Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Australia’s Wheat Whitewash
Perpetrators get Rewarded
Aussie Rule Of Law

Australia’s wheat white-wash is now just about complete and as expected the criminals have all avoided any repercussions especially the courts. No court for the insiders means nothing will ever be done to charge any of these perpetrators, including the mandarins and politicians also culpable. The first rewards to the criminals (yes you heard that right) are now being handed out.
The ex - CEO of AWB Mr. Lindbergh has gotten his first installment in what will be a series of rewards. A$1.3 million in cash, in the bank. No doubt there will be a government funded role in some out-of-the-way foreign state or a lucrative grains consultancy like his ex-chairman, Flugge.
The media Mafia loyalty to government might mean that you will not be kept fully informed about these pay-offs as they get rolled out, so we might need some help in keeping this list up to date.The Cole inquiry into the AWB criminals, their networks throughout government and their wheat corruption has also given you a first hand view of how Australia’s rule of law system really works. Cole has conveniently also gotten an extra boost to his retirement pension from this royal commission. Howard’s gift to an old mate? (It’s no coincidence you are ruled by mainly mediocre conveyancing – clerks turned politicians. But why do you allow it to persist though?) It is a double standard system of course where the majority get jail terms for minor offenses (this means the bureaucrats always have sufficient fodder to be able to justify spending their budgets on new prisons etc etc.) and the status quo get rewarded with millions and new jobs and so on, while you get to eat more of their propaganda. Paid for by you! Does this sound familiar? Deportations from England for stealing a loaf of bread for example. The more things change the more they remain the same. And the French had Devils Island up until maybe 50 years ago, Australia now has Xmas Island!
More of those aussie values that get left off the list.
If you have any information of the actual rewards and beneficiaries we would like to receive it if possible.In the meantime please think about Your Economic Bill of Rights. Use what’s left of your democracy wisely.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Solution or Parasites?
Centrelink Jobs Network Mafia

New Big Brother Card

As expected the bureaucrats and Howard’s cabinet mafia (the only thing missing out of Howard’s gloating conveyancing- clerk cabinet- mafia media lineup were the black uniforms and boots) have gotten their new ID card empire up and running. It will soon be a card every Australian will have to have. Only anyone brainwashed and with a preference for ignorance would believe otherwise. This first stage is just their experimental stage and as usual their guinea pigs are the weakest most dependent group in society. The usual scapegoats! (The stuff of ANZACs?) As mentioned elsewhere Centrelink and their jobs network mafia (and other bureaucracies) are systemically corrupt (why?) and will do anything to keep their empires intact and growing if possible and at any cost including democracy. Most of the large population of rank and file little Hitler’s are the pawns of the mandarin mafia and also the union mafia. The union mafia and therefore the labor party political status quo are aware of what’s going on in and with this and other bureaucracies but remains silent because they must be seen to be protecting their union members and more so when they are a weak shadow government. Howard and his cabinet mafia and politicized mandarins are well aware of this conflict (because Australians do not seem to comprehend that diversity, lack of in this case, is as relevant in politics as it is in investing and the media say) and are able to get away with anything. (see Australia’s Socioeconomic Cleansing) We have also pointed out that Australian bureaucracy depends on the two laws that keep bureaucracy always growing.
Never under any circumstances give back one dollar to the people of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. That is always keep government growing. They must grow their empires at any cost to protect their jobs, careers and pensions.If you are interested in exposing this vast self-serving counterproductive bureaucracy, its corruption and waste (and it is enormous including human capital) please indicate whether you would support our efforts as we have a large body of research but insufficient resources to put it all online. No doubt the bureaucracy and the political status quo are more than pleased to hear this. Or do you prefer their endless propaganda fed to you by their media monopoly mates and that you pay for? (Why do you think you still do not have universal free digital TV? And how much has it cost you and the Australian economy?) Most Australians seem to be afraid to challenge the ethics and morality, among other things, of this army of authoritarian unaccountable corrupt little Hitler’s. (Been intimidated by any of these bastards lately? Had your ID card number tattooed to your forehead yet? No! Penalise that miserable piece of fodder! Watch out for the ID card number tattoo watchers. Is that an official tattoo?...). Again this is what they want but you will continue to pay a higher and higher price for it if you do not act. It is also a cop –out to leave the demanding work of protecting democracy and rights up to others. And don’t be fooled the political status quo and their mates has this as their priority.
As mentioned elsewhere it is a question why Centrelink and their entire public and private infrastructure continues to expand when government claims unemployment has declined from
15 % to 5 %. The answer of course is that this vast secretive corrupt public and private bureaucracy has no intention of downsizing but will do anything to maintain and grow their empires and budgets to protect their jobs and status and private business interests being underwritten by government. This is what you voted for? The perpetuation of an army of self-serving devious counterproductive parasites who need the equivalent of a 3rd world problem to exist to live off! They are now a deeply entrenched systemic vested interest bent on survival at all costs. But you should know understand why the labor party mafia shadow government says nothing. The democrats are supposed to have been keeping the bastards honest but they are as equally corrupt. The Greens are no better. Independents are useless.
Individually and collectively this political status quo has no innovative core purpose relevant now and for the future. Except to survive as elected representatives for as long as they can to maximise their life indexed pensions and other perquisites when no longer in government!There is also still no sign that the federal police or public prosecutor is going to charge the Salvation Army and Hillsong for their fraud, embezzlement and theft of government millions.
(We can arrange for anonymous contributions if that is your understandable preference.)
Support our publishing efforts and an Economic Bill of Rights. It’s your democratic right to do so. Use it or lose it! Or kiss your democratic paradise good bye!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

ADF Iraq Fatality
Accident or Suicide?
Another Government Cover Up?

Is the Australian media engaged in yet another cover up with the government of the possibility a highly trained ADF soldier might have taken his own life while on duty in Iraq?. There is a pattern of suicide across all branches of the military but it seems more prevalent in the Army and Navy. Defending his nation for the likes of Banana Republic Howard and his corrupt cabinet mafia makes this loss of life then, an overwhelming tragedy? In light of the rapid (all too convenient) media coverage, does anyone dare now to question the governments version? After 10 years of their insidious propaganda and lying perhaps this young man and the nation deserve the truth as bitterly tragic and painful as it might turn out to be. Is Brendon Nelson MP peddling the military line or more of the Howard coalitions wretched propaganda, which these days is probably the same thing.
It seems unlikely such an accident occurred as this government and their media sycophants have quickly claimed it has. Highly trained soldiers in active duty mode don’t make such precise mistakes.A suicide in Iraq might turn out to be a serious embarrassment for this government and its politicized military. Especially on ANZAC day! And typically they are going to use the media mafia to push more of their lies onto the public.
The great myth about Australian individuality is that Australians do not tolerate it. The cult of individuality that is supposed to be a unique characteristic of ozzies has been nothing more than government propaganda for decades. The culture that dominates all aspects of Australian life requires one to be a member of a group. (It dominates the media monopoly mafia and the political status quo for example.)If you are not part of some group then you are suspected as being a dangerous threat to the values of Australian society and therefore the status quo. The most prevalent forms are probably directly and indirectly part of the political and bureaucratic status quo. The next might be sport. Universities and so on are another. The military of course! To become a member of a group one must first prove that one conforms to the demands of its culture. Once accepted it is necessary to continue to conform or the group retaliates. Anything government of course has a specific culture and a range of filtering systems are in place to ensure only mainly conformists get in. (Thus the wheat corruption and its lack of accountability as one example of many.) Psychometric tests are either blatantly or cunningly applied to ensure mainly conforming recruits are accepted. These are the main Aussie values thanks to a self-perpetuating political status quo and their vast counterproductive corrupt bureaucracy? And their combined propaganda paid for as usual by the productive majority.One of the benefits of an economy that is limited in its diversity and still has in reality a high unemployment rate is the military can discriminate extensively and cherry pick its recruits. (certain family backgrounds are typically culled and rejected early in the process) However there is bound to be a percentage of their acceptable recruits who eventually realize it is not the life it is promoted as. Unless you happen to be the officer class which cruises through life brainwashed to the eyeballs about their superiority and what legends they are and the prospect of being consultants for corrupt commercial entities like Deloitte and many others.
The defense bureaucracy of course is one of the most consistently inept and corrupt with a reliable track record of project failure and lack of accountability as it ironically continues to increase its budgets. Rewarding failure! Deloitte and its ilk reward insiders to get them closer to this trough.
Once again another bureaucracy that conforms to the two reliable laws of Australian bureaucracy: That is. Never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. The empires must grow at any cost. Even if it fuels a counterproductive military and industrial complex that undermines more valuable entrepreneurial wealth creation whilst growing more bureaucracy! But this insures the web of empires is maintained indefinitely under any pretext.
For example consider South Korea’s creation of a world leading bulk carrier ship building industry over the past 30 years and now worth over $25 billion a year to them, while Australia, too clever by half, basically closes down its existing steel shipbuilding industry – that was mostly dependent on military contracts to survive – and creates an uncoordinated aluminium multihull ship building capability that is once again dependent on military contracts. Defense and many other related bureaucracies like Ausindustry, DFAT and so on are now living off this fragmented and relatively small industry. Once again ensuring they are able to protect their empires and grow their budgets while fueling the expansion of the military industrial complex that insures global instability and conflict.Economically more diverse and committed wealth creating economies like Japan and South Korea could be reliably included in assisting in regional but modest defense commitments instead of a small nation like Australia bankrupting itself while deluding itself (with the help of corrupt public and private bureaucracy) it is some sort of big gun in regional affairs. Although these successful nations are probably quite content to watch Australia dissipate what industrial capacity it has left, to go slowly but steadily bankrupt over decades and pick up any assets they choose at fire-sale prices. (Australia’s foreign debt is now around A$650 billion thanks to this strategy and government leadership.)
It is this leadership and vision that the majority of Australians blindly support and fund over and over again. Once again proving how efficient the propaganda is that they also fund successive governments to feed them. The clever country indeed!

Australia’s CBD Mafia
Transferring Your Wealth
Petrie Hypes New Dot.Com

During the enthusiasm of the 90’s Donald Petrie was selected as CEO of Packers eCorp which parted investors from a bundle before folding as it claimed there was nothing to invest in. (Bullshit of course but investing wasn’t the real purpose. Cleaning up at the small investors expense was. And is!) Not after they had made out like the typical Aussie CBD mafia bandits and created nothing except a vehicle to transfer wealth from the typical gullible Aussie investors. Who clearly miss the best investment opportunities on a reliable basis because they seem unable to get enough of the CBD mafia’s glossy ASIC registered promotions. By now they should be a wake up but maybe there are new ones to always step in and take the place of the already fleeced. Which is music to the ears of the CBD brotherhood of course, the lawyers and accountants and other nation builders.
Petrie is now back in the game according to the typical standard media promotion (guess who owns the media delivery system? Packer, Murdoch and the government of the day of course), as the market is building for another version with investors keen to punt on whatever the CBD mafia cooks up. Rarely is it ever a true wealth creating opportunity and certainly never a global one. After all none of these people have any history of identifying any global state – of -the -art technology opportunities. And that includes every Australian university although stupid technology illiterate politicians keep giving them billions for their ongoing failure. But again it is mainly about bureaucrats disposing of their budgets to keep their empires. All real nation - building stuff, according to them at least. (Yes, what else can they say.) A major gravy train that has no proven identifiable consistent wealth creating ROI except one they cook up and the media sycophants peddle to the unsuspecting majority. Most Australians would likely marvel at the new fangled conveniences they get from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and so on. (China has now well and truly emerged as about 50 Taiwan equivalents so expect a few more conveniences. Perhaps Australia could eventually become a big brothel for rich Asians. No doubt Aussies unis will see an opportunity in that line. A bit of a reversal but Aussies were warned about becoming the white trash of Asia at least 30 years ago. But what the bloody hell would Lee Kuan Yew know anyway?) Little do Aussies realise the proof of concept prototypes for this wide range of devices from washing machines to Wurlitzer’s, were probably built
in and by Australian universities. To perpetuate their now large empires local academia has devised a clever range of devious self serving schemes over decades as they have grown and as they are always unable to fund themselves. (Yes we do realize this theme gets a bit tedious.) One of their most cunning is to offer all of their services to foreign multinationals for a fee to build their prototypes. Multinationals consider it cheap and a good service as they know local universities are incapable of any commercialisation and again local academia aren’t interested when they can keep themselves this way and in the lifestyles they believe they are entitled to and their empires growing. Aussie innovation indeed! Australians might realize now that there is a reason for Australia’s failures in commercialization of innovation.
Australian universities over decades have also accumulated one of the largest superannuation funds in the country during this time of “nation building”. Known as UniSuper it is a pool of about A$15 billion plus and to make sure it gets high returns it engages in insider trading. (No! You don’t say?) For example when the Melbourne university as one example, had the opportunity to get the exclusive Internet DNS license for Australia they floated a company called Melbourne IT (who knows what it is called today?) and it was full of university insiders and naturally, yes, they cleaned up. But, back to Mr. Petrie and the CBD mafia! (Most of them are the product by the way, yes you might have guessed it, of one of the above never-commercialised-any -innovation-because -we- can -make –proof -of-concept-prototypes- for –MNC’s - universities.)As an example when the enthusiasm was hot two companies started life in basically the same category. One was cooked up by the Aussie CBD crowd (you have an idea of the outcome already) and another by innovators and venture capitalists in the US. The Aussie creation went to about $2 billion during the hype and has now been reduced to an almost worthless reflection of Australia’s efforts in this regard and the other went on and on to become a global brand with a current market cap of somewhere around A$70 billion. This is Looksmart and eBay. Never heard of Looksmart? How come we aren’t surprised? Looksmart was hyped to the public using government funded venture capital by the way, so they had to maximise the heist. They did and at your expense as a text book example of wealth transfer if ever there was one. A parallel that is worth keeping in mind by any investor when considering anything the Aussie CBD mafia throws up for them now. Beware, the name of the game via ASX/ASIC is parting you from your money. (Capitalism is a great system but not when it only allows the CBD mafia almost exclusive access to everyone else’s capital.)And even after all this experience the Aussie CBD crowd still can’t figure out a global opportunity. But of course with easy pickings like the ASX gives them access to they don’t need to think up globally innovative business models. Just crank up new versions of the same spiels every market cycle and fund another villa in Queensland and/or a new Beneteau. (Foreign built yachts are subsidized by the Australian taxpayer as they are all mainly leased arrangements. This is more proof of how clever Australia has become over the decades. Tax shelters that assist foreign competitors! Ho hum! But the majority of Aussies aren’t going to be buying Beneteau’s anyway so if it ain’t broke why fix it?)
The local media mafia content producers, true to form and type, are once again hyping Petrie’s “wizardry” and more than likely Packer or Murdoch will jump in for a quick buck. Or after getting away with eCorp and of course One.Tel , with the help of ASIC among others, maybe they will give it a pass for the time being until things really hot up and the Froggy frenzy clicks in. Blame it on behavioral finance!
By the way if anyone reads this blog we would like to hear from anyone who lost money on the ASX scams of the past 10 or so years, especially anything technology because we would like to do a book on Australia’s wealth creating lost-opportunities while it clocked up a A$650 billion foreign debt in a remarkable straight line industry trend unique in history. We were thinking of applying for ARC funding but figured they would not appreciate non-club members and their A$650 million scam exposed.
Did you also hear the one about Peakhour? No? About A$60 million down the gurgler in less than 3 years and the original CBD mafia planners now reside in Seattle. Curious choice, why not Rio? They are about due, in our estimation, perhaps to resurface with another wonderful scheme. Beware, be alert, and if you value your dollars, be alarmed!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Crude To Test US$100 & US$125?
West Stupidly Triggers Opportunity?

Crude oil could be set to test US$100 a barrel and once it penetrates that price it could then test US$125. Crude oil is now the WMD and interests across the Middle East are probably planning to emphasise its range of direct and indirect damage. When a devious liar like Prime Minister Howard starts his most recent media opportunity about high fuel prices in Australia by declaring Iran is developing nuclear weapons, it might be expected they will be encouraged to do whatever they can to drive the crude oil price to unprecedented levels that will have an increasing impact on the USA and their allies economically. Iran might consider shutting off their production for a short period to achieve that end and to goad deputy Howard and Bush. If other oil related events occurred simultaneously they would extend their reduced oil exports to give it greater impact. Other determined interests would likely be attempting to correlate their activities with any such action by Iran (not necessarily coordinated by Iran although the propaganda the USA and its allies spread would emphasise their involvement) to maximise opportunities that would cause more pain in the west with their energy dependent economies. Their most important target would be a significant attack on any major oil installation in Saudi Arabia. The bigger the success of such an action the greater the increase in the price of crude and if it happens to significantly interfere with production and exports, or both, then the price will perhaps test US$125. As it rises in price it provides a greater incentive for groups to become more aggressive and to take higher risks, in Saudi Arabia or as one example, a spontaneous activity in the Malacca Straits or vicinities to compound the opportunities.
Howard of course hasn’t paid for his own fuel for decades and won’t ever take the blame for anything and in the case of oil it is usually the oil companies as the scapegoats but now he can get a double benefit by scapegoating Iran, peddling Bushes propaganda about Iran developing nuclear weapons and also blaming them for economically damaging high oil prices.
Israel meanwhile continues to develop their established nuclear weapons capabilities and with funding from the US of course but also from Australia among others. Naturally this is bound to goad interests across the Middle East to achieve some sort of balance. For example pursue economically damaging high oil prices and establish their own nuclear energy capabilities to further conserve their depleting oil resource the west is so dependent on. Given history and under the circumstances a not unreasonable national interest strategy.

Banana Republic Howard
AWB Ballot Box Issue
No Prime Minister

Prime Minister John Howard is now claiming that the coalitions AWB criminality (the Australian government /UN – Iraq wheat corruption) is a ballot box issue to be resolved by the Australian people. A cunning cop out that lets the coalition and Howard avoid doing more and the courts. Unfortunately they are going to buy this and eat it. By the next election of course the whitewash will be complete and the ongoing propaganda so cunning that most Australians will have basically, as planned, forgotten about it, or typically will be so indecisive and unable to critically assess the whole affair and its more insidious implications will likely continue to vote for Banana Republic Howard. But it is not solely an issue for the next election, because the systemic culture that has allowed this corruption to go on for decades quite simply still remains and in fact if there are no charges and convictions including long jail terms then this will mean the criminality – as expected – will have been rewarded and this will further entrench the culture and the mandarin mafia with the political status quo will consider it yet another confirmation and example of the extent of the control they have over Australians. (The whitewash has now taken a decisive turn that seems to indicate it is on the home run. The loyal local media mafia is promoting the fact – increasingly buried and in small print - the AWB received legal advice from one of Coles’ QC mates that their corruption did not break any laws. Conveniently Australia has no relevant laws in this area unlike the US. And the Howard cabinet mafia is 90 % lawyers!) Make them eat cake takes on new meaning! If Banana Republic Howard pulls this off (like the lies about GST, WMD, IR, children overboard -Tampa etc) you can kiss a bit more of your precious democracy goodbye. Be alert !
It is also noteworthy that the media status quo has not joined the dots and picked up on the possibility of this dominant systemic culture across governments remaining unscathed to do what it does so well. Unsurprisingly they choose to agree with Howard as part of the cop out that assists in slowly burying the wheat issue and thereafter until the next election, contributing to peddling the propaganda necessary to perpetuate the political status quo.
For this traditional sycophantic loyalty Howard (and/or Beazley) will ensure the media laws are developed to insure the media mafia continues as the media mafia as it stifles Australia’s economic development in this area and beyond. It is therefore imperative to attempt to communicate these issues to foreign media publications in the hope there will be sufficient respect for diversity of opinion to lead to exposing the always too convenient local gaps that, however and unfortunately, Australians have come to believe is being fully informed. In the same way for example, they have come to almost blindly believe free to air TV is free. Good propaganda works! Unfortunately the majority of Australians continue to blindly pay for it.
Another area where the local media has again failed to join a few dots is in the area of employment where Howard and his coalition are continually crowing about their success in this area. How reliable is this claim? China’s growth has led to an obvious demand in resources so Australian governments are typically riding on China’s economic performance but using it to promote themselves as responsible which is equivalent to claiming they are responsible for China’s progress and so on. Japan, India and other nations throughout the region are also contributing. Again clearly Australians have a high tolerance for hubris and humbug and disregarding the consequences. (Is Howard a pathological liar or just a victim of corrupt political power?) Such as the wheat corruption and more! But a recent report from Australia’s productivity Commission on government regulation, its growth and cost exposes another source for Howard’s so-called success in employment. This government has created more government. Over the past 10 years regulation has increased rapidly and even conservative estimates indicate compliance costs are tens of billions of dollars a year. Again though the local media has failed to investigate further and for some of the obvious cause and effect relationships.
Solution? Consider supporting Your Economic Bill of Rights ( and not only get rid of the likes of Banana Republic Howard after 2 terms but in other ways also, including his cabinet mafia mates, Downer, Vaile and co without their pensions, and jail the bureaucrats, the mandarin mafia.
Naturally the last thing they want is an Economic Bill of Rights as they continue to perpetuate an outdated model that breeds unaccountable criminal corruption and more government that allows them to enrich themselves out of all proportion to their contributions! Some would say, What Contributions?More reasons why an Economic Bill of Rights is so important!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Your Economic Bill of Rights
- A Unique Amendment to the Australian Constitution -
In only 3 decades Australian governments have increased claims on everyone’s dollar from 15 cents to over 50 cents now. Where will it be in 3 decades? 85 cents !? When do they stop?
Australia’s UN wheat corruption exposes counterproductive unaccountable government and their endless gravy train. It’s the tip of the iceberg and has been going on for decades. More controls on government instead of more on you! Exercise your democratic rights while you still have some and support and ensure there is an Economic Bill of Rights. A world first!A specific website will be setup shortly if there is any support. Or is more of the tyranny of the status quo preferable? In the meantime a number of blogs are publishing information. Any support is welcome, including copying or emailing this to others.

Government & Abuse of Power
Howard or Beazley or Howard or..?

"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
And Howard and his cabinet of ozzy lawyers are proving it yet again but is the inept and corrupt labor party mafia ultimately responsible for creating this? So voting for them to get rid of Howard and co is rewarding labor for creating them. Where’s the logic? And this is the clever country?

One of the advantages of democracy, from a government’s point of view, is that it makes the average citizen easier to deceive, since the citizen regards the government as his or her government. Australia's political status quo understands this well and it allows them to limit diversity within politics and the bureaucracy to ensure they are able to perpetuate their mediocrity. It has its rewards! And as the AWB wheat crimes are showing to all ozzy citizens who vote for these mealy –mouthed career trough feeders the buck doesn’t have to stop. Just keep on passing it around and if it can eventually be made to disappear without a trace of accountability, fine, or otherwise crucify a few mandarins and pay them off with enough to retire for life. This is what the tyranny of the status quo does to democracy ? And Australian’s thought they had a say in it! It seems they don’t like to admit to having created it.
Once again propaganda is essential to influence and manipulate the wider public and therefore long -term alliances with the media monopoly are required. This in turn requires the media monopoly to be protected (subsidised by all Australians for low quality content and higher margins) in various ways and over decades if necessary. It is curious how not one bureaucrat made this media mafia aware of the AWB/government criminality. Are we expected to believe not one journalist was aware of it? Given the historical relationship between successive governments and the Australian media oligarchs it is more likely one or more content producers new but had the relationship to protect as a first priority. Australia has no real culture of investigative journalism only a conveniently orchestrated perception that it does. (That they claim they were unaware must be proof of this, and the deluded view they have of themselves.)
The Cole Commission is Howard’s whitewash commission and other ag mafia members have conveniently avoided the inquiry. For example ex DFAT minister and Deputy PM Mr. T Fischer and his mate John Anderson would have known about the wheat grains corruption. Senator Heffernan also! ( In between running around the country maximizing his ag tax shelter investments and monitoring the activities of a High Court Judge supposedly using Commonwealth cars for unofficial business.)
There are numerous DFAT/Austrade mandarins past and present who clearly should be subpoenaed and some for example have disappeared overseas through the international mandarin mafia network into their organizations like the WTO and so on. More than likely their new found positions were created to get them away from being implicated and implicating others especially scumbag politicians and their ag mafia mates. Then there is the board of directors of the AWB and their associates responsible for producing the prospectus and listing this entity on the ASX, including their auditors who are often one of the large 4 or 5 international organizations populated by ex mandarins and therefore members of the in-group necessary to keep this extensive cover-up complete. (Also are there any Swiss or Hong Kong bank accounts for this mafia including DFAT/Austrade?) The Howard whitewash is almost completed!
Elected representatives in the last analysis have more in common with each other than they do with the voting public responsible for their public status as people's representatives.
Opposition parties are supposed to have the incentive and ability to expose the misbehavior of the ruling party, but this cannot be the case for the previously mentioned reason. They would all rather hang together than hang alone!
A majority can only turn against the government by first admitting to themselves that they were mistaken in formerly thinking well of their chosen leaders, which given human nature is difficult, uncomfortable and unpleasant. Governments understand this, as does the political status quo of course and it is always mutually beneficial for all of the main beneficiaries of government power and control to cooperate for the common good. Their common good! Not the citizens' or the nations as history always seems to prove but which always seems to be ignored. Again it is unpleasant to have to admit that one could have been duped and to have even been manipulated by propaganda to vote for these arrogant unaccountable tyrants , which ironically, is paid for directly or indirectly by ones productive efforts and generously dissipated by this cohort.
Systematic propaganda, on a large scale, is at present, in democratic countries, divided between political parties, the new class (bureaucracy), churches, business, the plutocracy and the state. In the main all these forces work on the same side, although political parties in opposition claim to be an exception, but this is part of their role, because even they, if they have any hope of office, are unlikely to oppose the fundamentals of state propaganda as they indulge in it for the same reasons when they reach government. There is always clear proof of this but naturally enough it is not going to be exposed by any of the above mentioned "stakeholders".
Power over opinion, like other forms of power, tends to coalescence and concentration, leading logically to a state monopoly of propaganda, which is the reason Australia has the media monopoly it has and a world class iDTV failure. In a democracy of course this is not supposed to happen. Surpise! Surprise! Governments, particularly modern governments, have found ways around this, by among other things, creating and locking-in a media monopoly. Insuring profits and stock market valuations are the key factors and for this status, governments in the last analysis control the media. It has evolved in two stages. First governments of the day (always hanging together!), develop laws and economic reasons (dubious at best and that the majority blindly accept, like free TV which is anything but free) to allow the creation of a media monopoly. Secondly the media must then become dependent on government, directly and indirectly for reliable profits and relationships. As this alliance becomes increasingly entrenched the propaganda can be ratcheted up in increments to suit the purposes. However if the alliance becomes too obvious diversionary tactics are implemented. These have included the promise and possibility of free digital television, which has now basically been found out although only by a relative few, or the most recent, which is the need for cross media ownership. In this regard cross-media ownership also conveniently happens to divert the public’s attention away from the major failures (successes according to the media monopoly) regarding digital TV. In both cases economic reasons, even dubious ones, are not available, in the public domain at least, if anywhere (the Productivity Commission at least made a reasonably worthwhile but ignored contribution but needn’t haven’t bothered). As the media oligarchs and their media monopoly controls and delivers 99% of the information content 99% of Australians receive then naturally they are not going to make it a priority to tell them how digital TV is the media mafia’s biggest threat and they must do anything and everything to deny it until they can own or control it, which now, as it should be obvious to anyone, the government of the day is consistently conveniently facilitating. And neither will they be informed even remotely how this media monopoly is used as a propaganda tool. In fact proof of how successful the brainwashing propaganda has been for so long can be found in the population’s potentially unanimous view that such a thing couldn’t occur in democratic egalitarian OZ. Efficient indeed!
In the era of remarkable mass communications capabilities keeping the masses ignorant –blissfully ignorant – takes on new meaning while propaganda gets taken to new unprecedented innovative levels few citizens can comprehend the significance of or the consequences, but perhaps as an added benefit of such propaganda citizens will prefer that state to all others as they seem to have clearly preferred it for the past 50 years. Entrenched sleazebag politicians and their corrupt parties and sly bureaucracy dominate the agenda in an increasing struggle with the nations citizens to remain entrenched, perpetuating their power and control indefinitely. Funded by the citizens! Innovation and change for everyone else but not for this cohort.
Non-rational propaganda like the rational sort, must appeal to existing desires (manipulated by propaganda in the first place), but it substitutes iteration for the appeal to fact. To retain power and control (with limited accountability and transparency as a bonus), the facts therefore are what the government chooses to present, which logically, for reasons of self-preservation, can never be the facts! It so happens that free broadband and narrowband multichannel iDTV would improve on this and contribute to democracy in unprecedented ways. This is why it must remain stifled but at the nations expense and democracy, not the media mafia and their political allies.