Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Australia’s Politicians and Mandarins Destroy Telstra
Reward Themselves With $20 Billion

Consumers And SME’s Paying Hi Price

As Howard claims his government does not want to be running companies and the Telstra sell-off is good for the nation, he overlooks the government’s involvement in the corrupt wheat company, AWB, as one of many examples. But of course the AWB is a trough for his ag mafia mates to keep their snouts in, to subsidise their ag asset investments. These scumbag politicians are always claiming the value of competition but maybe the gullible Australian public hasn’t noticed they are the same political status quo that has been in power for decades and they have rigged the system so they do not have competition and have everything stacked against a new political party gaining any headway unless it is one of there own clones such as Families First, where the rigged system can be used to fund their involvement across the country, as long as they support the status quo.Nick Minchin MP reckons he is a mover and shaker but is no more than a front for the investment bankers and mandarins who want a minimum of Telstra sold off so they can collect some big easy fees and donate a percentage of them back to the Howard/Minchin coalition government so they can remain in power and keep the game rolling. And get their hands of a $20 billion Future Fund. All the while spruiking the need for competition and privatision but selectively of course according to how easy it is to manipulate the gullible majority. After T2 and more they know they could sell the public anything!Competition in politics though is not allowed. And the tyranny of the status quo makes sure of that.Should Australians buy any more Telstra shares? No, because Telstra has bigger problems than Howard and Minchin would comprehend if their efforts of the past 10 years are any guide. Or maybe they know but need to cover it up? Of course it’s a question whether the investment bankers comprehend it either! But they are not in the business of comprehending telcos or anything else, except how to package it and flog it to the far from fully informed gullible majority.Since T1 and through to T2 and now T3 you are being sold a dinosaur that bureaucrats and mealy mouthed politicians have been milking and shuffling around for decades and all at the public expense including 1 million plus SME’s.Telstra with the new CEO Trujillo had decided that they needed to install fibre optic infrastructure – about at least 5 years or more too late- and when the implications of this were realized by Howard and his media mates something had to be done to stop it. Again! Rupert Murdoch of News Corp turned up in Australia and used his newspapers to tell deputy sheriff Howard to “dump his media plans”. Howard responded true to form and type by making sure Telstra dumped its fibre optic plans, which happened about 2 weeks later. Of course this was one of the main things Murdoch wanted so he remains the tail wagging the Telstra/government dog through his ownership of Foxtel. Of course the rest of the media oligarchs are happy with this as overall it protects their lousy economically inefficient media monopoly and is just proof once again that none of them will break ranks on such things. If it has the potential to threaten their analog dinosaur (government propaganda apparatus) then it should get the blunderbuss treatment. It is all designed to look like media diversity but this is what they want the majority of Australians to believe. The reality is it is an economically inefficient analog monopoly and it includes the advertising mafia.
So this is what you are being asked to buy as a percentage of T3.
But it is curious that the equivalent of about $20 billion is going to go into the mother of all government slush funds, the Future Fund. For the political status quo pork barreling can now be more diversified and unaccountable. In fact it looks like Minchin is spruiking the failure of T3 more as a strategy to ensure they get this $20 billion into their Future Pork Barrel Fund. The tactic is a deliberate manipulation of the public to make sure the mandarins and the political status quo get this $20 billion plus Future Fund. Anyone who trusts what these Machiavellian trough feeding parasites say should ask themselves just how seriously brainwashed they are.The investment bankers are in on this heist and for their cooperation as some sort of remote nameless faceless patsy the political scumbags can use whenever needed and they will get a nice big fat fee and your rulers get their Future Fund.
T3 should in fact be sold completely for whatever the market pays or it should not be sold at all until better telco plans are made.But there is no way the rulers want to miss out on this opportunity to get hold of the easiest $20 billion heist they have ever had. All paid for by the gullible public and over 1 million SME’s. In fact Australia’s SME’s deserve a chunk of this Future Fund and more so than any corrupt counterproductive mandarins and politicians. The government stuffs Telstra up over at least 10 years, do the same to digital TV and run up a foreign debt of $650 billion and counting, and then reward themselves with $20 billion plus of your telco. Clever country indeed! Banana republic more like it! Rewarding proven corrupt mediocrity. These career parasites make sure they take out more than they ever put back in. (The question has been asked, do Australians understand the economic bases of wealth creation? Aussie mandarins and politicians don’t that’s for sure as they milk every opportunity at any taxpayer funded trough they create for themselves and their mates. If they did know how to create wealth they wouldn’t be corrupt mandarins and politicians!)It seems Australians are complete suckers for anything “their” government dishes up to them. And doesn’t Howard’s mealy mouthed mafia know it! Such is the power of propaganda! Of course you won’t get this kind of news from your media monopoly propaganda apparatus. Which is why you should wake up and start supporting real media diversity and that means 4iDTV.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Australia’s Machiavellian Monkeys
Terrorists in Trees and Tea-leaves
Reds Under The Bed Syndrome

Prime Minister Howard of Australia is either a devious chimpanzee constantly reveling in his political monkey-business trickery or is so swamped by yes minister mandarins and their 15 minute briefs he is completely controlled by them as the nations chief chimpanzee. This wouldn’t be so bad if these monkeys were being paid peanuts but they aren’t. They treat themselves like royalty and ruling dynasties and make sure they are kept in luxury for life. The chief chimpanzee has been so detached from the majority of Australians for so long – 3 or 4 decades at least – that he seems to believe he has achieved great nation building things. Leaving out the happy coincidence that China among others decided to go capitalistic on capitalism. This delusion is probably encouraged on an hourly basis by the army of flunkeys and sycophants protecting their easy money stupidity
“For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them, and too little time to think between fifteen minute appointments and thirty page briefs. This leaves the field open to protective stupidity, Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer, which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.”
…(And how clever do you have to be to fuck Telstra to the extent they have and somewhere a direct cost to you of $20 billion in cash in about 2 years! In case you haven’t noticed! And how on earth could so many not notice $20 billion plus? Anyone out there awake? And they call this nation building! Chimpanzees you want chimpanzees you have got! And by the way it now looks like they have undermined Telstra’s market value so much it won’t be possible to flog it to the masses. However their solution for this is to put it into a Future Fund created by chimpanzees for chimpanzees. In other words did the scumbags plan to undermine Telstra to that extent for this reason? Not bad for chimpanzees! And by the way the Chairman of the board is none other than one of their own thugs, technology and tech economy illiterate Donald McGauchie who reckons he is a nation builder after putting the boot into the wharfies and milking the wheat board scam as a wheat grower. Lots of ag mafia mates in this bunch in case you haven’t noticed! So he would go along with any plan that fucks over the masses/majority. He also holds a board position on James Hardy the asbestos weapons of destruction of the masses company, and expects to get a 50% increase in his board pay now. Once again you vote for chimpanzees you can expect to get them but unfortunately not at peanut prices. Its get rich time and it only lasts for as long as the next election. So they hump it for all it’s worth.)
The worlds greatest Treasurer (another one again) Costello’s view of the world now includes the possibility that “islamo-terrorist zealots…” want to rule Australia and destroy what we have. Maybe start with the lawyers! Now where this scatter brained insight came from is anyone’s guess but more than likely it came from somewhere like the Australian University (ANU) where some ex bureaucrat has gotten a gravy train position as a terrorist expert and has used it for self promotion by running it by Costello’s sponge. Good for propaganda too.What could they destroy that the status quo hasn’t? Exploding bombs aside! They could destroy the army of parasites like government bureaucracy. They could do something about getting more diversity into politics and getting rid of the entrenched political status quo and their corrupt culture. They could do something about a lot of things. If they were serious about democracy they could fund a new political party like the Economic Bill of Rights Party just to see if it has any legs. No chance which is why you will have to fund it and if you care about democracy. But wait on isn’t this what Australia’s democracy is supposed to allow for but denies, and for reasons kept from the masses through an insidious propaganda apparatus? The tyranny of the status quo! You’ve got the chimpanzees you deserve! You should be more alert?
Costello and Howard and their cabinet of lickspittle boot licking cabinet bureaucracy, now reckon there are terrorists in trees and maybe in their tea-leaves as enthusiastically as the reds under the bed syndrome of not too long ago. Of course the Aussie mandarins and bureaucrats are milking this “islamo-terrorist” threat for all its worth and then some. They have never had such an open cheque opportunity for empire building and are going for it hammer and thong. Many of them are moving out of government into firms they and their mates have established using government money and there will be more profiteering bureaucrats and ex bureaucrats made millionaires in this era than ever before. Not statistics your ABS wants to collect and expose though. After all they expect to boost their take from this heist.Expect a new multimillion dollar funded university department “islamo-terrorist strategic institute” etc. Should suck up a few more ex mandarins and keep them out of the Centrelink offices. Too bad there isn’t a university department for exposing Centrelinks corrupt gravy train of parasites and their ability to avoid economic efficiency. With unemployment now around their statistic of 5% there should not be a reason to keep funding and growing such a bureaucracy that was servicing 15 % unemployment. But notice there are no Aussie academics from your wonderful 38 universities jumping onto this economic anomaly? Intellectual freedom indeed! (The same bunch who will write the new “but unofficial” history of OZ!) No mandarins and any number of so-called experts have zeroed in on it. No guts government funded little Hitlers? All protecting their spineless Aussie arses. Any wonder Australia has never been anywhere near getting a Nobel laureate in economics. And never will!Anyway stay alert for “islamo-terrorists”. And if you are found not carrying your soon to be issued Australia ID Card, you could end up detained indefinitely as one of them.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Australia’s Propaganda Apparatus & The Scourge of The 21st Century
Feeling Brainwashed Manipulated Powerless?
Not Sure? Don’t Know? Find Out!

Do you think Telstra dropping their fibre optic project was an accident? Do you wonder in an iDTV technology age why you are still watching analog TV garbage? Why you are still reading the Fairfax, Packer and Murdoch version of the nation’s status, and the world’s? (And believing it!) Still voting for the political status quo and their version of nation building? (And believing their mealy mouthed self-promotion while you are paying for it!)Apparently Australia has about 12 million voters. About 100,000 of that herd are paid up members of either the 2 main parties, and some of their mealy mouthed keeping-the -bastards -honest “opponents”. (Do you believe they are opponents or have more in common with the 2 main parties than they do with you? If you believe the former you have a serious case of brainwashing and should seek some remedy if you value your democracy and your future in it! TRY )
About 1.5 million of this herd of 12 million are enthusiastic supporters of the 2 main parties and the other parties. That leaves about 10 million who are clearly uncertain about the extent to which they are being brainwashed and manipulated! The 1.5 million enthusiasts of the political status quo make sure though you do not have these threatening doubts for too long and are of course too far gone themselves to do anything else but what they have been doing for so long, which is making sure the political status quo governments of the day get to keep their power and control over the at least 10 million. YOU!
Most of this 1.5 million would also be using the negative gearing real estate tax shelters that help them avoid taxes for a lifetime, and this includes the political status quo and their overpaid corrupt bureaucrats and mandarins. They get paid for creating massive foreign debts and for making careers being counterproductive mandarins then they reckon they’re entitled to avoid taxes using these laws. (That’s why the politicians and mandarins have a conflict of interest as government. They won’t create equitable law that stops this tax scam.) And which makes a lot of housing for maybe 30 % of Aussies unaffordable and too high priced for many others. It pays this 1.5 million to keep supporting any political status quo that keeps this scam going and so they use their savings from negative gearing to donate to the 2 main parties to keep it all rolling. It also pays to keep at least 10 million potential loose cannons brainwashed and manipulated or they could wake up one day and also ask about such things as why they keep paying taxes for this exclusive tax avoiding and tax shelter club. True banana republic stuff! (There is a nice solution for this where the 10 million get their revenge on their tax shelter using and abusing rulers. Of course don’t expect to hear about it from the status quo crowd! To find out )
As you may have gathered we have a low tolerance threshold for bureaucrats and mandarins especially Aussie little Hilters. A scourge! The sooner the parasites are culled the better the world will be. And yes in the final analysis it probably is a case of US and THEM. What you probably don’t understand, as one example, is how they drive the insidious military-industrial complex. This is also a model for other government empires and is now why bureaucracy is going to be the scourge of the 21st century if it isn’t already. (Mikhail Gorbachev mentioned this while being interviewed by George Negus on SBS but don’t expect Negus and SBS to join the dots together. Why? When you support our future website you will find out.)In so doing they send your sons and daughters off to get their arses blown off in the name of national security. You believe this is worth it of course (the power of propaganda) but be assured if anyone wanted to seriously do some damage to this country they could anyway despite what Howard and his mealy-mouthed cabinet of lawyers and assorted expert flunkeys tell you through the media monopoly that is their propaganda apparatus. So who you might ask who is really benefiting from this war on terror? That’s a real hard one! (Another dot by the way!) And you know what they say, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Or maybe you don’t, as propaganda encourages ignorant bliss.
Which by the way is why they got Telstra to drop its fibre optic plans lat week. (Dot! And did the share prices and market values of the analog media assets increase? Yes, but that was easy! But we explained this some years ago. If we get a chance we will find the file and put it at the end of this item in case you think we are bullshitting. And yes we can say we told you so, but of course as ignorance is bliss it’s becoming clearer that perhaps you don’t want to know! Of course it needs updating but we need some extra resources to get the truth out. Until then you will simply have to keep eating the bullshit you are fed by the propaganda apparatus and try to figure out what’s fact and what’s fiction.
A great philosopher – no not Howard or any of his lickspittle gang of lawyers you dope – once said: “it isn’t what you read it’s what you don’t read and whatever the media status quo delivers to you needs the ability to be able to read between the lines to find the truth…” Or more or less along those lines. In other words it isn’t what’s in the media, its what isn’t in the media that’s just as, or even more important! This is so because even in any so-called democracy governments need a media monopoly they can control –regulate – to ensure they have an arse-kissing propaganda apparatus. (See further on for a typical recent example.)It’s our mission of course to help you in every way we can given our limited resources, because reading between the lines is not so easy, especially, as you can imagine, when there is nothing but blank space their, and perhaps between your Aussie ears thanks to decades of this propaganda apparatus, but also mainly because you could end up eventually drowning from this constant flow of sewerage you are subjected to. All at your expense! Therefore because it is costing you so much directly and indirectly you should consider contributing and donating a few bucks to us so we can reduce the amount of propaganda (sewerage) you consume. And besides have some consideration for your children!A typical example of the media monopoly and how it gets used for government propaganda is an item in the Fairfax Financial Review about some Canberra mandarins and how they are nation building (a foreign debt of $650 billion and counting?) while regulating everything from band-aids to whatever they can get their little minds around, at a cost of $40 billion plus a year. By the way don’t forget that RED TAPE in this country costs you A$86 billion plus a year. (Joining the dots is important when reading between the lines. Notice how Fairfax content producers always fail to? One of the qualifications for the job and one they teach well at Australia’s 38 universities. Or was it 35?). How much cheaper would band-aids be if they weren’t regulated by these parasites? We hope you get the gist of what is required to read between the lines. And you shouldn’t be surprised you were never taught about it at any Aussie school. Get em young and you’ve got them for life! How true and you’re probably a bloody good example of just how true! We realize how difficult our mission is of course. That’s why we need you to make sure we get some balance into the equation.These trough feeding pigs are organized! ARE YOU? They are also organized at great expense to productive Australians. YOU!
This article was by a Fairfax content producer obviously suck - holing to pave some career path options and influence cross-media laws on Fairfaxes behalf. Verona Burgess gave us the status quo version of government and mandarins. (Remember who’s responsible for media law? Another dot!) You might also recall the 2 laws of Aussie bureaucracy we have posted on different occasions. (Yet another dot!) Starting to get the picture are we? At last!The Commonwealth Health Department mandarins got a good opportunity to promote themselves as nation builders of course. Many of these mandarins are members of family dynasties of such mandarins and they know where more than a few bodies are buried. The majority of Australians are totally oblivious to these dynasties of mandarins and which is how the mandarins like to it to remain. If you ever manage to get into it you get yourself set for life and free uni education and so on and on, which you as a productive worker drone pay for. (Apparently they also have a well established union that is kind of like the mafia and just as corrupt and lethal. We think its called the SES? Any info would be welcome.) They also know that you are just a dumb brainwashed statistic they can live off for the rest of their parasitic lives. As family dynasties obviously they plan to pass it on at all levels including state and federal. And so the dictatorship by bureaucrats for bureaucrats increases in size and power and cost. It is allowed to happen so long as they understand they must keep the entrenched and corrupt political status quo in power and control. The same indexed pension double dipping scumbags you are manipulated to vote for by the same media monopoly. (A few big dots in that! An exercise to see if you are paying attention.) This is what they have in common to their mutual benefit. The masters and the slaves! Guess what you are? Another hard one! And you put these bastards there?
What else are these career parasites going to say? It was in the Weekend Financial Review, 12-13 August 2006. Don’t forget read between the lines!
Australian females seem to thrive at being bureaucrats. Not surprising under the circumstances. This was also confirmed when the inefficient NSW Health Service had a recent study done and uncovered the obvious fact it was little more than an inefficient corrupt old girls network. Apparently this Federal bureaucracy has over 4200 bureaucrats of which over two thirds are women. Reducing it in size and cost of course would never be possible and would mean turning Canberra –the trough feeder’s paradise – into a partial ghost town. Again therefore this is not going to happen! Real nation building stuff and of course making a dent in the $86 billion RED TAPE problem is also never going to be possible because it supports so many trough feeders, including their political sponsors. Job creation! (More dots!) One doesn’t and can’t exist and prosper without the other. But just remember at your expense!Which is just an overall piss-off for any real entrepreneur trying to commercialise innovation and create new wealth. Why so? Contributing to supporting this army of counterproductive parasites is not much of an incentive and in fact it probably contributes to explaining why there is so little of real wealth creating entrepreneurship in Australia. Plenty of brown nosing boot licking rent seeking wealth transfer suck-hole entrepreneurs, but few if any real ones. The priorities are upside down. No Yahoo and Google boys or Bill Gates’ likely to surface in the clever country. A culture that is now brainwashed to believe rewarding the parasites while penalizing the real entrepreneurs is nation building. Obviously this is going to result in one dominating and living off the other, which is the case. Of course it’s obvious to anyone the Australian male mandarin mafia like to hide behind stupid politicians and female bureaucrats wherever possible. The stuff of Anzacs for sure!Do Australian’s understand the economic bases of wealth creation? Just as we expected nothing but blank uncomprehending faces!
(*Note. We are not in any way promoting the Fairfax media propaganda apparatus by referring to in.)
Now join all of the dots together! Get the picture? Then sign up if you’ve got the guts to:

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dictatorship By Bureaucracy For Bureaucracy
Australia’s Little Hitler Culture
Bury Bureaucracy Before It Buries YOU

This dictatorship knows that 95% of Australians will do in the future what they have consistently done in the past. Which lot do you belong to? The 95% or the 5%?
Building a nation with counterproductive RED TAPE! Another Aussie oxymoron!
Australia’s bureaucracy is driven to empire building because of two laws and which we have included elsewhere in this and other blogs. That is:Do anything and everything possible to get a budget and then do whatever is needed to increase that budget. Always spend a budget even if it means squandering it and never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved. The empires must grow at any cost.
Australia’s army of parasites are out of control! Australian government regulation and bureaucracy is now estimated to cost the nation A$86 billion a year. Who benefits from this unaccountable corrupt bureaucracy? Conveniently for this army of government bureaucrats there are no accurate estimates of the total cost to the economy and business of this growing red tape bureaucracy and its national culture. The opportunity cost for example. The corruption for example. The slow erosion of democracy. And more and more counterproductive always expensive self-serving Aussie bureaucracy. What has this insidious wealth destroying bureaucracy cost Australia and Australian’s over decades? It is our goal to find out and expose it for what it is before more damage is done.Australian Bureau of Statistics for example crows about its necessity to the nation and its contribution (what else are career parasites going to say?) but in fact it is just another entrenched self –serving bureaucratic empire that threatens and intimidates Australian citizens as and when it feels like it to create work for itself and to justify its existence. Curiously Australians never question if this ABS bureaucracy is such value for money as they claim, then why is health, education and so on always such a mess and does anyone really analyse their closely held data. Curious also that given the public pays for it and owns it the data as not available in the public domain unless you want to pay thousands of dollars for it. Cost recovery these pigs call it but their cost could be eliminated and done more efficiently without them. Just do what the media monopoly propaganda apparatus and brainwashing tells you to do! Lemmings! Fill out those forms you brainless Aussie drones. Don’t be fooled by the propaganda the ABS is not about nation building it’s about building their empires and their dictatorship over the 95% and enriching themselves in the process.The ABS statistics and data are used by government as another means of controlling the lemming like majority of Australians. The ABS bureaucrats represent the rest of the army of Aussie little Hitlers and their entrenched political sponsors. The media monopoly as the convenient propaganda apparatus pumps out whatever the government pays them to pump out. The power of brainwashing!
In addition they conveniently are unable to even inaccurately estimate the cost of red tape to the nations economy. ABS is little more than a permanent sink-hole for more of the product of Australia’s 38 universities who with many other layers of expensive self-perpetuating bureaucracy haven’t been able to figure out infrastructure problems before they occur. The ports and airports bottle necks, the skills shortage, broadband imperatives and a lot more but of course that isn’t their individual and collective purpose. They are sink holes for an excess of production from 38 universities, too many TAFE colleges and so on, and the vast parasitic layers of bureaucracy they support. These plagiarizing tertiary education bureaucracies conform to the demands of whatever the political status quo government of the day requires and for them to milk it for bigger budgets.
There are other statistics gathering bureaucracies and empires also, like ABARE, and between them there is still no way to accurately estimate the red tape cost. This is how Australia’s army of little Hitler parasites prefers it. (How much did ABS pay Ernie Dingo to peddle their lying devious propaganda? And so they could blow some more of their budget and claim they need more. The usual chorus line. While they prop up their media monopoly mates by using government advertising to pay them off as they then kickback a percentage to the government of the day to keep them in power to keep the ball rolling.)Of course we don’t want to encourage more of them by pointing out this information gap because being true proven Parkinson’s Law parasites they will latch onto it and get budget increases and build their insidious empires bigger than they now need to be. But this is now the Aussie culture. And used by their political sponsors to entrench their power and control over the Australia majority.But on top of this excess and dissipation of A$86 billion (???) a year there is also the fact governments now claim over 50 cents of everyone’s dollar, up from 15 cents only 30 year ago. Federal government revenue in 1970 was $15 billion and it is now $200 billion. We won’t include state figures but the growth is similar. For this contribution to the nation and its $650 billion foreign debt and growing, this army of little Hitler parasites and their entrenched political status quo sponsors, has now rewarded themselves with the proceeds of the coming sale of the remaining 50% of Telstra by putting it into their Future Fund which is the mother of all slush funds and dedicated to paying bureaucrats and their scumbag political sponsors their well earned (so they reckon) pensions. This is something of communist or Russian proportions but Aussies are too controlled and fed constant propaganda to figure it out let alone do something about it. Such as AN Economic Bill of Rights!For example we have ASIC the national corporate regulator failing investors who continue to lose billions of dollars through corporate failures, getting an extra $355 million for their budget to “protect investors”. ASIC is now over 1400 bureaucrats from zero in 1992, and is costing Australians over $100 each per year and growing. They are always singing the Aussie bureaucrats’ anthem that they don’t have enough money to do their jobs! Aussies never question this. ASIC is just another example of the bureaucrats getting rewarded for failing. Not only that but it is a regulator that can never protect investors because of massive conflicts of interest. Just ask Westpoint Group investors or any of many, many others over decades and ongoing.They have cooked up another little bureaucracy as a spinoff that will keep a growing army of little Hitler parasites employed indefinitely instead of leaving solutions to the market which is what Howard and his mealy mouthed cabinet of mediocre Aussie lawyers claim they represent (propaganda of course as they keep on growing bureaucracy). By the way Howard and his ilk have not paid for their own petrol for years. You have been paying for it, so don’t expect any relief in this regard. This is something called “understanding money” and it has not been explained by anyone in government of course and as usual. Apparently they, like the ATO, have got themselves a nice starting budget of $50 million ( The ATO bureaucrats have been sitting on $25 million for years planning how they can use it to educate consumers about investing. This new one is another group of bureaucrats who have gotten another $25 million to do something similar.) Bureaucrats of course are using this money to underwrite their dual career paths and agendas based on their claim they will help investors avoid such rip-offs as Westpoint. Of course they don’t explain that government bureaucracy contributed to the $300 million Westpoint corporate failure. This conveniently gets left out. Once these secretive unaccountable parasites get this little combined empire up and running their objective will be to build it into a new empire that they can suck off forever. Meanwhile and yet again, privately developed innovation with competitive market solutions and export opportunities can’t get funding. No doubt whatever these sneaky government scumbags and their network cook up they will use government resources to underwrite their commercial priorities. This also stifles Aussie entrepreneurship and its development. But this is understandable when Australians choose to be ruled by Aussie lawyers and mandarins. And on and on it goes! (Notice how the mandarins who created the ID Card opportunity while in government have now quit and gone to work for the companies the government is going to use to produce the ID Cards. This is what the parasites do.Whether its airports, Telstra or many more, they enrich themselves by being government insiders. Just like Russia or any other 3 rd world oligarchs. But in the process stifling real entrepreneurship.)Just recently we find another little empire that has grown from zero less than 10 years ago to 190 now and which is a growth of 40 per cent in bureaucrats and a budget increase of $14 million to $35 million in 2 years. This is Austrac and no doubt it is full of Aussie lawyers and other product from Australia’s 38 universities who would be unemployed otherwise. So the mandarins and their political sponsors create another little empire and throw $50 million at it so they can all get their snouts in and pig out while the majority of Australians don’t even know it exists. Is it value for money and does it save as much as it costs? No one knows and no one will ever no as these parasites march on and on. Nation building indeed! But once again Aussies persist in being ruled by corrupt mediocre mandarins and lawyers. Perhaps this is because the brainwashing is so effective? There can’t be any other reason.
The little Hitlers’ next big killing will be the Australia ID Card, but as we have attempted to point out elsewhere Australia’s army of little Hitlers is unstoppable. If Australians woke up and created an Economic Bill of Rights it would be possible to stop it but then again this is a big ask under the circumstances.Meanwhile: “For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them, and too little time to think between fifteen minute appointments and thirty page briefs. This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer, which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.”
Australians call this nation building! While Microsoft and Oracle as 2 of many foreign examples laugh all the way to the bank. This is what Australians have created as Australia’s protective stupidity marches on and is now out of control. Clever country indeed! Or was that innovative country? Or was it lucky? Or… what’s next?Australian’s have been brainwashed by successive devious governments to believe this is all nation building stuff when in fact it is never anything more than an army of expensive elites from too many universities protecting and building their respective empires to control and live off the majority of Australia’s. The “uneducated” drones! Are you one? They are corrupt and unaccountable and eventually will become the dominant dictatorship that rules Australian’s every hour of the day.Within a short time this vast expensive profligate insidious corrupt web of now public and private bureaucracy will blatantly rule Australia more than Aussies can imagine. (Because they have been manipulated to believe it can’t happen in OZ. Fooled again!) Particularly when they have the Australia ID Card. You have a choice use it or lose it!Bury Bureaucracy Before It Buries YOU! But have you got the guts for it? If history is any guide probably not.
There highest priority is always to maintain and perpetuate their infrastructure of corrupt unaccountable wealth dissipating bureaucracy. Their empires at all costs! Your cost not theirs! Are you going to continue to sit by and watch this dictatorship grow until it takes over all aspects of your life? Australia’s devious bureaucracy can justify anything they do because they are organized with huge government tax revenues to fund them. You are not! Unless you support an Economic Bill of Rights. If you don’t then the cost of this dictatorship will continue to grow until we will not be able to publish and free speech and democracy will only be their prerogative. You get the brainwashing and the delusion of democracy. And the implanted Aussie ID Card. Ignorant brainwashed gutless suckers?This dictatorship knows that 95% of Australians will do in the future what they have consistently done in the past. Which lot do you belong to? The 95% or the 5%?

ALERT! – Your Economic Bill of Rights – ALERT!
In 3 decades Australian governments increased claims on you from -15 cents in the dollar to over -50 cents now. Where will it be in another 3 decades? -85 cents !? When does it stop? It doesn’t without an Economic Bill of Rights!
Australia’s foreign debt has also increased to -$650 billion! Counterproductive Red Tape costs -$86 billion a year! The wheat corruption is more typical unaccountable corrupt government and their endless gravy train. Telstra T1 T2 T3 has now lost -$20 billion and counting. Demand fibre-optic infrastructure now instead of 3rd world broadband! It’s the tip of the iceberg. Now they reward themselves with secret multibillion dollar Future Fund at your expense. The mother of slush funds! More controls on corrupt propaganda peddling (at your expense) government instead of you? Exercise your democratic rights while you still have some. Support a world first solution! An Economic Bill of Rights. A unique amendment to the Australian Constitution. The tyranny of the status quo holds Australia back! Your devious corrupt Mandarins & Bureaucrats are now pushing thru their insidious Australia ID CARD. They want it! DO YOU? And preventing multichannel 4iDTV an unprecedented rare opportunity! Squandered at what cost? Why? Any support is welcome, including copying or emailing this to others. Join the EBR Party Email:
Anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 signed up members would be enough to save your democracy!
ACT now before it's too late!

Aussie Policeman Rape Aussie Policewomen
Government Minister Zips Up
Police Chief Studying His Code of Conduct Handbook

The true Aussie culture is once again exposed for what it is. Hypocritical packs of predatory parasites! At the NSW police academy in Goulburn, an unknown number of cadet policewomen were forced by their male course instructors to have sex or fail the course. This is rape and worse because the police are meant to be ethical people society depends on to catch criminals. This gang of thugs was well organized and the rapes have been going on for years. And how many police across the state have known about this pack of rapists and for how many years and none of them reported it. This police force conspiracy should be something society can consider as a threat to them in many other ways, not just the systematic rape of their daughters. And have the senior commissioners and their political sponsors got the guts to take legal action and more or do the police know they haven’t got the guts to clean it up? They therefore know they can get away with anything? What other criminal activities have they got going across the state and nation?
More proof of Australia’s 3rd world culture.Some ethnic youths of “mid east appearance and origins” were jailed for life recently for gang raping two teenage girls and occa Aussie society went berserk, and started a war in the suburb of Cronulla as a result. They targeted ethnic youths of “mid-east appearance”.So we now also have some more serious double standards and it looks like occa Aussies reckon its okay for occa Aussies to rape occa Aussie women. The government does anyway as they are doing their utmost to do one of their spineless cop-out cover-ups.So what’s going on here? What version of rule of law is this? Selectively make it up as it happens.
The police commissioners will do what any 3rd world equivalent would do: They will protect there own at any cost and including pumping out propaganda and all at your expense. Aussies will eat it up of course and as usual because after all and in the final analysis they created this sewer and would prefer not to take responsibility for it, so they help the status quo bury it by pretending it is “fixed”. The status quo of course understands this and has the propaganda apparatus primed for the purpose.The cop-out NSW police minister is none other then the career mealy mouthed corrupt Carr government politician Carl Scully. (Obviously a product of the typical corrupt labor party mafia branch stacking. Why would any rational person keep voting for the dogturd?) Someone who has not made a contribution in over 10 years as a labor party mafia politician and takes out more than he has ever put in, and will continue to live of the majority when he retires “for personal reasons” with his indexed for life pension. That means say 2 of the Aussie majority will be needed at all times to work to support this scumbag for the rest of his life. For having contributed zero while being nothing but a corrupt labor party mafia number. And are you working to pay for corrupt Carr’s lifetime pension and hundreds more of these parasites. Some like Gary Nairn, Ian Causley and others are collecting 2 government pensions. One from state government for being state members and another when they retire from federal government. It might be tolerable if they would have ever contributed to nation building in some tangible way but they haven’t. They are typical political status quo parasites. It’s past time for a change!No doubt Scully and his entourage of yes minister flunkeys will need to do a world study tour to see how other nations’ police fuck their female associates on a regular basis and get away with it. Lets see, UK in time for cricket, Germany in time for soccer, Italy in time for anything, USA in time for a range of things and so on.There is a solution:
Power to the people!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Clash Of Civilisations
Bush Blair Howard Olmet…
Bring It On They Reckon

That the OECD nations and the UN will not openly demand Israel put an immediate stop to their acts of terrorism against the Arab people across Lebanon and Palestine is a clear indication of how influential and powerful a Jewish minority have become across the world and in the wealthiest most powerful countries. The leadership in these many nations now obviously lacks the political backbone to act decisively by demanding an immediate halt to crimes against humanity. Deputy sheriff Howard in Australia for example will not take a position that would jeopardize the Howard coalition by offending the Jews who control so much of Australia behind the scenes and which is the case worldwide. And which is used to fund the Jewish military and their nuclear armaments capability among other things.But there is also a planned agenda that indicates this coalition of global leadership of Jewish supporters is targeting a list of Arab/Muslim nations across the region but that they need a justification to attack them. Their WMD propaganda is no longer enough and besides it served its purpose and would be insufficient for the desired immediate and future planned purpose if it were recycled in the same form. However this Jewish supporting leadership learnt a lot from the WMD propaganda and they are adapting it accordingly to their current needs. Their manipulated masses of course are still trying to figure out the WMD blindside! By provoking Syria, Iran , Iraq and others, thru supporting Israel’s war crimes, this coalition expects them to respond in such a way they will have, in their view, enough globally acceptable reasons to take military action against them and so destroy members of the “axis of evil” they have promoted as a danger to civilization. Something along the lines of, We told you so! The propaganda apparatus will fill in the gaps. Murdoch/News Corp for example!
Obviously Iran and cohorts are a priority under any pretext, and these spineless leaders are no doubt itching to pull the trigger on Iran’s nuclear power capability. Bombs away! This will serve another purpose in that Iran will need to pump out more of its depleting oil reserves and so on. The dominant members of the OECD coalition can’t have Iran with nuclear power for various reasons, although this will only encourage them to pursue it and those who want its prevention. Of course and after all maintaining the high standards of living in the west must be paid for somehow and by someone. Australians for example don’t realise they are paying directly and indirectly for Israels means to do what they are doing. This is in the form of Jewish ownership and control of many companies on the ASX and businesses nationwide, and worldwide.What price blowback?Is the media propaganda apparatus across the OECD nations controlled directly and indirectly by Jewish interests and to the extent their large populations are unable to gain sufficient confident critical mass and momentum to demand a stop to the madness which is their leaderships clever but unofficial agenda, from fear of the influence of the Jewish monority? Could be! Ask the appropriately informed Mr.Mel Gibson! (But is Mel Gibson really in rehab or has he been put away somewhere and gagged to keep the real agenda going? Can’t have more than one tail wagging the dog? And doing what the Jewish controlled and dominated OECD media can’t do!
Imprisoned in the bowels of Alcatraz? Free Mel Gibson! Free, free speech and Mel Gibson! Free Mel Gibson and free speech!)
Are there similarities now to what provoked Hitler and the Nazis not so long ago?
Civilisation indeed! It has come a long way going backwards.