Australia’s Centrelink and Jobs Network Fundamentally Corrupt
Models of Institutionalized Systemic Corruption
Why Do Successive Australian Governments Perpetuate It?
The Australian National Audit Office or ANAO has recently produced another audit report about the maladministration of the Centrelink and Jobs Network bureaucracy and once again has found it is unaccountable. This is about the 10th report over the past 10 years the ANAO has produced about this vast parasitic multibillion dollar bureaucracy and each time it comes up with the same issues. Maladministration! Or in other words it is riddled with corruption. ANAO’s failures ensure the bureaucrats and their empires remain intact. A conflict of interest as the watchers can’t watch the watchers.
One of the many things the ANAO left out was of course any bottom up audit of any of these 10 reports and of course why Centrelink bureaucracy keeps growing in a low unemployment economy. According to the government unemployment has dropped from 13 % / 15 % to less than 5 % which logically would mean that Centrelink could be reduced in size because they have less unemployed fodder to service and live off but this is not the case which basically exposes Centrelink as up to its usual corrupt tricks. And all this when governments and oppositions are pushing productivity as a nice piece of confusing propaganda that makes them sound cluey, when in fact they are clueless. Fortunately however these governments know the Australia majority are even more clueless than their governments.For example what Centrelink does, and with the Jobs Network to help them, is to shuffle people through various schemes they have jointly devised to generate statistics that manipulate the figures that then can be used for mealy- mouthed scumbag so-called nation-builders like Howard and Costello (and the labor party mafia opposition) to be able to claim they have created all kinds of jobs and reduced unemployment etc etc. The Australian Bureau of Statistics of course being the lickspittle little Hitler’s and parasites they are will do anything to accommodate the government of the day to protect their own empire and its funding. And of course Australians are so thoroughly brainwashed they will never challenge these parasites.
But if ANAO was worth its budget it would do more than it is doing and answer this question why Centrelink is getting bigger when their victims are supposed to be declining in numbers as unemployed fodder. It can’t of course because it would expose the government for what it is and also expose the gravy train they have got going, which is basically that the ANAO is a training school for the big audit and accounting firms (profiteering off every government) like Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, KPMG, and others, including Macquarie Bank.But the ANAO would also, like the Australian media mafia, not look closer at the scam Kevin Rudd and his wife Mrs Therese Rudd or Therese Rein, have perpetrated against the Australian public through Centrelink and the Jobs Network schemes. This has led to Rudd and Rein sitting on $30 million in cash in the bank as a reward for this insider business and is a good example of how many other bureaucrats and ex-bureaucrats have enriched themselves by using the unemployed as a means to transfer money on a large scale from the government into their own accounts. This $30 million is not earned from wealth creation as Therese Rein and Kevin Rudd have only ever been bureaucrats and therefore wouldn’t have a clue about how to produce anything, that is to create wealth, because this mafia of mandarins doesn’t need to when it can use government corruption to transfer vast amounts to those throughout their network. What gets kicked back to the Labor Party mafia directly and indirectly will probably never be known and of course and what part it plays in funding Rudd’s move to be the next Prime Minister. Don’t expect Australia’s spineless media monopoly mafia to find out and inform you. In the case of Therese Rein she is part of an old –girls network that extends nationwide and into the highest levels of government departments where many other women are heads of such departments. To survive and perpetuate itself this network is based on a lack of ethics, which has become the dominant culture across successive governments. Australia’s bureaucracy was bad enough when it was dominated by the entrenched and corrupt old-boys network but now Australians are stuck with the equivalent old-girls network and to survive these parasites have combined forces wherever possible to profiteer off the nation’s human fodder as victims of a corrupt Centrelink and the secretive insidious and thoroughly corrupt Jobs Network. Of course Rein and Rudd have been exposed but this is basically irrelevant because most Australians are too brainwashed to wake up to what is going on and what they vote for. This corruption has taken place in the current Howard government because that’s part of how it pays off the small army of Australian senior bureaucracy or mandarins to keep them in power. But if the government changes to the Labor Party mafia the corruption if anything will increase and this can be shown clearly as what happens, especially as an example in the Hawke/Keating era and which basically resulted in their being thrown out and the Howard mafia of mediocre conveyancing -clerks and assorted parasites voted in, which should raise the question why anyone would vote for the Labor Party mafia when they are responsible for creating the devious dictatorial Howard government mafia, which has increased the size and cost of government and also peddled more propaganda than at anytime previously and made the old media mafia profiteers richer as they use their old media assets as the main propaganda apparatus.The kind of business model the Rudd/Rein partnership have used for this rip off is typical what this whole network of bureaucrats uses to enrich themselves at the expense of vulnerable human fodder. The decades old plight of Australia’s Aborigines is also a good example of how far these bureaucrats will go to keep their insidious parasistic empires and their careers going. Of course the same governments have now jumped in to claim they are a solution and will devises more schemes to “assist” the Kooris. The bureaucrats and their respective political sponsors never miss an opportunity to grow their empires at any cost. Create a massive problem, whether its unemployment and parasitic expensive bureaucracy, Aborigine abuses of UN proportions, water and so on then claim they are the solutions.Firstly Rudd and Rein do not have any experience of wealth creation and so the whole scam is based on a closed network across the nation of comparable models owned by the network of old-girls and old boys into and throughout the relevant government departments basically as insiders and with access to all of the governments schemes before anyone else. This is a mafia in the true sense of the word. As these Centrelink and Jobs Network contracts are supposed to be advertised so they appear to be offered through a public process, the fact is these insiders like Rudd and Rein and their network get their pre –arranged tenders in and get awarded the limited number of contracts so they all get turns at the government funding trough. Over more than 10 years (and previously the Labor Party mafia had their version going and will again if re-elected) this has enriched many bureaucrats, politicians and ex-bureaucrats. Now Rudd and Rein have been partly exposed they are planning to sell –out of their human fodder businesses such as WorkDirections Australian and Ingeus and take their scam to foreign countries. And “their” $30 million payoff they have transferred from government. (Ex - premier of Queensland Wayne Goss and some other ex government mandarins are shareholders in these companies.) This is $30 million in cash that was transferred from government that should be used for real industry and jobs and wealth creation. But Rudd and Rein and many others who are members of this mafia are not interested in such things when they can get rich of government which is easier than building business that actually produces something of value.WorkDirections Australia and Ingeus like the rest of this network of Centrelink and Jobs Network mafia are not interested in the kind of jobs and the quality of jobs they get the unemployed fodder to run around after because they are only interested in generating the statistics that corrupt government parasites can claim is creating jobs and therefore that they have found the solution for it. For this activity of statistics creation and generation the government transfers money to this Jobs Network mafia as a reward and also increases the number of bureaucrats in Centrelink and their budget. Of course everyone deludes themselves that this is a solution in spite of the fact it could be shown by the gutless ANAO bureaucracy that it is systemic and institutionalised corruption and of course ANAO and the Productivity Commission and the ABS conveniently don’t notice that Centrelink is getting bigger not smaller as economic efficiency would expect. Therefore the unemployed fodder figures are being manipulated. It all gives insider trading a new meaning and the ACCC is useless and worthless in such circumstances as they are co-bureaucrats looking out for their own empire and gravy train scams.
This network has devised all kinds of shuffles to be able to profiteer from the governments so-called “initiatives” to reduce unemployment and it is all mainly smoke and mirrors but it is also used to fund the two main political parties. This means the unemployed fodder gets lousy jobs that are dictated by Centrelink and the Jobs Network mafia for their purposes. They have an interest in the businesses they get fodder to work for and so are complicit in manipulating the statistics for the financial rewards.Rudd and Rein were found out because this shuffle is only manipulating people to generate the right statistics that then reward these Job Network creating scams for generating enough data so that government can claim it has reduced unemployment. This is the “business model” they use to milk the government and very successfully over decades. But we know that Centrelink has in fact increased in size and budget over the same period so this is clear proof Centerelink is either servicing more people as unemployed or it has found other ways to grow its insidious parasitic empire to protect its own interests. It is in fact a case of both so it does prove that the model Rudd and Rein and the whole Jobs Network mafia are using is only to generate statistics and millions (billions) of dollars of taxpayers money to enrich the mandarins. In addition the two political parties and this Job Network mafia own a network of small and large businesses including real estate, that they used to transfer government money to and through. These businesses range in size from letter box mail insertion using Centrelink fodder and real estate. A typical example is that the Centrelink unemployed victims get referred to one or more of these Jobs Network parasites and this generates 2 sets of statistics, one for Centerelink and one for the Jobs Network mafia. The Jobs Network parasites then check through their insiders proprietary databases for businesses they and are connected with that can use this fodder and mainly temporarily. This means most unemployed are working temporarily and for peanuts but in the process this generates more than enough statistics that allow Centrelink and the Jobs Network mafia to claim government money for fulfilling certain government activities that the government needs to be able to use to claim it is “creating” jobs and reducing unemployment. Of course everyone should know that welfare recipients are always the first scapegoat for scumbag self serving politicians and their parties as propaganda to use to get the public to believe they are a government worth voting for and so on. That most of them are mediocre lawyers is no coincidence.
So this insidious army of parasitic career bureaucrats have created a culture of temporary employment across the nation that because it gets turned over multiple times in a year generates all kinds of statistics that the likes of weasels and scumbag parasites like Howard and Costello and their mandarin yes minister flunkeys can use and manipulate to claim Australia has reduced unemployed from 15% to less than 5%. Meantime they have expanded Centrelink larger than when it was when at 15% unemployment. Logically this proves they are rigging the system and statistics for their political and profiteering ends. This whole game must be maintained and kept going at any cost and the old media monopoly mafia like Packer and Murdoch and others have been making millions out of it for decades as they won and control the media assets used for propaganda to brainwash the majority of Australian lemmings. The instability of these transient propaganda peddling governments and political parasites ensures they can keep this game going forever and it has been going for decades already as an industry, albeit an insidious one that has nothing to do with nation building, which is something these pigs make up as they go along as PR propaganda but again society incurs enormous cost and waste.Furthermore both main political parties own real estate across the country and every state uses this Centrelink and Jobs Network mafia and its access to government troughs to generate income and profits that in turn are used to fund party propaganda to keep them in perpetual power either as government or as shadow government. These real estate assets owned by these political parties are leased to the Centrelink and Jobs Network mafia of parasites for profits. This also means Centrelink and the Jobs Network must be kept going because it is a way of also transferring government money to the two main parties and so on. That means there must always be high unemployment disguised as low unemployment which is why in fact Centrelink is still a growing bureaucracy of insidious parasitic little aussie hitlers who must be kept employed to prevent them from exposing the fact the governments solutions aren’t really working to create real jobs and real wealth but is a complex scam devised by bureaucrats and their political sponsors for their own benefit and purposes. Such as profiteering off unemployment and funding their respective political parties. There are many other scams these two main political parties have devised to transfer money from government to fund their political parties and empires. The Tasmanian Ferry looks like it is one and although this has cost taxpayers about $500 million so far it was never economically viable. So now, what the mandarins and their political sponsors are doing is trying to declare it as unviable and an offshore entity they own and control could buy these new ferries for next to nothing and then flip then to some other ferry business offshore where the Australian public can’t see the business. ASIC ignores this kind of corruption of course but that’s another story. Rudd and Rein of course are now in the process of moving their easy $30 million in cash offshore. This is taxpayer money that clearly should be being used for real wealth and job creating industry and business and not for a mafia network of corrupt political parties and their mandarin mates. Banana republic indeed!
This is the kind of Australian government innovation that in reality holds Australia back from true industry, jobs and wealth creation but a vast and complex web of insidious corruption has had to be created including taxpayer funded propaganda. Centrelink and the Jobs Network are in fact part of this smoke and mirrors corruption and it is now an entrenched industry that no bureaucrat and politician would expose or dismantle. So the unemployed and temporarily employed fodder as their victims must be kept in constant state of activity and shuffled around from pillar to post through this corrupt and parasitic Jobs Network mafia of old –boys and old-girls as ex-government bureaucrats and so forth to generate statistics for the government, while the wider public must be fed constant and expensive propaganda to scapegoat the welfare dependent population as being the parasitic low life that these government parasites with their parasitic empires use and live –off plus get rich from while claiming to be “serving you as a solution” . “Support the system that supports you” is the kind of self-serving propaganda these scumbag parasites must spend taxpayer money on if they want to keep their jobs as careers living off society, and to maintain their empires and budgets. The Centrelink and Jobs Network public and private bureaucracy knows it can squeeze the devious politicians for bigger empires and budgets because they in turn can use this “industry” to manipulate the voting public while enriching themselves, which is what the politicians allow as the government of the day as a pay-off to keep the whole phony claim they are creating jobs and reducing unemployment, going indefinitely.
But once again the public needs reminding that this “industry” can be closed down if there existed an Economic Bill of Rights that could bury the bureaucracy and make the political parasites and scumbags accountable. Innovative productive governance! Without this you are voting for more of the same and this is obviously plain dumb, which is probably why governments need to keep peddling propaganda that Australia is the “clever country”. Clever indeed!
If you have a Centrelink office or Jobs Network company that has fucked you over in the name of “the system that lives off you” please let us know and how these pigs have abused you, humiliated and intimidated you for their own purposes and we will list them. Email .
Bury bureaucracy before it buries you!
Models of Institutionalized Systemic Corruption
Why Do Successive Australian Governments Perpetuate It?
The Australian National Audit Office or ANAO has recently produced another audit report about the maladministration of the Centrelink and Jobs Network bureaucracy and once again has found it is unaccountable. This is about the 10th report over the past 10 years the ANAO has produced about this vast parasitic multibillion dollar bureaucracy and each time it comes up with the same issues. Maladministration! Or in other words it is riddled with corruption. ANAO’s failures ensure the bureaucrats and their empires remain intact. A conflict of interest as the watchers can’t watch the watchers.
One of the many things the ANAO left out was of course any bottom up audit of any of these 10 reports and of course why Centrelink bureaucracy keeps growing in a low unemployment economy. According to the government unemployment has dropped from 13 % / 15 % to less than 5 % which logically would mean that Centrelink could be reduced in size because they have less unemployed fodder to service and live off but this is not the case which basically exposes Centrelink as up to its usual corrupt tricks. And all this when governments and oppositions are pushing productivity as a nice piece of confusing propaganda that makes them sound cluey, when in fact they are clueless. Fortunately however these governments know the Australia majority are even more clueless than their governments.For example what Centrelink does, and with the Jobs Network to help them, is to shuffle people through various schemes they have jointly devised to generate statistics that manipulate the figures that then can be used for mealy- mouthed scumbag so-called nation-builders like Howard and Costello (and the labor party mafia opposition) to be able to claim they have created all kinds of jobs and reduced unemployment etc etc. The Australian Bureau of Statistics of course being the lickspittle little Hitler’s and parasites they are will do anything to accommodate the government of the day to protect their own empire and its funding. And of course Australians are so thoroughly brainwashed they will never challenge these parasites.
But if ANAO was worth its budget it would do more than it is doing and answer this question why Centrelink is getting bigger when their victims are supposed to be declining in numbers as unemployed fodder. It can’t of course because it would expose the government for what it is and also expose the gravy train they have got going, which is basically that the ANAO is a training school for the big audit and accounting firms (profiteering off every government) like Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, KPMG, and others, including Macquarie Bank.But the ANAO would also, like the Australian media mafia, not look closer at the scam Kevin Rudd and his wife Mrs Therese Rudd or Therese Rein, have perpetrated against the Australian public through Centrelink and the Jobs Network schemes. This has led to Rudd and Rein sitting on $30 million in cash in the bank as a reward for this insider business and is a good example of how many other bureaucrats and ex-bureaucrats have enriched themselves by using the unemployed as a means to transfer money on a large scale from the government into their own accounts. This $30 million is not earned from wealth creation as Therese Rein and Kevin Rudd have only ever been bureaucrats and therefore wouldn’t have a clue about how to produce anything, that is to create wealth, because this mafia of mandarins doesn’t need to when it can use government corruption to transfer vast amounts to those throughout their network. What gets kicked back to the Labor Party mafia directly and indirectly will probably never be known and of course and what part it plays in funding Rudd’s move to be the next Prime Minister. Don’t expect Australia’s spineless media monopoly mafia to find out and inform you. In the case of Therese Rein she is part of an old –girls network that extends nationwide and into the highest levels of government departments where many other women are heads of such departments. To survive and perpetuate itself this network is based on a lack of ethics, which has become the dominant culture across successive governments. Australia’s bureaucracy was bad enough when it was dominated by the entrenched and corrupt old-boys network but now Australians are stuck with the equivalent old-girls network and to survive these parasites have combined forces wherever possible to profiteer off the nation’s human fodder as victims of a corrupt Centrelink and the secretive insidious and thoroughly corrupt Jobs Network. Of course Rein and Rudd have been exposed but this is basically irrelevant because most Australians are too brainwashed to wake up to what is going on and what they vote for. This corruption has taken place in the current Howard government because that’s part of how it pays off the small army of Australian senior bureaucracy or mandarins to keep them in power. But if the government changes to the Labor Party mafia the corruption if anything will increase and this can be shown clearly as what happens, especially as an example in the Hawke/Keating era and which basically resulted in their being thrown out and the Howard mafia of mediocre conveyancing -clerks and assorted parasites voted in, which should raise the question why anyone would vote for the Labor Party mafia when they are responsible for creating the devious dictatorial Howard government mafia, which has increased the size and cost of government and also peddled more propaganda than at anytime previously and made the old media mafia profiteers richer as they use their old media assets as the main propaganda apparatus.The kind of business model the Rudd/Rein partnership have used for this rip off is typical what this whole network of bureaucrats uses to enrich themselves at the expense of vulnerable human fodder. The decades old plight of Australia’s Aborigines is also a good example of how far these bureaucrats will go to keep their insidious parasistic empires and their careers going. Of course the same governments have now jumped in to claim they are a solution and will devises more schemes to “assist” the Kooris. The bureaucrats and their respective political sponsors never miss an opportunity to grow their empires at any cost. Create a massive problem, whether its unemployment and parasitic expensive bureaucracy, Aborigine abuses of UN proportions, water and so on then claim they are the solutions.Firstly Rudd and Rein do not have any experience of wealth creation and so the whole scam is based on a closed network across the nation of comparable models owned by the network of old-girls and old boys into and throughout the relevant government departments basically as insiders and with access to all of the governments schemes before anyone else. This is a mafia in the true sense of the word. As these Centrelink and Jobs Network contracts are supposed to be advertised so they appear to be offered through a public process, the fact is these insiders like Rudd and Rein and their network get their pre –arranged tenders in and get awarded the limited number of contracts so they all get turns at the government funding trough. Over more than 10 years (and previously the Labor Party mafia had their version going and will again if re-elected) this has enriched many bureaucrats, politicians and ex-bureaucrats. Now Rudd and Rein have been partly exposed they are planning to sell –out of their human fodder businesses such as WorkDirections Australian and Ingeus and take their scam to foreign countries. And “their” $30 million payoff they have transferred from government. (Ex - premier of Queensland Wayne Goss and some other ex government mandarins are shareholders in these companies.) This is $30 million in cash that was transferred from government that should be used for real industry and jobs and wealth creation. But Rudd and Rein and many others who are members of this mafia are not interested in such things when they can get rich of government which is easier than building business that actually produces something of value.WorkDirections Australia and Ingeus like the rest of this network of Centrelink and Jobs Network mafia are not interested in the kind of jobs and the quality of jobs they get the unemployed fodder to run around after because they are only interested in generating the statistics that corrupt government parasites can claim is creating jobs and therefore that they have found the solution for it. For this activity of statistics creation and generation the government transfers money to this Jobs Network mafia as a reward and also increases the number of bureaucrats in Centrelink and their budget. Of course everyone deludes themselves that this is a solution in spite of the fact it could be shown by the gutless ANAO bureaucracy that it is systemic and institutionalised corruption and of course ANAO and the Productivity Commission and the ABS conveniently don’t notice that Centrelink is getting bigger not smaller as economic efficiency would expect. Therefore the unemployed fodder figures are being manipulated. It all gives insider trading a new meaning and the ACCC is useless and worthless in such circumstances as they are co-bureaucrats looking out for their own empire and gravy train scams.
This network has devised all kinds of shuffles to be able to profiteer from the governments so-called “initiatives” to reduce unemployment and it is all mainly smoke and mirrors but it is also used to fund the two main political parties. This means the unemployed fodder gets lousy jobs that are dictated by Centrelink and the Jobs Network mafia for their purposes. They have an interest in the businesses they get fodder to work for and so are complicit in manipulating the statistics for the financial rewards.Rudd and Rein were found out because this shuffle is only manipulating people to generate the right statistics that then reward these Job Network creating scams for generating enough data so that government can claim it has reduced unemployment. This is the “business model” they use to milk the government and very successfully over decades. But we know that Centrelink has in fact increased in size and budget over the same period so this is clear proof Centerelink is either servicing more people as unemployed or it has found other ways to grow its insidious parasitic empire to protect its own interests. It is in fact a case of both so it does prove that the model Rudd and Rein and the whole Jobs Network mafia are using is only to generate statistics and millions (billions) of dollars of taxpayers money to enrich the mandarins. In addition the two political parties and this Job Network mafia own a network of small and large businesses including real estate, that they used to transfer government money to and through. These businesses range in size from letter box mail insertion using Centrelink fodder and real estate. A typical example is that the Centrelink unemployed victims get referred to one or more of these Jobs Network parasites and this generates 2 sets of statistics, one for Centerelink and one for the Jobs Network mafia. The Jobs Network parasites then check through their insiders proprietary databases for businesses they and are connected with that can use this fodder and mainly temporarily. This means most unemployed are working temporarily and for peanuts but in the process this generates more than enough statistics that allow Centrelink and the Jobs Network mafia to claim government money for fulfilling certain government activities that the government needs to be able to use to claim it is “creating” jobs and reducing unemployment. Of course everyone should know that welfare recipients are always the first scapegoat for scumbag self serving politicians and their parties as propaganda to use to get the public to believe they are a government worth voting for and so on. That most of them are mediocre lawyers is no coincidence.
So this insidious army of parasitic career bureaucrats have created a culture of temporary employment across the nation that because it gets turned over multiple times in a year generates all kinds of statistics that the likes of weasels and scumbag parasites like Howard and Costello and their mandarin yes minister flunkeys can use and manipulate to claim Australia has reduced unemployed from 15% to less than 5%. Meantime they have expanded Centrelink larger than when it was when at 15% unemployment. Logically this proves they are rigging the system and statistics for their political and profiteering ends. This whole game must be maintained and kept going at any cost and the old media monopoly mafia like Packer and Murdoch and others have been making millions out of it for decades as they won and control the media assets used for propaganda to brainwash the majority of Australian lemmings. The instability of these transient propaganda peddling governments and political parasites ensures they can keep this game going forever and it has been going for decades already as an industry, albeit an insidious one that has nothing to do with nation building, which is something these pigs make up as they go along as PR propaganda but again society incurs enormous cost and waste.Furthermore both main political parties own real estate across the country and every state uses this Centrelink and Jobs Network mafia and its access to government troughs to generate income and profits that in turn are used to fund party propaganda to keep them in perpetual power either as government or as shadow government. These real estate assets owned by these political parties are leased to the Centrelink and Jobs Network mafia of parasites for profits. This also means Centrelink and the Jobs Network must be kept going because it is a way of also transferring government money to the two main parties and so on. That means there must always be high unemployment disguised as low unemployment which is why in fact Centrelink is still a growing bureaucracy of insidious parasitic little aussie hitlers who must be kept employed to prevent them from exposing the fact the governments solutions aren’t really working to create real jobs and real wealth but is a complex scam devised by bureaucrats and their political sponsors for their own benefit and purposes. Such as profiteering off unemployment and funding their respective political parties. There are many other scams these two main political parties have devised to transfer money from government to fund their political parties and empires. The Tasmanian Ferry looks like it is one and although this has cost taxpayers about $500 million so far it was never economically viable. So now, what the mandarins and their political sponsors are doing is trying to declare it as unviable and an offshore entity they own and control could buy these new ferries for next to nothing and then flip then to some other ferry business offshore where the Australian public can’t see the business. ASIC ignores this kind of corruption of course but that’s another story. Rudd and Rein of course are now in the process of moving their easy $30 million in cash offshore. This is taxpayer money that clearly should be being used for real wealth and job creating industry and business and not for a mafia network of corrupt political parties and their mandarin mates. Banana republic indeed!
This is the kind of Australian government innovation that in reality holds Australia back from true industry, jobs and wealth creation but a vast and complex web of insidious corruption has had to be created including taxpayer funded propaganda. Centrelink and the Jobs Network are in fact part of this smoke and mirrors corruption and it is now an entrenched industry that no bureaucrat and politician would expose or dismantle. So the unemployed and temporarily employed fodder as their victims must be kept in constant state of activity and shuffled around from pillar to post through this corrupt and parasitic Jobs Network mafia of old –boys and old-girls as ex-government bureaucrats and so forth to generate statistics for the government, while the wider public must be fed constant and expensive propaganda to scapegoat the welfare dependent population as being the parasitic low life that these government parasites with their parasitic empires use and live –off plus get rich from while claiming to be “serving you as a solution” . “Support the system that supports you” is the kind of self-serving propaganda these scumbag parasites must spend taxpayer money on if they want to keep their jobs as careers living off society, and to maintain their empires and budgets. The Centrelink and Jobs Network public and private bureaucracy knows it can squeeze the devious politicians for bigger empires and budgets because they in turn can use this “industry” to manipulate the voting public while enriching themselves, which is what the politicians allow as the government of the day as a pay-off to keep the whole phony claim they are creating jobs and reducing unemployment, going indefinitely.
But once again the public needs reminding that this “industry” can be closed down if there existed an Economic Bill of Rights that could bury the bureaucracy and make the political parasites and scumbags accountable. Innovative productive governance! Without this you are voting for more of the same and this is obviously plain dumb, which is probably why governments need to keep peddling propaganda that Australia is the “clever country”. Clever indeed!
If you have a Centrelink office or Jobs Network company that has fucked you over in the name of “the system that lives off you” please let us know and how these pigs have abused you, humiliated and intimidated you for their own purposes and we will list them. Email .
Bury bureaucracy before it buries you!
Again Elder Brown fell into his beloved hat.. But it is a much abused privilege of the conscious activity that it is allowed to hide from us all other activities wherever it participates.. It was therefore not remarkable that the courthouse three weeks later was crowded with an excited multitude of the curious and sympathizing.. But he had not forgotten his compact with his friend, and in the course of a week he wrote to Podington, inviting him to spend some days with him.. I'll use it to your full satisfaction.. If it will work with the woman, the treatment will also work.. The simplest way to approximate two dream thoughts, which have as yet nothing in common, consists in making such a change in the actual expression of one idea as will meet a slight responsive recasting in the form of the other idea.. I can listen no longer, said Caroline to Edward, rising to change her seat. In short, the Dutchman and, his wife, in the old weather-box, had not less to do with, each other than he and I.. Now then, pull on your starboard rein.. A somewhat sarcastic young lady, whose younger friend has become engaged to be married, is asked throughout the day by her acquaintances whether she knows and what she thinks of the fiance.. The trolley seemed too slow for him, and, as always happened nowadays, he was recognized; he heard his name whispered, and was aware of the admiring glances of the curious.. A natural accident, such as will happen now and then! I gave the matter no further consideration, and at my usual hour retired to bed.. Ketch him doin' it! said the woman, scornfully.. Van Kamp hurried in at the door.. It must suffice to state that we obtain matter enough for the resolution of every morbid idea if we especially direct our attention to the unbidden associations which disturb our thoughts --those which are otherwise put aside by the critic as worthless refuse.. We're finding in this yere piece, out of which the Kernel hes just bin a-quotin', some language that me and my pardners allow hadn't orter to be read out afore a young lady in court--and we want to know of you--ez a fair-minded and impartial man--ef this is the reg'lar kind o' book given to gals and babies down at the meetin'-house.. But this was when they had all gone back to their old home; for if Mr. There are dreams about landscapes and localities in which emphasis is always laid upon the assurance: I have been there before.. The reviving liquor passed his lips...
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