Watching The Watchers

“ For the chief of state under modern conditions, a limiting factor is too many subjects and problems in too many areas of government to allow solid understanding of any of them... , This leaves the field open to protective stupidity. Meanwhile bureaucracy, safely repeating today what it did yesterday, rolls on as ineluctably as some vast computer , which once penetrated by error, duplicates it forever.” Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly:From Troy To Vietnam

Location: Australia

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Enduring Aboriginal Issues & Problems
Equals Enduring Jobs For Aussie Bureaucrats
Best Solution:

The enduring problems across aboriginal society persist because yet again state and federal bureaucrats make careers out of maintaining empires and dissipating their budgets on them. (The 2 laws of Aussie bureaucracy.)A comprehensive long-term solution means the bureaucrats would be out of work. Now a senior bureaucrat or mandarin has been appointed to report on the issues with another solution. Once again this mandarin and his enduring old-boy and girl network will make sure this mandarin mafia gets reinvented and budgets are increased. But in 5 or 10 years time these issues or variations of it will surface again. The mandarins create the problem then typically keep living off it!
The enduring bureaucrats get away with this indefinitely because the mealy –mouthed politicians are their sponsors and therefore one needs to cover for the other to keep their respective enduring shows on the road. Forever! The bureaucrats will cook up yet another one of their endless solutions that will also satisfy the enduring propaganda their enduring political sponsors need to manipulate the public.
Firstly there will need to be one or more scapegoats found and this will come in the form of a range of issues about Koori culture and whatever. Specific in that it will, conveniently for the majority, clearly identify Koori’s as their own biggest problem but will be deviously sufficiently vague to make sure the solutions are open-ended. Australians being generally responsible for electing these enduring mealy – mouthed politicians with their enduring infrastructure of bureaucracy will be pleased to have an enduring scapegoat offered up to them in this way because it means they cannot be held responsible. The enduring mandarins know how this works from careers of producing enduring solutions and will adapt their new solution accordingly. The enduring (unfortunately and mainly because Australians can’t handle change) political status quo will waffle about the new solution being an enduring solution and the majority – as desired- will nod and keep on referring to the problem with typical enduring boong jokes.This can be referred to as the tyranny of the status quo and it endures (the tyranny of the status quo that is) because Australians are kept in the dark about it because the status quo well understands they prefer to be kept in the dark about it because as they are in the final analysis responsible for voting for the political status quo and their mandarins they can avoid any responsibility. This has become an enduring dominant feature of Aussie culture. Like sport!It is also difficult to ignore how the enduring media monopoly and their enduring media mafia of content producers consistently avoid joining any dots together and individually and collectively zeroing in on the real explanation as briefly described above? Many others seem to have this same aversion to dot-joining but this has obviously become part of the same Aussie culture as mentioned. It has also been observed that of the many blogs publishing across Australia and particularly some prominent ones in the Northern Territory, there is an enduring failure to join some of the more obvious and logical dots together. Some of these blogs are apparently written and published by one or more professional dot-joining Aussie lawyers and consistently, only indulge themselves in dot-joining and logic, selectively. The same enduring bureaucratic profession that dominates Aussie governments!
Enduring ignorance is truly bliss! Better even than petrol sniffing.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Australian Government Psychological Tricks
Devices They Use To Manipulate You For Power and Control
Wake Up!

Send an email to us at to find out more about these psychological devices government uses against you to control your thoughts and actions. They have vast open-ended resources they can use against you, and your taxes as hard working producers pay for it all. ( See Tax Freedom Day)SOLUTION: .Bureaucracy, the scourge of the 21 st century, needs every device it can find if it is to protect and grow what it has created to date, which thanks to you is vast power, wealth and control. The AWB wheat corruption was only the tip of a much larger iceberg. And all the mandarins and ex-mandarins will walk away as usual and with lucrative deals.

Australia’s Dictatorship
Universal ID Card Alert
Bureaucracy The New Ruling Class

Did you vote to have the Australia ID Card? Yes! Then you are an idiot. If NO, then we would like to hear from you! So read on to find out what Australia’s unelected little Hitler’s are doing at your expense.
The majority of Australians have become slaves to a dictatorship of self perpetuating corrupt bureaucracy. Unfortunately they either don’t realize it or do not want to admit to themselves (or others) that they have created it in their manipulated and therefore misguided belief they are participating in a democratic process.The latest scheme by bureaucracy to ensure their survival and self-preservation is the Australia ID Card. This anti-democratic, invasive, insidious, big brother device has been a dream of Australia’s mandarins for at least 2 decades so they are well prepared to impose it on all Australians. They now have the politicians and budgets surpluses to do it!Like the failed plastic money Australia is the only nation in the world with the plans to produce such a card. (This has implications we can’t cover here because of lack of resources which would make criminal government happy). Like the plastic money it will be expensive (plenty of hype but no proven Return On Investment) and no nation will want it and because other nations will find it too invasive and also too expensive among many other reasons. Australia can get away with it because it obviously has an apathetic controlled majority and an excessively funded corrupt and profligate unaccountable bureaucracy to implement and impose it. The citizens of other nations worldwide will not allow it to be adopted in their country and nor should they. So like the plastic money it won’t be an export earner.This is what Australians parasitic dictatorial bureaucracy is now doing and the first stage is being implemented while Australians with their typical apathy ignore it much to the delight of the mandarins and as they expect of Australians. The mandarins know they could get away with murder because of this universal apathy. Australians are also scared of their own governments! After decades of constant propaganda government command and control over the majority is now essentially complete. The Australia ID Card for all Australians will make it complete. (This incestuous corrupt secretive network of mandarins has now become global and extends into many countries including particularly the English language countries like UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and so on. Business might be global but at least there is a minimum transparency. Not so these government networks of mandarins as the wheat/AWB corruption has exposed.)
There are many examples of the proof of the extent of the dictatorship of bureaucracy over Australians but it would be appropriate to concentrate on the Australia ID Card as a typical example of their insidious ambitions for self preservation and at any cost, including democracy. Australians can be told anything by this cohort of an entrenched political status quo and their mandarins through the media mafia’s media monopoly and it will be believed or rarely challenged.
Bureaucracy and especially in developed countries is now the scourge of the 21st century, as it struggles to maintain and perpetuate its traditional status across societies. (Of course this has many serious implications but again we don’t have the resources at this time to include some of the fascinating details here.) The Australia ID Card is typical of the systems they must justify and impose to protect their entrenched vested interests. Of course they must align themselves with multinational companies in a range of industries to ensure this can be achieved. As the Nazi’s relied on many multinationals including IBM among many others, so governments now must align with these multinationals for the same purpose, which is command and control over the majority. Many multinationals are of course enriched by these alliances as public wealth is transferred through to the shareholders of these companies. Mandarins pave dual career paths in this way.
Over decades Australian governments and their insidious secretive networks of mandarins has become a model of such alliances and wealth transfer. Many of these mandarins and their political sponsors have moved on to positions in these companies and as the new class they can further enrich themselves from inside knowledge of the troughs, where they are and how to get a snout or two into them.. The pattern is a familiar one and yes history does blindly get repeated and despite an unprecedented era of advances in communications it is clear majorities can be just as efficiently manipulate now as previously. Possibly more so! It happens basically right under the noses of vast numbers of people yet it persists on a comparable scale. Are people afraid of their own government? Political correctness takes on new meaning.
How did the opportunity for the Australia ID Card occur at this point in time? It coincided with: The control of government by the corrupt devious Howard coalition
The 9/11 event, WMD and the prominence of terrorism
The continuing growth in bureaucracy, their empires and budgets and their perpetuationThe increase in government revenues from GST and so forthIncreasing apathy of the majority manipulated by propaganda that they pay forThe struggle by the entrenched corrupt political status quo to survive and perpetuate, and,The threat to an obscure government empire known as NOIE and now renamed AGIMO

All of these main circumstances have basically coincided along with various other lesser influences and now have made it possible for bureaucracy to implement and impose a universal ID device and system on all Australians. Bureaucracy being at all times opportunistic and alert to anything that can be taken advantage of for their own priorities and agendas quickly seized the moment and pushed it to a receptive corrupt tyrannical unaccountable political status quo. It is noteworthy that the labor party shadow government does not intend attempting to prevent a universal Australia ID Card. Their future could depend on allowing it to occur as usual.So how did the Australia ID Card suddenly become imposed on all Australians, which they have not yet realized?
It was pushed through to receptive mealy mouthed politicians by a group of mandarins who were either going to be axed and along with their multimillion dollar empire and budget or, had to find something they could prolong their survival for indefinitely. For Aussie mandarins the choice was a no-brainer. As the ID Card had already had numerous starts by bureaucracy it was ready to go and with all of the above points and more, aligned, they rapidly started to drive it and by gathering as many mandarins from other bureaucracies with a vested interest in it being implemented, as it would complement their empires and add to their parasitic empire building. Centrelink of course as one of the nations biggest wealth squandering bureaucracies, was included as it would provide the needed database of the weakest most vulnerable people across Australian society who could be used as guinea pigs to develop the first stage, and protect its future because it could also live off the ID Card. The Australian Tax Office mandarins (or ATO) were also easily recruited into the scam as one of the biggest group of profligate self-serving parasites and nasty little Hitler’s (they are the accountants equivalent to having a government cabinet full of lawyers) always claiming Australians are committing some sort of money crime against their government such as fraud and now identity theft, which according to their propaganda is already out of control and the Australia ID Card will help in this regard. Blah! Blah! Blah!

These bureaucrats who were under threat were part of a previous bureaucracy that was created in 1996 with A$50 million a year to provide leadership to Australia’s 1 million plus SME’s (small,medium enterprises) to adopt economically valuable online business opportunities. After a year or two it ended up growing as Australia’s bureaucracies do, to about 180 bureaucrats. None of them have ever owned or managed an SME before and in fact 90% of them were mainly straight out of universities with no experience of anything else. They now had the seed of an empire, money and power!
This organization was given the high sounding patriotic nation building title, The National Office for the Information Economy or NOIE. (Never heard of it? That’s not surprising.) Over the next 5 to 6 years they proceeded to build their shiny new mini-empire to over 175 bureaucrats and to burn through over $150 million funding their networks of mates in consultancies and their own various business arrangements such as the corrupt AuseNet /NEIS etc training network and so forth. (Which ripped off millions but the police as usual and ASIC have turned a blind eye. Bureaucrats protecting bureaucrats because they are all into it!) Claiming to provide thought and other leadership to SME’s (perhaps implying SME’s are incapable of thought?), which brought them in direct contact with the Centerlink and other entrenched mandarins (with extensive corporate memory about troughs and how to milk them) and their corrupt network of public and private solutions for unemployment.
After dissipating over A$150 million some complaints about NOIE’s ROI were beginning to be heard by the typically ignorant politicians as the sponsors of yet another new empire they new little or nothing about. In 2003 it was quietly closed down and a new name was found for it but not before the majority of the bureaucrats made sure they still had jobs (with the labor party mafia unions leading the way) and including in many of the consultancies they had been funding for 6 years. One scheme however was kept going and this was ITOL which had been used to fund many schemes devised by these networks and therefore was too valuable as a source of funding for their business agendas to close down and besides the public and the politicians did not know of its existence, so it could be used as a bank to continue to build their businesses interests. It is still operating with about $8 million of the original $50 million and with little or no accountability and transparency, which is how the mandarins prefer it as the use it to underwrite their business careers. But the mandarins quickly identified a way to save the remainder of the $50 million and created a new empire. This is now called AGIMO ( Australian Government Information Technology Management Office) . (Most of Australia’s SME’s by the way are still struggling with online technologies that this squandered $150 million could have helped solve. Meanwhile and true to form and type the bureaucrats have moved on to the next trough. In fact these corrupt bureaucrats and their networks have undermined unique unprecedented opportunities for SME’s and continue to do so as they milk SME’s and online technologies for their own purposes.)
They, AGIMO mandarins, quietly dropped the original use of SME’s as the vehicle they were supposed to be providing leadership for in all aspects of online technologies and dumped it for providing government bureaucracies with leadership and guidance on all things online. As usual these creative parasites are capable of anything to ensure they keep an empire and wherever possible grow it. (The 2 laws of Australian bureaucracy demand it.)
However government is squandering billions (so what’s new?) on online efforts but bureaucrats at federal and state level are doing everything possible to impede the development of online technologies for fear they could undermine their inefficient counterproductive empires that they have built over decades. AGIMO it turns out, therefore is in conflict with their mates across government so they had to be more creative and find another solution that would keep their empire and their jobs. Also the mandarins devious as always, needed a politician to act as their front man so they setup Mr. Gary Nairn MP as the member in Parliament who would push their new empire and its justification. Nairn of course is an ex military bureaucrat and they are known for their ineptitude and waste. Nairn also gets 2 pensions from government. One as an ex military person and when he retires from government another as an ex politician, indexed for life to the standard of living. But the main head-kicker is Senator Joe Hockey and he will be Howard’s chief Nazi during the first stage roll-out. Although we suspect he will be avoiding the limelight. They know how to milk troughs these parasites and besides the majority of Australians are oblivious to it. NOIE and now as AGIMO then came up with the idea to push the Australia ID Card as a vehicle to protect their jobs and their vulnerable empire. They now had a network of other mandarins developed from NOIE’s existence, and their departments, they could use to bring into the plan and of course one of the biggest and most corrupt was and is Australia’s everlasting Centrelink.
The Centrelink bureaucracy was a perfect fit, and as they and their jobs network mafia could have been partially vulnerable, because as government was promoting their so-called successes in reducing unemployment from 15% to 5%, it would be naturally economically efficient to downsize Centrelink, get rid of who knows how many mandarins and rank and file bureaucrats and reduce Centrelinks budgets and the jobs network parasites. This is an absolute no no as far as Australia’s army of public and private bureaucrats are concerned so these seasoned front-line parasites were easily recruited into the new NOIE/AGIMO game plan for a national universal Australia ID Card.
To get the mealy mouthed political status quo on board and even get more money and bigger budgets and a new empire, these mandarins cooked up the story and are embellishing it no end that this Centrelink dependent fodder was ripping the government off and all hard working Aussies to the tune of billions of dollars a year. This is of course propaganda. (The biggest fraud on the Australian people is the army of entrenched corrupt parasitic bureaucrats.)Therefore if the mandarins blew a billion dollars on their Australia ID Card for the first stage, it would be a great return on investment. And one the likes of Banana Republic Howard could crow and jig around about. This same story has been tarted up to justify the Australia ID Card be used for all Australians as they are also clearly engaged in all manner of fraud or, potential fraud, against their governments and so on. But their first priority is to work on the most vulnerable critical mass provided by Centerlink and convince the wider public, which based on years of propaganda, is already easily convinced this Centrelink fodder is scapegoatable and needs some serious socioeconomic cleansing. (Australians seem to need scapegoats that they can blame for a range of problems and the mandarins understand this and how to manipulate it to their advantage. For example, Australians seem to be reluctant to prioritizing blaming politicians as this implicates them directly because they voted for the scumbags, therefore laying the blame on politicians they are in effect acknowledging they will share the blame. This obviously must be avoided and can be when there is a more convenient and available distant remote mass – such as the critical mass of unemployed etc – that can be blamed for just about everything under the sun and more, and are, as the governments propaganda devised by the mandarins targets them in many ways in the minds of the majority. Basically using brainwashing to achieve their aims! Notice the Salvation Army is using its profits – including fraud and socioeconomic failures- from perpetuating the problem it needs to live-off, to produce a new series of TV advertising as propaganda.) Most of these mandarins/bureaucrats of course are the products, and the best and brightest we are constantly told, of Australia’s best universities. Obviously!So there is basically how the Australia ID Card has gotten legs as the mandarins would say. And exposes once again what Aussie bureaucrats do so well. Protecting and growing their empires based on the 2 laws of Aussie bureaucracy: Never under any circumstances give back one dollar of any budget once achieved; and do anything and everything possible to increase that budget. The empires must grow at any cost. It has nothing to do with public benefit or nation building or any propaganda they will continually produce to manipulate you into accepting the universal Australia ID Card. It’s all about bureaucrats devising schemes to benefit bureaucrats.Australians seem to be unable to tie the common purpose together. Bureaucracy taking care of bureaucracy! For example the mandarins cooked up the GST for the same purpose, to completely reinvent themselves for another 50 years and with the bonus they could capture the growing unstoppable cash black economy (which has evolved as people realize they are giving more to corrupt governments and getting less in return –such as 50 cents plus in the dollar. See Tax Freedom Day.) and use it to fund more of their insidious solutions. IR has been cooked up for the same reasons, to reinvent a vast web of public and private bureaucracy. The Australian legal profession is one of the main beneficiaries of these reinventions and it is no coincidence Howard’s party is dominated 90% by lawyers. Well, mediocre conveyancing - clerks, which is why they became politicians. We can only speculate whether the Australian Law Society funds these parasites to gain power in government because they then control Australia and can reinvent government in these ways to ensure their card carrying society members can never be unemployed and live a lifestyle they claim is their birth – right. The accounting profession has also been a major beneficiary especially of the GST. All wealth transfer and never wealth creation. (Thus a foreign debt of $650 billion and rising.) Australia’s public and private bureaucracy doesn’t know what wealth creation is although they exhort the majority of Australians to do it such as by being more productive. So they can live off it while being counterproductive! Then they produce propaganda claiming Australia is the clever country. The true Aussie culture! You as the majority have once again provided an army of corrupt unaccountable parasites with a means to extend their vulnerable careers indefinitely because frankly in their single-minded view and for purposes of propaganda, you are little more than a bunch of fraudsters or potential fraudsters, committing fraud on such a regular basis against your own government that it is essential and an imperative that you get tagged and tattooed and tracked on a universal information technology system run by profiteering multinationals like IBM and Oracle and probably operated offshore in India. (This is why the mandarins award these multinationals the contracts, so they can claim they are not responsible for the IT work going offshore etc.)
We thought it was timely given the speed at which these Nazi minded oxygen thieves are proceeding that you should at least have a basic understanding of how this thing has crept up on you so fast and will continue to advance if you remain blissfully apathetic to it and its short to long term implications and consequences. You should by now realize that Howard and his cabinet mafia of mediocre conveyancing clerks are a bunch of pathological liars and the mandarins are taking full advantage of it to ensure they are setup indefinitely (even now got their own multibillion dollar Future Fund seed funded by you and your Telstra losses of A$10 billion plus that you are probably completely in the dark about) if and when the inevitable happens and the Howard coalition once again gets replaced by the equally dissolute and corrupt labor party mafia. Ho Hum! Of course the biggest fraud on the majority is parasitic inept counterproductive unaccountable government and its perpetuation. But apparently the penny hasn’t dropped yet. YET!
Of course these nameless faceless and spineless little Hilter mandarins need guinea pigs for their initial first stage roll-out of the Australia ID Card and they have cunningly and deviously used their network to source them from Centrelinks database of 3rd world Aussie fodder. As this critical mass of fodder is dependent on the Centrelink mafia they can be forced, manipulated and intimated at will by the mandarins for their creative empire building plans, to do whatever they are told to do to succeed with their model for the Australia ID Card. The government will also crank up their propaganda (paid for by you, the fraud perpetrating majority) to make sure the majority agrees with them about the Centrelink fodder as the main initial scapegoats while preparing plans to impose the Australia ID Card on all Australians. You can perhaps also thank your 35 plus Aussie universities for producing so many of these mandarins and assorted parasites and their culture. Clever country indeed!The psychology your government uses against the majority to achieve their goals is simple but proven effective. They promote the Australia ID Card in such a way with the targeted propaganda constantly implying that anyone who opposes it is definitely UN-Australian. As the roll-out develops the PR and brainwashing become more specific and frequent, constantly reassuring the majority that supporting it is the Australian thing to do. Australians over decades of propaganda have been conditioned to accept this as government knows best. Unfortunately they are mistaken and as this brief exposure of the bureaucrats and their tyranny explains. Once this insidious Australia ID Card is imposed on the majority nothing will stop the mandarins from continuing with their “solutions”. There is now no political opposition and the remnants of what was a so-called opposition has now been relegated to a position where they will say and do less than they did previously, because they are so desperate to survive. Notice their lack of anything about these Nazi bastards and their Australia ID Card?They have all cruised through easy years appearing to look like they were keeping the bastards honest on your gullible behalf as some sort of credible, balance – of –power opposition parties, except no one seems to have woken up (except perhaps us) to the fact they were also all the same bastards that needed to be kept honest, but couldn’t be of course. So now they have to learn to be the kind of nation building politicians they fantasize about and attempt to save their miserable expensive arses. This is a challenge they have never developed skills in and for so it is a nice opportunity for a new party with innovative solutions to step in and flush out the sewers. In a sense it’s more of a level playing field to eradicate this insidious dictatorship that the manipulated and misled majority in the last analysis is responsible for creating. (Sign up and save democracy.
They are relying on the majority to tire of the tyranny of Howard and his cohort to get their easy lifestyles back, but fail to realize this tyranny is maximizing its unique opportunity and devising a system whereby it can only become more difficult for any opposition to gain power, let alone regain a more balanced parliament. The mandarins have never had such wealth and power and they are going for the maximum possible and fuck democracy. No group achieves power such as this without also having the characteristics that guarantee its abuse.Unless you do something about it and contribute to preventing it from going any further. After all this is a democracy, or is it?Centrelink would also be able to include the rest of their extended , entrenched parasitic jobs network mafia into the plan as they could also be persuaded to control the fodder according to any plans if they want to get their snouts in a trough of government money from the overall scheme of combining the ID Card with making the fodder do what they are commanded. This includes the many jobs network parasites including NEIS, The Salvation Army and a string of other corrupt public and private bureaucracies and companies listed on the ASX as skills recruiters and so on. Of course initially it all requires a cowed database of statistics as fodder and Centrelink databases are made available to this mafia of corrupt mandarins to ensure their joint survival strategy can be made to succeed.
Of course there are many Australians who will deny the above explanation and according to cognitive dissonance this is typical and was essentially the frame of mind that allowed the Nazis to get away with a decade of human extermination. Apparently, the mind is supposed to work in mysterious ways? Like shutting down completely?
Take the time to consider whether you want to be electronically tagged for life and your children. Governments of course have a thoroughly vested interest in making sure you accept it and will crank out all kinds of self-serving propaganda (paid for by you) and do anything to get their way. But think and act quickly because they are already working on the first stage and if they succeed there then it will all be over bar the shouting. You have been alerted and warned. Time now to ACT! No excuses!
Bury bureaucracy before it buries you!
An Economic Bill of Rights will be a start but also let us know if you would support this cause in the same way you support Greenpeace among others. It’s of greater importance! Or, do you prefer becoming more of a slave to the tyranny of the status quo?
If you are afraid to take a position such as openly supporting an Economic Bill of Rights then bureaucracy has won and you can no longer consider Australia a democracy. We have our suspicions. When is enough proof enough?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Australia ID Card
The Centrelink Mafia
Resisting Downsizing

As mentioned elsewhere the Centrelink mafia and its networks in an economically efficient environment should be downsizing from the governments claimed reduction in unemployment from 15 % to 5%. (Governments continually dictate to others about efficiency and productivity but keep avoiding it themselves.) However to prevent this from happening and potentially from having their multibillion dollar budgets cut and troughs reduced and removed they need to be constantly creating new schemes and solutions that can be used to maintain their parasitic empires, keep or even grow their budgets and create new empires, while simultaneously selling it to the mealy-mouthed politicians for propaganda and pork barreling purposes.
They have now started the first stage of a major scheme they devised to allow them to perpetuate themselves indefinitely. Despite it being a big brother threat to democracy, free speech and more. This is the Australia ID Card and it will become universal for all Australians eventually but first it will be used on the weakest most vulnerable members of society based on the governments self serving propaganda they will be preventing this socioeconomic fodder committing major fraud against the rest of Australian’s. This is the spineless leadership Australian’s keep voting for as a solution. Real ANZAC legends! Scapegoating a vulnerable group is part of their decades old strategy to survive and perpetuate themselves forever. Minister Joe Hockey MP one of Howard’s cowards is now the boof-head thug with the mission to represent the bureaucrats on this insidious project and he and his typical spineless Aussie flunkeys are already hard at it, but, and thanks also to the media mafia, almost un-beknown to the majority of Australians except for the propaganda peddled by the media mafia on behalf of the governments.
The Australia ID Card is yet another typical example of Australia’s mandarins and bureaucrats creating empire building and budget growing opportunities for themselves.
These parasites have become addicted to it and will never be able to stop their dependence unless an Economic Bill of Rights is available to give all Australians the power to clean it up.
Bury bureaucracy before it buries you!You still have a choice. Use it while you still have it. Because once these pigs get it established you will not be able to stop it.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Australia’s Federal Budget
Nation Building ?
Or Tyranny of The Status Quo?

Every year Australia’s bureaucrats enthusiastically and expensively, engage in an exercise which is designed to first and foremost perpetuate their empires, grow their budgets and if possible do it in such a way the majority of Australians will – with the help of the loyal media mafia – believe it is nation building on their behalf.
This exercise is called the Australian Federal Budget.
This army of self perpetuating parasites or public servants as they are generally called, has developed a system that has not failed them for decades but has failed the majority of Australia’s citizens although through constant propaganda the latter have come to believe they are being made better off through the vision and economic management of their government. This perception is one that must also be perpetuated by successive governments, whether the labor party or the coalition(liberal-national party). The bureaucrats and particularly the mandarins make sure this is achieved without missing any opportunities to the extent possible while protecting their status, empires and budgets without making this priority obvious to the majority of Australians. The ever loyal and sycophantic media monopoly and its content producers ensure this is constantly fed to all Australians as their present and future status is believed to depend on maintaining this traditional unofficial government /media alliance.Australians have the power to change this tyranny of the status quo but have been so effectively manipulated over decades they are uncertain about how and why they should change it, even if it is explained to them. Australia’s army of bureaucrats and mandarins make careers off this uncertainty and feed off it as parasites do.This tyranny has created 2 important outcomes for Australia and now apparently accepted by all Australians. One is it has created 2 countries out of one whereby the status quo not only lives off this state of the nation but make careers out of it and its perpetuation. The second is that this complex of overarching public and private bureaucracy has diverted vast resources including financial, human and intellectual property capital to it own purposes, which over decades has remained unaccountable but as their respective empires are perpetuated. This has prevented economic diversity but encouraged bureaucracy and its insidious culture. The bullshit about equity and a fair go for all is simply that and for propaganda purposes as it is understood the majority of Australians thrive on this sentimental rubbish. Perhaps it helps to reassure them that they are not in a state of denial.
In due course and given time and resources we will attempt to include more detail of how this system within a system works while they continue to allocate and squander vast national and state resources.
You can do something about this army of oxygen thieves. Join up!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A New Political Party
The Economic Bill of Rights Party

The Economic Bill of Rights Party needs at least 500 members (preferably no lawyers but we don’t discriminate) to complete membership application forms (email us for the forms) to send to the Australian Electoral Commission office to qualify to become a party. This minimum of 500 is the minimum the political status quo has made law for any group to become a registered political party. If you would like to become a member of the EBR Party and create history and clean up and clean out the corrupt political status quo then this is your chance. Unless, of course you believe they are the optimal solution? (If you do then we can only suggest you do some serious research into brainwashing to establish whether you could be a victim. But read through some of our other stuff because it might spare you wasting your time attempting to discover the obvious.)What line of reasoning though, would make anyone believe such a thing?
You no longer need to say, But there is no party I want to vote for! And then go and vote for the status quo! (This is by the way one of the various reasons the political status quo will not change compulsory voting! And how they control your decisions.)Australians can no longer continue to bury their heads in the sand. The political status quo will only get more corrupt if nothing is done about them.Australia’s democracy and future depends on it. Not mealy-mouthed Costello’s budgets! (These budgets are cooked up by bureaucrats for bureaucrats and they have nothing to do with nation building. Costello is just their current mouth-piece!)
Do something for your nation, not the entrenched corrupt political status quo of trough feeders and their equally corrupt mandarins.We realize you have probably been voting for the same old mealy-mouthed political status quo in the past. This is nothing to be embarrassed and ashamed about because you have been manipulated to do so. As you have seen from the AWB wheat corruption, WMD, and more, the political status quo has become decidedly more corrupt and more unhealthy. WHY? Because you keep, illogically, voting for them you silly dunder-head, which is rewarding them for their increasingly unhealthy disposition and culture! Which encourages them to keep doing more of what they have been doing, at which point they start to smell like a sewer. (Refer to Mark Latham’s revelations if you need more proof). And they thank you by forcing an Australia ID card down your throat, which is only one example of many others.
But change and diversity is healthy. (Inbreeding is definitely not, as anyone should know by now. Again Latham has attempted to alert you to what your traditional voting decisions have now created. As he made off with his stash.)
Interestingly the political status quo and currently Howard’s mafia in particular, keep telling us that diversity and change is good for the nation and the people. But, whoopee, only if it comes from them the same old political status quo that definitely does not tolerate diversity and change! HYPOCRITES! If the labor party mafia were in power Beazley or his equivalent would be feeding you the same line of bullshit. (So when does some critical thinking among the majority eventually kick in?) Silly you, it’s their propaganda of course and curious how the media mafia never picks up on the contradiction.(A shortage of critical thinking perhaps?) But of course as we have explained elsewhere we should all understand why this is so by now.The EBR Party can be your payback. Don’t be scared of these bastards and the power they have thanks to your vote, that’s always been part of their overall strategy to control you and over decades they have been perfecting it but at your expense, including democracy.
Imagine, you could be one of the original EBR Party members? So when your children or grandchildren ask you what in heavens name were you doing during the era of the mealy-mouthed political status quo? You can show them your EBR membership.
You can donate if you want to support an Economic Bill of Rights. What we are doing costs some time and money and we need a Web site for it at least and such an important cause should have one. But maybe you reckon the status quo is a better investment and proposition? If so then ask the fat corrupt mealy-mouthed bastards why they never mention an Economic Bill of Rights. The looping chorus line would probably be, Never heard of it! Unlikely somehow, but this is what you are continually manipulated to keep voting for.

Cole AWB Cover-up
No More Witnesses?
Efficient Government Duplicity

As the AWB wheat oil for food inquiry draws to a close many Australians must be asking the question how successful is the cover up going to be. For example ex-Deputy PM and Trade Minister Mr. Tim Fischer Has not been called to give evidence and being a leading ag mafia stakeholder and throughout the Iraq oil for food corruption he would be knowledgeable. So Banana Republic Howard makes sure he isn’t subpoenaed to give evidence. Then there is ex Deputy PM and Minister Mr. John Anderson. Another knowledgeable ag mafia stakeholder and all throughout the same period. There is also Mr. Donald McGeochie the current chairman of Telstra (and wouldn’t know the difference between a copper cable and a fibre optic cable although someone might have raised his awareness of the difference by now after being Telstra Chairman for a few years.) McGeochie was president of the NFF or National Farmers Federation and is also a wheat property owner and producer. Therefore also knowledgeable about the grains industry and the marketing. There are also numerous mandarins throughout DFAT and the Department of Agriculture or whatever it is they call it these days. Frequent name changes of government departments are a typical strategy (but expensive) used by the mandarins to keep the public from keeping track of them and their closets full of skeletons. They are the only ones who know where the bodies are buried and intend keeping it that way. And you never even voted for any of these slimy career characters! Some of these mandarins have been spirited out of the country and setup in comfortable positions in foreign countries. Maybe the World Trade Organisation or an Embassy here or there? They have over decades designed many of these escape routes.
How much has the Cole cover-up cost anyway? Another trough for the Aussie legal profession! And everyone walks!
There are 2 versions of Australia’s rule of law and how they are applied. One for the in-group and one for the out-group. The out-group is the majority who it seems blindly happen to vote to put the in-group in power!! Clever country indeed!

Australia’s Media Status Quo
Fully Informing You?
Or Propaganda?

Each year about 45,000 card carrying union members and plagiarizing media content producers get together and tell us via Australia’s narrowcasting electronic and hardcopy mediums about all of the wonderful work they are doing keeping 20 million Aussies fully informed, while less than a handful of media oligarchs site back (in tax sheltered bliss in offshore tax havens) and laugh all the way to the banks as they marvel how easy it is that so few can control so many for such easy money. We owe this state of inefficient economic affairs to the federal government of the day as one of the media “owners” and Packer’s and Murdoch’s nation building propaganda machine while corporate empire building legacy.Packer often said that he only ever had one Bond come his way, but this is not correct. Successive Australian governments have been far more generous and valuable than any Bond could possibly be. Murdoch would agree of course as he used the governments ongoing reliable and stable largesse as a resource to go global and using basically the same model in other countries, mainly the UK and USA.
Packer used this reliable government business mainly to build gambling franchises issued by the same government network of mates. The governments of course get to use the media resource for propaganda to manipulate the 20 million. This is also why the labor party mafia and Howard’s cabinet mafia of mediocre conveyancing-clerks will never change the laws in a way that jeopardizes the status of the media oligarchs. The public interest benefits are irrelevant which is why you continue to not get universal free iDTV but believe you have it and all at your expense. It is believed the 45,000 understand most of this but naturally enough aren’t going to jeopardize losing a ticket on this gravy train by exposing it. Thus their yearly publicized get-together where they all praise one another and give each other medals. It obviously works of course because the majority don’t seem to question it, or why they still don’t have universal free iDTV but still have the media oligarch’s old analog TV system. As the majority you vote for this monkey business. (Have you noticed how they all coordinate the slow fade – out of the wheat scandal as one of many examples? Events like Beaconsfield are a wonderful diversion and in fact if they didn’t just happen, this media/government mafia would make something up to act as a diversion.)If you believe that what you are continually shoveled almost 24 hours a day from this incestuous mafia, is keeping you fully informed, then you might also marvel at how efficient the propaganda is and has been over decades. And ask the question, Have I been brainwashed?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Respect and Responsibility
Labor Party Propaganda
Expensive Hypocrisy

The labor party mafia is pushing out newsletters across the country calling for more respect and responsibility to be taught in schools. Coming from the labor party mafia this is more than a bit rich. It probably hasn’t dawned on this bunch that the reason they are having such difficulty getting back into government is basically because during their 13 year tenure and much longer in many states they have failed in the area of respect and responsibility towards the electorate. Maybe everyone has already forgotten what one of their own, Mark Latham, had to say about them. Something about the equivalent to a sewer or worse.
But of course when the taxpayer is paying for this propaganda these politicians and their bureaucrats are going to push whatever they feel like onto the people. For this proven lack of recent respect and responsibility why should anyone bother to reward them by voting them back into government. And the reason they are so entrenched at the state level is because they have thoroughly corrupted state bureaucracy and business to the extent it’s yet another example of the tyranny of the status quo being perpetuated by default, in addition to the coalition probably being worse.Unfortunately there is no law to prevent this junk mail letter box spam by the political status quo and there is no opt out choice, except to relegate it to the rubbish bin as soon as you receive it.
Support an Economic Bill of Rights and teach them some respect and responsibility after decades of abusing it at your expense.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Costello’s Infrastructure Budget
Economic Hypocrisy
More Industry Assistance?

After the eminent Treasurer explains his (and the corrupt nameless faceless Aussie mandarins) budget solution for infrastructure, it is already clear it can be exposed as some massive pork barreling exercise designed to also prop up a lot of companies involved in this sector. But there is other infrastructure of greater economic importance that they must ignore at great cost to the nation and its people.
Nation building? Or, how the political status quo and their mandarins use a nation’s budget to keep themselves in power and control? Stay tuned for after their budget PR! This should be nice to see them eat some of their own self serving bullshit for a change.

Australia’s Skills Shortage
Fact Or Fiction?
More Government Propaganda

Obviously the mandarins and the politicians are going to use every opportunity to generate the widespread belief they have been a remarkable solution to creating less unemployment. They have everything to gain by doing this and little or nothing to lose. And it is now becoming more obvious that they have, together, created this myth that Australia has a dramatic skills shortage and to the extent it has now been implanted across society to the point it is now self replicating. This is what all propaganda should do to be effective of course. Successive governments have been doing it more and more for decades as it always diverts the population’s attention away from critically thinking about and analysing the pack of lies they are constantly peddled by this corrupt vested interest.Centrelink yet again for example, and their vast incestuous and expensive public and private bureaucracy has devised many self replicating beliefs to divert the publics attention from their corrupt self-serving self-perpetuation. One in particular is now deeply embedded across society much to Centrelink’s delight. This is that at least 20% perhaps 30% of society has become dependent on Centrelink and is a form of burden on the rest of society. However some simple logic exposes this is one of the government’s main pieces of propaganda. That is as government claims unemployment has declined from 15% to 5% and also that they say there is a skills shortage, Centrelink and its networks of parasitic bureaucracy is still as large if not larger as when unemployment was at 15%. So on the one hand government claims to have solved unemployment and to boost this perception across society they have then implanted the perception there is also this skills shortage. But on the other hand they maintain this vast corrupt empire known as the Centrelink /Jobs Network as a large and still expanding bureaucracy.(We won’t cover the obvious devious use of it by Banana Republic Howard to transfer public wealth to a string of religious organizations to the extent they must also keep the problem going to keep profiteering. Solutions cannot be their priority because they would then not be needed. They, like Centrelink and the jobs network, cannot allow this to happen. They cannot allow full employment. Instead they must perpetuate their corrupt, counterproductive waste.)This also exposes Australia’s media status quo monopoly because they continue to peddle the government propaganda and never investigate the conflicts of interest government has in their efforts to remain in power and control. They are profiteering from government propaganda.It is also nothing short of remarkable that given Australia has so much bureaucracy for anything and everything that a skills shortage can become one because it has been overlooked by this vast enormously expensive, but apparently near useless counterproductive bureaucracy. What have they been doing with their vast resources for so long? And that they have completely overlooked it then it probably supports the case that government has produced it as propaganda. ( Or, get rid of useless expensive bureaucracy!) How could such a vast network of bureaucracy including 35 plus universities and who knows how many TAFE colleges, be so blind to the obvious? They were not and are not, therefore it has been something government cooked up to support their claims to solving unemployment and so on. In addition the mandarins used it as an opportunity to peddle another one of their budget spending schemes by inventing the need for more vocational colleges across the country and strategically located in marginal electorates. Their imaginative pork barreling is endless. It appeals to the corrupt political status quo, so the mandarins can easily sell it them and get another empire to build based on some dubious claim there is a skills shortage.
Most Tafe courses across the country and a lot of uni courses are often rarely classes more than 10 – 20 in size. After 6 months they often dwindle to less and so on. That is, current resources are not being adequately used. There are other more efficient and effective solutions for any so-called skills shortage but they do not include as much bureaucracy and the growth of their large empires, so they are never peddled by the mandarins or mealy - mouthed Aussie politicians.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Australia’s Industry Assistance
Nation Building ?
Or More Corrupt Bureaucracy?

Australia’s Industry Assistance is now at about A$20 billion a year and the majority of Australians seem to continue to remain oblivious to its existence. What is it? If you’re a politician or a bureaucrat, especially one of the SES mandarins, it’s a great service the nation and its citizens should be proud of and it continues to contribute to industry, jobs and wealth creation. (If you believe that line then you should also worry about the power of brainwashing.)If you are one of its business beneficiaries it is to be kept a well earned secret because there could be more where that came from. Because a percentage of it ends up getting kicked back to the government of the day at federal and state level it insures neither major party is going to stop it and as to be expected is going to keep it rolling. This is in spite of the Productivity Commission as one example continually stating it as bad for the economy because it distorts the business system. Any international political economist worth a bean will confirm this is the case. In other words it is a formula for all kinds of corruption which is why it always grows every year. A small kickback to the main parties of 1% via the businesses that receive this industry assistance and those who would like to means both parties split about A$200 million (1% of $20 billion) each year. (They use it for example to buy buildings in Canberra or other cities where they then rent them to other bureaucracies and insiders like Centrelink for example. It makes the AWB wheat corruption look like peanuts by comparison.) And it could never have a Royal Commission simply because there are too many living off it. Even the ASX is being distorted by its existence. The coalition and labor now have another major source of funding both direct and indirect and that is your superannuation contributions. The details are lengthy so we will save it for a future item. But once again it is a large sum each year and can go through a range of kickback processes many of which are convenient grey areas. Overall this gives more financing to the political status quo than in history and allows them to control more. But it’s systemic corruption and is providing many unprecedented opportunities for ex politicians and mandarins to enrich themselves beyond their wildest dreams! And they have also created something called a Future Fund, which is being seed funded using Telstra T3 , and is mainly intended to be the mandarins main trough forever. No doubt they believe they deserve this multibillion dollar transfer of funds from Telstra which they have been using for years to line their pockets, while the majority including business, still get copper telephone infrastructure that really in the last analysis can only be relegated to scrap because of the technological and economic efficiency of fibre optic infrastructure. You might also check that if you are paying for broadband you are more than likely getting dial-up speeds, because copper simply, without any doubt, cannot deliver broadband.
For the two main political parties Industry Assistance is a wonderful slush fund that guarantees they are able to prevent diversity in politics and keep out any challenges by having a reliable predictable almost secretive source of cash that no one else can match. It is used to pork barrel and buy business from one end of the country to the other.
Each state is divided into about 8 to 10 regions and based on whether the region has marginal electorates the government of the day will hand out the “industry assistance” accordingly to basically buy the electorate. Australians seem to think they are clever in capturing some of this corruption say in the form of a useless multimillion dollar equestrian centre. (Basically this now entrenched culture explains why Australia must rely on economic powerhouses like China to temporarily save its historically poor economic efforts and the political parasites who flourish off it, and why the foreign debt is $650 billion and rising.)
A multimillion dollar equestrian centre in the middle of nowhere that only gets used a few times a year is as mentioned a typical good recent example. (Maybe the Aussie horse shit gets packaged – value added- and exported?) They were popular during the recent tenure of the recent Deputy Prime Minister Mr. John Anderson. (Yes one of the same ag mafia politicians who should have been subpoenaed by the Cole Commission but of course wasn’t. He knows too much and on oath would have had to spill some of the beans at least.)
But these vote buying bribes basically got found at for what they were- pork barrel vote buying pay-offs- and have been quietly sidelined fro a while. Not the funds though. Being designed by bureaucrats for bureaucrats and the political status quo, the funds are never likely to be handed back to the people. They simply get together and cook up some more schemes to insure the budget gets blown. Twenty billion a year is a lot of money! Naturally Australia being what it is the mandarins and politicians use it to fund and underwrite their business interests, careers and business interests of their mates. This is also used to help pave dual career paths because if and when they get out of government they have already opened many doors for themselves in handing out this rather large chunk of your money. If they have a career plan that includes consulting then as government mandarins they will make sure large chunks go to a range of international and local consultancies. Often they are some of the consultancies who hire ex military generals and ex treasury bureaucrats and so on to get them closer to other troughs they can pig out from. Networking! Smaller businesses in local regions might belong to a mate and they can find themselves enriched by the experience as they proceed to put less fortunate businesses out of business. (This is why most international economists consider it bad for any economy. One of the many distortions and why Australia’s mandarins now keep all the details of the handouts a secret!) Because it is so corrupt they have to hide as much of it from the public as they possibly can and because Australians seem to be so apathetic about such things they are getting away with this heist on a large scale.
The media mafia rarely touches it with a ten-foot pole and any content producers who have are rarely seen producing content for the media mafia again. Conform to their loyalty –to- the- political -status -quo – standards and you will have a long and lucrative career. Probably believing you are one of the free worlds leading examples of an investigative journalist.In a relatively small economy like Australia’s this $20 billion a year has a serious distorting impact on entrepreneurship for example. We mentioned the Looksmart and eBay differences and outcomes elsewhere. Looksmart was launched using Industry Assistance and the government agents engaged in hyping it to the public and made a $200 million profit after which the share price dropped down to less than its listing price. Many shareholders but especially Telstra T1 and T2 (especially T2) would recognize the scam. Unfortunately there are a disproportionate number of ASX listed companies dependent on this government subsidized business model. Once again some of these are part of Centrelink’s mafia network of job agencies and so on! Aussie capitalism?
Industry assistance encourages wealth transfer and how to get into it rather than wealth creation. Of course after years it becomes systemic, which is the case in Australia. One of the tricks this cohort has cooked up to keep their show on the road is to establish business of the year awards and so on. They declare a number of businesses they have fed Industry Assistance money into as winners in various categories and this gets loyal media promotion. Obviously this all helps prove their corrupt negative sum game schemes are nation building. But of course! They get to keep their empires and get more money from pork barreling political parasites and declare it all a “win-win”. (They will not publish names of beneficiaries and so forth for obvious reasons. Business competitors are likely being put out of business and of course the nation is still accumulating an unprecedented foreign debt of $650 billion and rising in correlation with the growth and persistence of the industry assistance and so on.)
These are some of the benefits of systemically corrupt bureaucracy that gets found out like the wheat corruption and then gets rewarded. We could only get 1998 Industry Assistance for NSW but if you would like to put your name to an FOI to get the rest up to 2006 let us know. No takers?
But also an Economic Bill of Rights will go some way to cleaning out this dung heap once and for all.