT but because many foreign students want to study these fields the locals are told there are no more positions available and so on until gradually they are successively rejected in this and other areas so that they take what the university wants them to take. This is co-ordinated across all 38 universities and TAFE so that TAFE bureaucrats can manipulate the local fodder for the benefit of their empires. Innovation indeed! And both main political parties have contributed to this and live off it and especially when they retire from government, which means during their time in government they make sure vast funding is directed to universities they can call on for favors when they get out of government. Institutionalised corruption and massive conflict of interest! Meanwhile this network of academic mandarins milk the setup for all its worth and the recent Macquarie University chancellor’s dispute was a good example of the whole show. Unwelcome exposure of course but the Australian media monopoly status quo true to form kept the lid on the main culture and how and why it has developed to the extent it has over decades.The power of brainwashing and propaganda indeed! So how’s it feel?


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