Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Friday, June 30, 2006

Australia’s Old Media Oligarchs & Government
Prevent Convergence Free iDTV & JOBS…
Support Your Free 4iDTV…

Are These Old Corrupt Political and Media Mates the Real Terrorists?
The entrenched old analog TV monopoly oligarchs have been sitting on vast free digital spectrum worth many billions of dollars given to them by the government. They have for almost 10 years now been abusing this free gift of an invaluable public asset by not using it. Why would any government claiming a public interest benefit priority give digital TV’s worst enemy, vast free public digital spectrum? Because they protect their media mates and propaganda apparatus! Because of their economic abuse of this asset it is now past time it was recovered and sold in international auction to those who legally must use it for digital TV or lose it. Howard and Coonan continue to work for the media oligarchs, (including secretly), not you and the public interest benefit, which is used only for their propaganda. Their ongoing failure, and its enormous cost, to optimise the potentials of iDTV for all Australians is criminal but they will, typically, retire from government with lifetime indexed pensions and also comfortable new careers, while the media will probably continue to call them great Australians.
We are also undertaking research and will produce a report about Australia’s iDTV and ICT failures and what can be done. To book your copy and/or to contribute

“Murdoch Tells PM: Ditch Media Reforms” – But the government has never done any media reform to ditch! They have only made a lot of expensive noise for years and made it look like they were leading. All they have done over a decade and more is protect and perpetuate the status quo. (Which raises the obvious question of course, Why do the majority of Australians keep voting for it? Could they be so thoroughly brainwashed? Australian’s should instead be ditching the political status quo!) However what they have ditched is iDTV for all Australians but thanks to Murdoch and his media mafia mates’ dominance very few Aussies are aware of this and its enormous cost.Murdoch is only partly correct as he is using his media and its access to spineless government parasites to achieve his self-serving priorities. The rest of the handful of Australian media oligarchs are worse than Murdoch of course insofar as they are aligned to prevent free multichannel iDTV to all Australians. But Howard and his cabinet of conveyancing clerks will use Murdoch’s views to cop-out of all media changes. And Australians will with typical apathy accept this, which only helps the old media oligarchs and is what they want. The political status quo can jump in and change any laws that suit their tyranny of power but notice how they persistently avoid changing any media laws that would have the immediate potential to deliver free or near free iDTV to all Australians. The only way this is going to happen is that Australians wake up to what these mealy-mouthed lawyers playing politics are costing them and the nation. Senator Coonan is now claiming there is not enough spectrum to accommodate iDTV. (See below) THIS IS their typical BULLSHIT. Coonan is just another mealy-mouthed lying technology illiterate political parasite (another lawyer so what’s new) taking instructions from the media monopoly, the spineless nameless faceless mandarins and bureaucrats. Like Richard Alston the media monopoly’s politician she replaced, she will retire shortly having achieved nothing for Australian’s and their free iDTV, while claiming to maximise public interest benefits.

PART 1. Old Media Oligarchs & Government Preventing Convergence & Free iDTV! And the proof is available for anyone interested. Although it is possible Aussies now don’t want to hear about it because they would expose themselves as being wooden ducks. Continuing government support of the media oligarchs and their economically inefficient old analog media assets is costing Australians and SME’s tens of billions and they are completely in the dark about it.
Why You Should Not Subscribe To Foxtel Digital TV. Doing so helps fund the media monopoly’s strategy to stifle universal free multichannel iDTV. In other words you should already, according to law and technology, be receiving free or near free multichannel interactive DTV. Murdoch and the handful of entrenched Aussie media oligarchs who own and control the old entrenched analog status quo media assets, are preventing this. Why? It should be obvious by now. They must to save their own arses. If you still can’t figure out why, email us and we will be happy to explain in more detail but in the meantime see some of the following stuff. WE ALSO HAVE A SOLUTION TO FIND OUT!
The political status quo’s latest support for the media oligarchs is government funding in NSW for a new headquarters for channel 7. Morris Iemma is supposed to be an economist so he should know that what he is doing is a negative sum game. (Notice the academics and media are silent?) His industry assistance mandarins (See are nothing but parasites perpetuating the waste of billions each year to keep their own corrupt empires going forever while using it to fund their own business careers. Again for a few jobs over a couple of years to make the equally rotten to the core NSW labor party mafia look good in the short-term but nothing for the long term except enhancing Kerry Stokes’ control over Channel 7 and the prevention of iDTV. He is part of the media monopoly that is stifling free iDTV for all Aussies. He is also sitting on digital spectrum which is a public asset worth billions but given to him and the other old analog networks for free by the Howard government and their politicized mandarins. Now Iemma is funding this new Channel 7 headquarters while Stokes continues to get more control and ownership of Channel 7. Iemma should explain why the NSW government is funding Stokes. This media oligarch, like the others, is preventing iDTV to all Aussies, and true to type and form the corrupt labor party mafia is using public money to help him. (This should also prove that the political status quo in the form of Howard’s coalition and the labor party and their mandarins are always equally loyal to the media oligarchs.)
WAKE UP FOLKS if you want iDTV and its economic benefits, because once again the corrupt political status quo is using public resources to back these CORPORATE WELFARE parasites and at your expense in more ways than one!
And by the way, How many jobs have these old analog media oligarchs created over the past 10 years? None, and in fact they are losing jobs on a steady basis as they try to save their old networks but again at your expense. (See )

Australians continue to sacrifice a unique and once in a lifetime opportunity to implement and deliver to themselves free multichannel interactive digital television or iDTV. (What would Howard, Coonan and Iemma know about iDTV and its economic benefits? ZIP! They only know about how to do whatever it takes to save their miserable corrupt political arses every 3 years and fuck democracy and the long-term economics.) Aussies, including 1 million plus SME’s are paying for this on a daily basis in various economically significant ways and the cost is growing by the year as the media status quo and their government allies the political status quo, in the form mainly of Howard’s coalition and the labor party (mainly all lawyers), essentially continue with the status quo. No need for diversity and change management with this cohort?Laws were made in 1998 to switch off analog in 2008, although the government, essentially being advised by the media monopoly, new this was impossible but they bend over backwards to keep the media mafia happy. While all this bunch of protected power abusing secretive media thugs can do is fight amongst themselves although notice that none of them will break ranks and push for pure iDTV such as 4iDTV. It’s past time Australian’s asked how come these entrenched protected media thugs, some of them not even resident in the country, are entitled to hold the government issued broadcast licenses in light of their monopoly preventing public interest benefit, universal iDTV and their incestuous executive infighting. Are they in fact fit and proper persons to continue to hold these licences? The answer by now must be an unequivocal NO! Yet again exposing Australia’s parochial self centered mindless management for what it is. They all know that as soon as one breaks ranks and pursues pure digital then they could all be buried. Competition that would maximise public interest benefits in the superior interactive digital realm is not an option for this old entrenched media Mafioso and in fact as the past 10 years proves, they must prevent it to ensure their own survival. Despite how much they infight and attack one another. The gutless government’s latest law change to accommodate them is to require switching over to digital and close analog channels in 2012 instead of 2008. Government has a massive conflict of interest as it puts accommodating an economically inefficient and corrupt media monopoly above the public interest and long-term nation building. Australia’s insidious political status quo can only focus and operate on tenuous 3 year cycles. We can guarantee that by 2012 they will change the time again to accommodate the economically inefficient analog media monopoly. They are also attempting to change the media ownership laws to allow the media mafia to share cross media ownership opportunities and claiming this is in the public’s best interest. More of their Bullshit! Meanwhile the public and maximization of public interest benefits, which includes universal free iDTV is continually being avoided to accommodate the media mafia. You should by now understand the reason for this? The cost is growing and is enormous. But what would Aussie lawyers playing politics and their nameless faceless mandarins know about economics, productivity and efficiency? With a foreign debt of $650 billion and rising, Fuck all obviously! (We could elaborate in detail but we don’t have the resources. While your governments piss away billions, which we could also detail. You owe this state of not being fully informed to the political status quo and their media monopoly feeding you filtered propaganda. Perhaps you think this is a joke?)
No TV network is or can be free of course although in this regard the media and political status quo have done a very efficient job over decades manipulating all Australians to believe that they are the unique recipients and beneficiaries of the worlds greatest free to air TV system (FTA-TV). Bullshit baffles brains? This cost far exceeds any benefits the government and the media monopoly claim the public receives. But as these two vested interests control the media laws and the media delivery systems/networks respectively and jointly, it is of course obvious after 10 years of preventing the implementation and delivery of iDTV to all Australians that they are not going to inform Australians what they are missing out on in terms of both superior entertainment and superior economic benefits.But of course if you were in possession of the formula to turn dirt into gold it is unlikely you would explain it to the public either. And because Australian’s have on a regular basis for decades handed their priceless democracy over to lawyers and bureaucrats the tyranny of the status quo continues.For years Australia has built a media monopoly which has been a license to print money for the owners of licenses on public assets. Digital technologies are the biggest threat to their money machine they have ever had to confront and deal with. Most in the last analysis are digital technology illiterate, like the politicians they use their media systems/networks to remain in power. Keeping them in power means insuring the media laws will never be changed to add to this digital threat. For accommodating the media oligarchs in this way the government of the day – either coalition or labor - gets the equivalent of a propaganda machine at their disposal, which is always favourable to the political status quo. The owners or media oligarchs, (just like Russia’s oligarchs) have used this license to print money to invest in a range of investments both locally and worldwide, including their local banana republic equivalent political status quo and its perpetuation. In addition to Casinos and other tax sheltered real estate for example. Wealth transfer and never wealth creation! They have over decades taken out far more than they have ever put back in, at least in nation building terms, which is an alien concept to them thanks to Australian’s never challenging the constant propaganda. But by far their greatest contribution in this regard is to have prevented universal free iDTV for all Australians. They should not be remembered for their delivery of a few hours of local so-called free sports content but for their concerted stupid and vigorous prevention of iDTV in alliance with an equally stupid and ignorant series of governments only interested in power and control. All of them either labor or coalition with their infrastructure of corrupt mandarins and bureaucracy! This is the main idea of course. Maintain the tyranny of the status quo. Which resembles Russia or China more than it resembles free enterprise open diversified media capitalism.We hope this short item is raising some awareness of the extent of this cost. In other words you must be kept in the dark as fully as possible by both government and the media mafia – and yes most if not all of its union card carrying content producers who build and protect their corrupt little empires within the media monopoly– as to the extent of their duplicitous failure to put the public interest and the nations economic prosperity now and into the future, first.As owners of the only nationwide content delivery systems the media mafia will not use such systems to expose their handiwork and its ultimate economic cost. They have succeeded because 99% of Australians after 10 years of DTV laws already, do not have a clue about iDTV , except what the media status quo wants them to know, let alone the economic significance. Banana Republic Howard and his cabinet mafia, including Senator H. Coonan, Minister for preventing iDTV again, might also therefore be considered as equally in the dark as this 99% although under the circumstances as insiders it would have to be said they are not in the dark about their protection of their media mates, but are ensuring you are. All in the public interest of course and according to this media and government alliance! The labor party is just as culpable and in fact through their narrow self-centered focus over decades, created the environment for the ongoing failure. The media status quo can also be held considerably responsible for making sure Australians have nothing more after 50 years than a choice between 2 vested interest increasingly corrupt political parties and a small army of equally corrupt and counterproductive government-always-knows-best mandarins and a lousy increasingly antiquated media system. Obviously the price of a lack of tolerance for change and consistently choosing the Aussie legal profession to run your democracy! What else could you expect to end up with from an oversupply of mediocre conveyancing clerks? Free iDTV and instead of an unprecedented foreign debt a foreign surplus?

As the media monopoly must continue to suppress the digital TV debate to protect their interests ,Australians are left ignorant of what iDTV is in terms of entertainment and economic benefits. This is understandable as their main or only source of information about it is delivered to them by the media monopoly which is most threatened by digital as they have never been threatened before. However after 10 years they now realize they must either own and/or control all things digital to remain in existence. However this also means holding off anything indefinitely that would in any way deliver iDVT to all Australains, because it could raise their awareness of what they are in fact being denied by their government and the media oligarchs they are enriching. Logically and as the past 10 years have proven, they are not going to inform Australians about what they are missing out on and why. They have assets, investments and profits they will protect at any cost. And this includes your Telstra. (More on Telstra to come...)
Basically these old media networks and that includes “your” ABC and SBS (both have a full multibillion dollar iDTV delivery system taxpayers have funded but is not being used and will eventually conveniently end up in the hands of the old media oligarchs, which is more CORPORATE WELFARE ), are preventing the following multichannel delivery by hogging air wave frequency spectrum and in the process creating a very expensive long term economic inefficiency that you are paying for but don’t know you are. Until now anyway. We can only hope so.
This has now reached enormous economic costs. For example: Each old existing network channel can carry and deliver at least 5 digital TV (DTV) channels with current technology, on what is after all spectrum owned by the public. (It is important to understand these old media oligarchs do not own this spectrum, only temporary licenses issued by your elected mealy-mouthed federal government and their unelected mandarins, which means it is subject to return to the public and resale.) That is a minimum 5 channels times 5 national networks equals a minimum of 25 high quality (superior to existing analog TV) DTV channels. However either side of this old network channel spectrum are more channels that are not used but left blank to prevent TV channel competition. Nameless faceless spineless Aussie mandarins and their technology illiterate transient political mates have decreed this is in your best interests. This is self –serving bullshit of course and the main reason basically is profit (to the oligarchs and donations then to political parties to help keep them in power and maintaining the same laws for the media monopoly etc etc), and propaganda (for the 2 main parties as they take turns in “governing” Australia- running it or running it into the ground?) but we have covered some of this elsewhere.(We are not against capitalism but using public resources to subsidise it and naturally as a propaganda tool, is not on. Maybe look at etc.)
So, that’s 2 blank unused channels times 25 equals 50 DTV channels. That’s 25 plus 50 equals 75 purely digital channels already. Now you know why the media oligarchs and their political allies are making sure it is taking forever to get iDTV! Vested interests intend remaining vested interests but even a fraction of these 75 DTV channels as free or near free iDTV will bury these monopolistic analog dinosaurs for good. That is why they must prevent iDTV! But remember this spectrum is owned by the public and only rented to these oligarchs and there are ways of forcing governments to do things the bastards don’t want to do. If this was not the case then you cannot be living in a democracy. SO PUT IT TO THE TEST AMIGOS. ( This is why the economic cost of persisting with the media oligarchs and their old analog systems is so great, that it would be less costly for Australians to cancel their licenses (you should understand by now your elected political representatives never will) and go ahead with multichannel iDTV. The old networks know they are sitting on so much economically inefficiently used invaluable spectrum from their temporarily licensed channels, and they also know if they cannot control and/or own them they are rat shit. The value of their inefficient analog assets could be greatly diminished. For them then the choice is that simple. Survival at any cost! Give the masses garbage, reruns and reruns of reruns and anything but iDTV but let them think they are getting DTV. All Australians are paying an enormous price for this but also don’t expect your government, mandarins or academics, to attempt to quantify the true state of this for you as these piss-weak gutless wonders like their jobs and careers too much. Fuck the public interest benefits and nation building!
This is why they and their government mates want you left in the information and digital technologies dark. (Victims of the mushroom treatement.) But with the perception you are, in this regard, in the best of all possible worlds. Through propaganda peddled by the usual suspects of course, your media oligarchs and their mates the political status quo. The darker the better as far as they are concerned! The majority of Aussies can consider themselves well and truly first rate mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed endless bullshit! But you are now hopefully more aware of the real state of iDTV? Use this heightened awareness by supporting 4iDTV.
However this is not all. There is more? You bet! To get the maximum “i” out of iDTV it is technologically preferable and economically more efficient to give it to you through fibre optic cables. This is why Telstra has had to be stifled for so long and why Packer and Murdoch were allowed in to set up Foxtel and get control over Telstra’s bandwidth plans and strategy, ( and why Trujillo is attempting to do it but being prevented by the local media mafia etc) and as the Telstra shareholders loose about $15 billion at latest market value, not to mention what it has and continues to cost Aussie SME’s. Once again if you do not seem to want to learn that if you keep allowing the Aussie legal profession and their nameless faceless spineless bureaucrats to rule you then you will continue to get treated like mushrooms as they laugh all the way to their economic prosperity and into their prosperous retirements (thanks to you funding their Future Fund, which is a formula for even more corruption), all mainly on you, the mushroom crop.
Part 2 will cover this. Tesltra’s non-fibre telco realm, not the mushroom business!And the Hong Kong - Telstra multi-billion dollar scams by insiders!Do Australians understand POWER? Do Australians understand the economic bases of wealth creation? Ask yourself why there are so many lawyers in politics?In the meantime.Support a world first an ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS amendment to the Australian Constitution to clean up the corrupt entrenched political status quo and their corrupt infrastructure of bureaucracy and get universal free iDTV and get your democracy back. (Compulsory voting is undemocratic by the way but it is used by governments to control you like sheep.) Democracy, free speech and economic prosperity for all Aussies through wealth creation and not wealth transfer, now depends on your support.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Australia’s Political Status Quo
Free Riding Failures In Common

Or Nation Builders?

Given the labor party’s failures after 13 years in government and therefore the creators of the tyrannical and corrupt (forgot about the WMD lies and the wheat industry corruption already have we?), Howard coalition and their complete control of parliament why would anyone logically vote for labor? Where’s the logic? The old failures or the innovative new with a core purpose?
(Support a world first an ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS amendment to the Australian Constitution to clean up the corrupt political status quo and their corrupt infrastructure of bureaucracy and more. Democracy, free speech and economic prosperity for all Aussies through wealth creation and not wealth transfer, now depends on your support.
Voting for labor means they are going to be rewarded for having failed to do what they were supposed to do as the previous government for 13 years and having created the corrupt weaseling Howard government as a result. The same could be said for any of the minor parties in parliament. The democrats got into government claiming they would “keep the bastards honest” but of course they turned out to be just as flakey as the 2 main parties. Then there are the Greens and they like the rest still have not found a core purpose apart from free riding on the environment. Independents are just that and in the final analysis are wasted votes. They all have two things in common and that is they are responsible for the creation of the Howard dictatorship and therefore the politicization of a more corrupt bureaucracy and, have power and control with the perquisites, over the majority. Their main common priority has always been to do what they have been doing and to perpetuate it forever if they can. But Howard’s coalition got control of parliament because of this self – serving political philosophy and their free –riding has now been exposed. Little wonder they all essentially follow each other around like a bunch of mindless sheep while trying to convey the impression they are representing your interests. A form of Gresham’s law in politics where bad politics drives, or successfully keeps out, some good politics because the status quo is incapable of anything but mediocrity and its perpetuation. It must have a compounding affect where it also includes increasing more and more of the counterproductive bureaucracy if this dissipating mediocrity is to survive. (The AWB/wheat corruption for example and the perpetrators walking away with their rewards is one of many examples of how deep Australia’s government sewers have become. If nothing is ever done about it then it continues to get worse and threatens democracy.)
The opposition element of the political status quo must now attempt to recover their status but for voters this would be folly given their failures created Howard’s success so why reward them for it by voting them back into their previous status. It isn’t logical!
Voters now need to consider the logic of continuing with Howard’s corrupt tyranny and its threat to democracy (the Australia ID Card among many other things, and their most recent assault on democracy is to reduce and limit the number of Senate Committees, which are the peoples main access to monitoring and criticising any government through the associated protection of Parliamentary privilege from any prosecution) or rewarding the equally corrupt labor party and their opposition counterparts, for among many other things, creating Howard and his divisive lying government, mainly made up of Australian lawyers which is also something they have in common with the labor party in particular. The Aussie media monopoly and its media mafia can also be held partly responsible for this as they manipulated the majority for and on behalf of Howard and his coalition meaning the majority were not fully informed as usual and installed the less than honest Howard bastards. We know that Australia’s legal profession is the most unhappy profession in the country and therefore we now know why they opt to become politicians. Who wants to be a wretched legal bureaucrat and conveyancing clerk when you can get a ticket into rich unaccountable corrupt government? (Consider how may Australian lawyers you see unemployed and rolling up to the Centrelink mafia parasites’ offices! None and that’s because as a closed and secretive card carrying society they take care of their own and when they have their own in government and power their prosperity is assured). Why do you think they cooked up the GST and IR laws among many others? (But notice the striking avoidance of changing media laws that would allow you free multichannel digital TV! Doing so would upset the established propaganda apparatus in a way that they cannot predict nor potentially control.) For nation building or to keep an oversupply of lawyers in full employment and the lifestyle they seem to claim a birth right to? A no - brainer as they say. Getting into government gives them power and riches and a protected network they would never have less of a chance of in the commercial world, although they have some pretty crafty wealth transferring networks there.
The choice is easy enough and of course why Australians have handed their democracy over to the Australian legal profession and bureaucracy needs a complete answer. But you first need to ask the question. Again continuing to vote for the status quo is in the final analysis no solution but simply perpetuating the past. Everyone should know by now what happens when history keeps getting repeated. You end up with Howard or the labor equivalent. And do you really believe Beazley will change anything once in power? They will do anything to get back into government. Why it keeps being recycled is because they are collectively the status quo with no core purpose except to white ant each other as corrupt vested interests while the majority ignore history – and logic it seems – as they trot off to vote again for failure and its expensive perpetuation.What you should do when you vote is consider a new party with a core purpose that includes reducing government not continually growing it and its cost; nation building and wealth creation that is original and does not simply depend on the wealth creating vigor of a nation like China to happen and get used as the claimed successful economic leadership by Howard and his ilk whether liberal or labor or the rest of the free riders called peoples democratically elected representatives.
A telling recent example among many of which is truly 3 rd world is Malcolm Turnball a lawyer and wealth transferring capital market manipulator who essentially bought himself a membership in Howard’s parliament (and you thought it was still the peoples), while claiming to have placed his non-wealth creating business interests in a trust that he claims not to influence, by basically buying a seat in an electorate in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.Australia over the past 50 years but especially the past 20 has become a country dominated and ruled by deeply entrenched corrupt and corrupting hierarchy of vested interests (no surprise lawyers are at the top of this heap always clamoring for more troughs) and as the governments claims on everyone’s dollar have increased from 15 cents to over 50 cents now the government troughs have had to be expanded to feed more of the wealth transferring snouts. This is what you vote for and allow yourself to be badly governed by as the entrenched struggle at your expense to remain entrenched and prevent innovation and competition (we won’t elaborate here) to ensure their own survival and its priority including maintaining protection for the necessary propaganda apparatus in the form of an insidiously entrenched media monopoly and its media mafia, which ensures free iDTV and free telephone calls get stifled.
The EBR Party has a core purpose in an Economic Bill of Rights. It can be used to clean out the stables of the entrenched vested interests and build wealth creating innovative democracy. Either that or perpetuate the proven corrupt failures, the political status quo!IT’S YOUR CHOICE! While you still have it.

ASIC Double Standards
Cooper v Visard
Conflict of Interests ?

As another ASIC public relations exercise gets underway with the usual background emphasizing ASIC’s role as the nations corporate watchdog, it is becoming increasingly clear there is a pattern that exposes ASIC as protecting its own as the status quo while spending disproportionate amounts of its growing budget chasing small fish.The comparison is worth explaining. Brad Cooper was involved in some FAI activity that included some bribery and documents forgery among a few other less than ethical. He is not a lawyer nor and accountant/ auditor and not a member of any of these groups of professions and associated organizations such as the Society of Company Directors and so on. His abuses probably got him about $1 or $2 million if that. He got 8 years jail time and is banned from holding company directorships when he is released.Steve Vizard was on the board of directors of Telstra and engaged in insider trading in addition to various other violations of company law. His insider trading was not a one off event and none really knows how much he banked from it. Surprise, surprise, Vizard is a lawyer and card carrying member of Australia’s legal profession. He never got any jail time and some tricky legal sidesteps meant he was banned from holding company directorships for 5 or 6 years. ASIC has a history of avoiding dragging any of their own into courts where these professions could get exposed in the public domain. One of the big failures they are still struggling with after 5 or 6 years is One.Tel because the board included James Packer and Lachlan Murdoch, the sons of Australia’s 2 media oligarchs, and this explains why it rarely gets any media coverage. So much for freedom of the media in Australia! There are others belonging to or associated with the network of protected professions so ASIC’s priority is to find a way to avoid the courts again. They will succeed in doing this of course because the current government or the shadow labor government would not want to drag the Packers and Murdoch into court. We have no doubt we will be correct but come back in another 5 or 10 years time when ASIC is still more than likely working on an equitable “solution”.There are many other examples of this pattern of double standards but it keeps over 1400 ASIC bureaucrats and many lawyers and accountants / auditors busy and funded out of ASIC’s growing budget.True to type and form this bureaucracy has quietly grown from about 300 bureaucrats 12 years ago with a budget of $150 million to 1400 currently with a budget of $450 million. This means they must pounce on anything that can make them money also to fund this burgeoning bureaucracy. Which means more fines and more compliance costs for business. With this new budget expect the bureaucrats to grow by another 100 to 200 and so on for ever.One of the latest valuable corporate failures for ASIC has been Westpoint Group which attracted over 4,000 investors and their pension funds. They have now lost around $350 million and probably can’t expect to ever see their money again.ASIC has used this prominent failure to promote the possibility to the mealy mouthed politicians looking to promote themselves, that if ASIC had bigger budgets they would be able to protect these “mums and dads” from these less than ethical business failures.Naturally enough being a bureaucracy operating true to the 2 laws of Australian bureaucracy (see below) they got another $355 million out of Howard and his cabinet of lawyers. This will mean more bureaucracy, more lawyers and accountants/auditors with their snouts in a bigger trough. But as usual the original ASIC with its original budget was supposed to solve the problem. It hasn’t and nor will ASIC now because the problem is more fundamental than even ASIC appears to comprehend. But what the heck, if the corporate failures and investor abuse were to stop there would be 1400 plus bureaucrats out of work and that has never happened to any bureaucracy in Australia, Ever!No doubt they will continue to save all of us from corporate failures and will cook up more imaginative solutions that will grow their empire. Like Centrelink and the rest of Australia’s army of little Hitler’s, empires and budgets must be protected and grown at all costs.Meanwhile the labor party mafias contribution to the never ending corporate failures solution is for their spokeswoman for corporate governance Penny Wong to state that the budget increase is long overdue because all the “mums and dads” must be protected. Penny Wong is a labor party lawyer and it is a case of, “what else could she say?” As mentioned the Aussie law profession gets protected and also gets its snout into the expanded trough. It’s doubtful she, like most of the rest of these mealy-mouthed politicians will ever figure out the fundamental problem, which includes Aussie lawyers among other things.
So the abuse of Aussie investors can be expected to continue and ASIC (and a few name changes later) will continue to grow and become an empire like the ATO and Centrelink and others and will never ever tolerate being downsized and so on. But at least it will be another employer that Howard and his cabinet of lawyers will be able to claim as more brilliant job creation. However and as one example, the 4,000 Westpoint investors who have lost their self-funded pensions will all now need to go to Centrelink for financial support and so they create more jobs in Centrelink and on and on it goes.
Two laws of Aussie bureaucracy:
Never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. The empires must grow at any cost.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Aussies & SME’s Screwed Big Time
Media Oligarchs Politicians Mandarins Plot & Plan While Majority Pay
Humungous Economic Cost

Yet again Aussies have deferred the decision for their interactive digital TV to a handful of media oligarchs, politicians and mandarins. Technology illiterate politicians like Senator Coonan and her predecessor and now Ambassador Richard Alston (it pays to maintain the tyranny of the status quo) have maintained the governments full support on behalf of the media status quo but at enormous economic cost to SME’s and all Australians. As mostly a cabinet of ex conveyancing clerks, or lawyers if your prefer something more impressionable this should not be surprising. Lost economic opportunity costs are not of any interest to Aussie lawyers. Only wealth transfer opportunities! Your wealth to them and fuck wealth creation!! (And why we have a reliably growing $650 billion foreign debt.)
We will keep it brief but there are some other items about iDTV on these blogs that should be of interest. Australia’s SME’s are unnecessarily subsidising Telstra’s high service costs including the cost of a loss of over $10 billion in Telstra market value and the stifling of free interactive DTV among other short to long term costs. While Packer and Murdoch rake in your chips! This $10 billion among other billions we won’t detail here, happens to be a transfer of wealth to both from SME’s and the majority of Australians. (The humungous economic cost for example. And imagine how many new and real jobs $10 billion could create including exports? Instead of breeding more trough feeding public and private bureaucracy.)
Rupert get-them-by-the-short-and-curlies Murdoch is going to be talking privately to Howard about the need for a 4th TV network in a few days and of course he will be using some bullshit line about it making the status quo FTA TV networks compete. Of course Murdoch wants a piece of a new network and the free spectrum he can control in addition to the control he has over Telstra through Foxtel, to prevent delivering fibre to all SME’s and homes and thus the capability for all Australians to have free iDTV instead. Howard will be as usual accommodating at your expense.
It’s your choice by the way but if you keep ignoring this issue and accepting the media status quo’s propaganda you can expect to keep paying for all this and making the billionaires bigger billionaires while you watch increasingly more junk TV including more junk reruns of reruns etc (Imagine what it could be doing to your precious childs little grey cells? Among other things reprogramming comes to mind. And while Stokes slips 100% of Channel 7 into his pocket in case you haven’t noticed).
Do you expect the media oligarchs to use their old headed –for –the- junk- heap media assets to tell you they are stifling iDTV? LOGIC, what does it tell you? SOME PROOF you say? Well we have plenty but when up against the propaganda machine they have at their disposal it’s a bit like pushing the proverbial bog up hill. (We never realised how potentially brainwashed Aussies are thanks to this propaganda apparatus!) But at least read some of the other stuff mentioned. But here’s some good current proof. LISTEN UP! Switch on some of your critical thinking cells. What’s that? Got none? Persevere here for a few minutes.Murdoch, whether with Howard or anyone else, will never mention anything about the real priority, which is for a pure INTERACTIVE DIGITAL TV platform as the 4th license network. NOT another useless fucking 4th analog network at your expense! None of these old asset owning oligarchs will do anything to break the old boys network of old FTA-TV by invoking a digital platform. That’s the death knell for them! Once they did, or someone else did, the flood gates would be open and YOU would get FREE multichannel iDTV plus a few unprecedented economic benefits Howard, Packer and Murdoch could not give a piece of goat shit about. (Not more of the not free Free analog TV! That’s your choice.) And they would get flushed down the gurgler with their old assets that will go to zero value quicker than they are now. YOUR CHOICE amigos! This is why they must stifle your iDTV, so they have enough time to own and/or control it, while using their media assets to make you believe you already have it and all at your expense. This is why the introduction of what could be your iDTV is taking so long and remember this is a democracy where laws can be changed overnight. Yes laws can be changed overnight (it happened just this week for example regarding some laws relevant to Royal Commissions) but if you remain ignorant of this then your mealy- mouthed political representatives and their media oligarch mates can get away with delivering their agenda to you. And guess who owns the media or the same thing, the propaganda machine that never ever tells you what you are missing out on with iDTV? (Noticed that have you come to think of it?) And guess who benefits? No not you although this is the desired perception the media oligarchs and their political mates want. And who in their right mind could still believe what Howard says?This transfer of wealth from you and public assets (you know all about the free digital spectrum of course that YOUR government gave the media oligarchs that is worth billions, but they got for free? No!), worth billions has helped bankroll Murdoch’s global expansion and Packer’s casino expansion among a few other benefits.Aussies have been manipulated for almost a decade now about digital TV and to believe they have digital TV. This is a huge blatant lie which is easy to prove because it comes from the media that wants to own and control everything about digital before it destroys their old so-called free TV system. Its never been free by the way! Aussies are paying for all of this. That’s capitalism you might say? Then if so its communism dressed up!Aussies are then made to believe they also have telco competition which is another blatant lie because Telstra still controls the copper monopoly to each home and thanks to Murdoch and Packer’s control of Foxtel. This means state of the art broadband is impossible because it can only be delivered through fibre optic cables to the home with the support of analog spectrum freed – up to be digital spectrum. But of course you already know that one old network channel spectrum can carry at least 25 digital channels? But this also means homes could receive infinite bandwidth and therefore 100 plus channels of free digital TV. Therefore the old media mafia must stifle bandwidth and therefore fibre. Starting to get the picture now? Has the penny dropped yet? Now you know why Packer and Murdoch control Telstra through Foxtel and why it was never offered to others including foreign investors. These media oligarchs and the liberal and labor party mafia go way back. Howard loves Aussie mate-ship so much he wanted to put it in the constitution.
(We have something better that definitely must go into the constitution and its well past time for it. AN ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS
This is why they must prevent free multichannel interactive digital TV. So far they have been successful in this over the past 10 years and stifled interactive digital TV to all Aussies, including SME’s and this includes the Yellow Pages rip-off which must be maintained to keep the potential price of Telstra high enough to get rid of it and in the same way they and their greedy investment banker mates set Telstra T2 adrift on the market while shorting the stock so that they made out like bandits on the overpriced sale and the subsequent share-price decline. Conflict of Interest! Do we hear any shouts of CONFLICT OF INTEREST at this point?And there’s more! Lots-a-more!But let us know if you’re interested first. Given you are paying for all this and given the value of the old media mafia’s digital spectrum if auctioned, it would be economically more beneficial and with optimal public interest benefits if you supported AN ECONOMIC BILL OF RIGHTS, dumped the old media mafia and paid them off, and settled in for superior near free interactive digital entertainment and the unprecedented economic benefits it will provide the nation.
Howard can retire to Xmas island and his cabinet of conveyancing clerks can be controlled in real time through one of these digital channels dedicated exclusively for the purpose; Packer can move to Macau and gamble his brains out with his jewish business advisers while using one of the digital channels for casino games; and Murdoch can basically retire to let the world move on to pure digital platforms instead of wasting shareholder funds holding it back.Australia will become a more economically diversified country and democracy will have prevailed.In the meantime there is a solution. And it’s a lot cheaper than what the status quo have been delivering for years. But you need to appreciate how much the status quo has cost you and is costing you and whether you want to keep on allowing them to get away with it or do something about it.

Tasmanian Ferry Wealth Transfer
Bureaucrats Getting Rich On You

Here is a text book example of how the bureaucrats and their political status quo sponsors dissipate the nation’s resources to underwrite their business interests. In fact at http://governmentcrime.blogspot we call it the Aussie mandarins model.Conflict of interest? Of course not! Ethics? Of course they have their code of ethics, except there’s one code for the public and another for the mandarins. (The AWB/ wheat corruption exposes some of the extent of how far they will go and they know they are immune from any legal repercussions, because in the final analysis no one is really watching the watchers.)
The model looks complicated and the details are but the overall formula is simple enough. Insiders with unique opportunities to buy low and sell high! First as a bureaucrat identify a good cause that has good PR value for the political status quo. Then get some CBD investment banker mates to document a plan for this great nation building opportunity. The Sydney-Tasmania ferry had most of the ingredients. Then line up the construction. In this case despite the Australian ship building expertise and especially in aluminium catamarans and so on, that are being built for European markets and etc – while being subsidized by the Australian federal government- the ferries were built in Europe. This of course raises suspicions about kickbacks to Aussie mandarins and their political sponsors but kept offshore. (Which has probably happened with AWB but no one is going to look apparently.) The investment bankers make their fees after convincing everyone they have accurately forecast the feasibility of the service. (Any reasonable analysis would have identified its lack of feasibility.)The ferries started service in Australia after a $350 million plus investment by Australians in their construction, delivery etc. Surprise, surprise after about 2 years – a convenient time- the service turns out not to be economically feasible. So serious is the lack of business for the ferries that – surprise, surprise again – small bits of news start being spread around by the ever convenient Aussie media monopoly mafia that the service is not viable. (Notice how the media mafia avoids exposing any conflict etc. as they protect their political sponsors) After a reasonable period of propaganda this starts to be accepted by Australians and when there is little or no negative feedback from the majority the mandarins and their political sponsors put the ferries up for sale and given their clear lack of success they must be sold at a much lower price. Fire sale prices! The investment bankers are in there again lining up buyers (for another fee!) and the mandarins have lined up some of their mates through their combined network to buy them and operate them elsewhere for a profit. Such as the insider bureaucrats and their investment banker mates who have been running the ferry service from the beginning. As insiders they have unique information. Presto! How to get away with making $50 million plus from the nation through government ineptitude and mismanagement and no one figures it out. Of course they claim this is capitalism but being insiders with an exclusive insider’s advantage this is what they would say. Anything to sow some doubt in the minds of the majority so no one will challenge them.This is the basic model used by Aussie mandarins and their political status quo mates (either the coalition or the labor, or even combined if needed) to transfer public wealth to their coffers where it then becomes their private wealth. And by the way funds their power to remain as the political status quo etc. We have a large collection of these government crimes, scams and heists over many years and would like to publish them in detail but we need some support to make it available to the majority. For example in ICT the mandarins and their technology illiterate political sponsors have essentially sold out Australia’s ICT industry but it is a bit more complex than the ferry scam and far more fascinating for its many costs and the protection of mainly media mafia vested interests. Telstra for example continues to lose billions while the same bureaucrats responsible for these vast losses are continuing to enrich themselves. Remarkably the Telstra losses alone to the unrepresented shareholders including the 1.5 million plus who bought T2 shares at $7.40 are now around an amazing A$12 billion and rising. This does not include opportunity costs which are far larger and additional costs to small and medium business for example, which is paying an unnecessary price for it.We hope you like this brief introduction.
For a good overall solution to this government crime also consider supporting an Economic Bill of Rights.
But supporting an Economic Bill of Rights means voters probably must accept they have made a mistake in continually voting for the political status quo, which is why they become so corrupt in the first place as an entrenched vested interest. We realise it is difficult to admit to voting for them given their culture but when voters realise they have been manipulated by propaganda to do so then voters have a valid excuse and reason to support an Economic Bill of Rights, including payback. Either that or voters continue voting for corrupt parasites, which of course is the equivalent of rewarding them for their insidious culture. It isn’t logical to continue to do this! The logical thing to do therefore is to support an Economic Bill of Rights, which has the best chance of getting rid of them and their culture. ( And doing something about the rising foreign debt now at $650 billion and rising.) That’s healthy democracy at work. Perpetuating an insidious corrupt political status quo and their corrupt politicised mandarins is not a healthy democracy at work as the above example should show! Of course this is not one of those debates Australia must have because an informed Australia is the last thing the mealy-mouthed political status quo wants. It’s your choice!