Who Really Benefits?
The Tyranny of The Status Quo?
Or Aussie Mushrooms?
That should be an easy one of course!
Have you just moved one day after the passing of the Howard-Coonan “new media laws” - (another perpetuating grand oxymoron thanks to Hollywood Howard) - to grab a government triggered and initiated gift of $4 or $5 billion plus to use to further impede your iDTV?! (We said this years ago and you might find it if you want to spend the time trawling this blog. Basically here it is again. THE Australian MEDIA MAFIA must own and or control all things digital but do so without cannibalizing their old analog assets and therefore value – not their lack of ethical values though, which Howard and Coonan et al clearly condone and subscribe to. Now can you get your brainwashed grey cells around that simple combination of dots? And the ABC SBS bureaucracy is in on this as well to protect their media empires they control but never paid anything for either. What would you do? Get on a soapbox and rant about it being economically inefficient?
(Well they are Aussie politicians after all with Howard and co in bed with the likes of strategically placed media propagandists with sexual preferences Howard and his crew condemn on the one hand and then fondle on the other. Johnny you devious devil! What is your hypocritical redneck mate Heffernan going to think of this outing? More status quo (butt) fucking hypocrisy as usual!)
And to ensure they own and control all things digital (backtrack a bit to join the right dots) they must control your information so that you are not aware of what you legally and democratically should be getting; that is they must control government in such a way government continues to support them including by making good laws for them but bad economically fucked laws for you; and that you must be made to eat this shit indefinitely while paying for it as they get fat, and this means controlling the roll out of all and anything digital until they can own and control it, which means it could take another 20 years or more before you get your free iDTV. After the first 10 years clearly they are well and truly on target!
It is not necessarily the case that the media mafia plots and plans behind closed doors among themselves and the likes of Howard and Coonan. Although they do. It is a case of perpetuating the tyranny of the status quo. Which basically means what they have corruptly built over decades and their dominance of it must be perpetuated and at any cost. They have done this for decades and gotten away with it but because digital has hit them like a Mack truck it is exposing their insidious mafia-like culture for what it is. That is the entrenched media mafia and the equally entrenched political status quo with their supporting cast of mandarins and bureaucratic empires must be perpetuated forever. They have the same priorities in common and bozo you, the majority, are not one of them.
It is the massive economic cost of this continuing and ongoing delaying strategy as lost opportunity that Family First Senator Steve Fielding knows zip about. But of course as another one of these religious zealots recently out of its box no Johny me-best-mates-Alan Howard is going to deny them a shitload of something but probably money as a reward for applying tunnel vision. In fact the cost to date over the past 10 years has been more than enough to pay off the analog terrorists and that includes the corrupt Telstra mafia, and go full on fibre DWDM to the home. That’s a serious maximized and optimized nation building public interest benefit. There are a few other things Fielding is clearly not even aware of but that might be because he relies on yes minister dual career path flunkeys not long out of one or more of Australia’s 35 plus universities. They have a serious track record of taking care of themselves of course and having insiders across all areas of government and so forth helps their cause. So he has an excuse, they don’t, except to blame the universities. They won’t do that of course, so we end up with something that might be called groupthink, and it’s very expensive. And of course who has control and access to a propaganda apparatus. Not you bozos. Family First: The Packer Family First party. Media oligarch families first! Watch out for Family First advertising and PR across Packers media assets. Freebies? Should be able to build a few new Family First churches out of that application of ignorance hey mate? Watch out for new church projects!
Sure, fuck the democrats off but also Fielding. But vote Economic Bill of Rights if you want to get your democracy back and bury these bastards!
But back to question time. Are you watching Foxtel or better for free, as Free-iDTV? Foxtel plus is what you should be getting by now and for free bozo. And so on and on but always the same names and faces. The status quo! Hasn’t the penny dropped yet and its only been decades to figure it out bozo. Get the drift amigos and we haven’t even started! And as Howard’s cabinet is mostly lawyers we are once again made aware of the lack of logic these manipulating mealy-mouthed bastards spin off as propaganda to feed the masses. (We got a bit carried away with some of the above so hope you find the right dots).
So where’s the obvious documented public interest economic model that Coonan needed to arrive at such a nation building series of (oxymoronic) “new media laws”? If your answer is, well, like her predecessor Ambassador Alston up her arse of course, then you would be right-on. Certainly we can’t find anything in the public domain and for the past 10 years.
It seems we need more than an Economic Bill of Rights to shake these monkeys out of their tree. Or maybe we need to create our very own superior Google or nearest equivalent and do more than kick some arse. We could flush the analog pigs and their government mates once and for all. The digitals against the analogs!
PS: It is possible there are a range of unique business models that are probably worth billions plus on current valuations, because the question needs to be asked how come Google is dished up to us as the only solution? It isn’t. Serious stuff! – Contact bsqwatch@yahoo.com for more details. BUT ALAS this is no guts no glory Australia so it’s basically another, what if and what could have been? Sounds familiar? So guess we will have to rely on Google? But keep one eye on Murdoch. He’s finally woken up but still doesn’t seem to fully comprehend convergence. Or at least his Aussie content producers don’t or if they do they aren’t saying to protect their own arses. But maybe he does but needs to stay focused on protecting his analog model at any cost. Which means logically he must align his interests with the media mafia while making you bozos think he is on your side.(Eventually when we cool down we expect to produce a real good recent history of the media mafia in Australia and how it has well and truly fucked you over and a lot more. But as you might now realize we are pissed-off that scumbag politicians and bureaucrats keep poking us in the eye and insisting we are all bozos but have the best of all worlds and should be thankful for it, and them! There is one consolation though and that is we know we have a monopoly on the story of this history. NO GUTS NO GLORY! And also no decent democracy!)
As the media oligarchs indulge themselves and do what any halfwit would have expected them to be doing, and that is to start buying anything their new found multibillion dollar financial leverage can get them into that gives them even more financial leverage (at your expense bozo in case the picture is still a bit fuzzy), Coonan and Howard plead ignorance of the dubious implications of the dubious new laws their government has now made. (If you thought Aussie lawyers as politicians were shifty bastards this is absolute proof! ETHICS indeed! Any halfwit, or maybe a handful of arrogant conspiring political parasites otherwise known as your elected government representatives? To survive and prosper all they need to do is maintain the tyranny of the status quo. And ask yourself a simple question, Do you really believe the media mafia is going to get up on a soapbox and explain this to you, the facts, and that they have been robbing you blind for a decade and more, and literally holding Australia back economically, while feeding you their endless self-serving bullshit? If you say, Yes, and believe you are being kept fully informed then kiss your democracy goodbye, along with your arse. And of course it should by now go without saying, YOUR multi-channel free or near free iDTV!Of course what else are they going to say when they get their orders from the media monopoly mafia and a bunch of nameless faceless lickspittle mandarins that control Australia’s propaganda apparatus.
Coonan now seems to think she is an expert on communications (and digital network economics for christs sake, which she and her arse licking mandarins know you know sweet fuck-all about which is not much more than what they know by the way and proven once again, but at least its more than you which gives them the high ground) because Howard slipped her into the position to maintain the media status quo. (Soon she is going to retire from government anyway to spend more time with her family blah! blah! blah! according to the usual line of shit, but will be rewarded with a job in Europe or somewhere salubrious as a payoff for failing nation building and you and the public interest benefits while enriching the media oligarchs).
It was the same when she held a ministerial position in treasury, she became an instant expert on finance and how the masses should be educated about all things finance to protect them from the predators in the CBD. The mandarins in finance and their network of mates (mainly in the CBD) of course got her to spend millions of your money on this and are getting rich off it as the mandarin mafia does. You might have seen some of their cartoonish handiwork on TV about saving? This of course benefits them, their advertising and media mates and so continues to fund their profits and the denial of your free iDTV. Perhaps a few too many dots for you hey?
Howard would have been getting advise from Packer and his advisers regardless, (mainly Jews but the media mafia good fellas, true to form, make Packer out to be a genius so you will continue to be intimidated and keep eating the shit they dish out to you) and others such as the WIN TV owner Bruce Gordon in Monaco, and Mitchell the advertising and profiteering PR man (his controlled eMitch on the ASX is of course a dud but how would you know if we never told you) for the coalition government, (Singleton was the equivalent for the labor party mafia, got rich, and he’s still making payoffs to these pigs), and Stokes as one of the media mafia godfathers would have had a few phone calls to Howard who would have made sure the media mandarins and flunkeys throughout the likes of the ACCC and ACMA were on the, perpetuating - the - status - quo frequency. MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO AT ANY COST! Insider trading? So where’s ASIC? Empire building of course so they have a conflict of interest but no surprises on that score. More counterproductive Aussie little Hilter’s! Howard’s constant quacking about rule of law is meant for you to believe you are being served by it. SUCKED in again amigos! Besides it’s in their (ACMA, ACCC mandarins) best long-term interest to stay on frequency as they will also get to keep their goddamn empire and will be rewarded with a budget increase for sticking it to you bozos yet again and making careers of it. (Most if not all of these mandarins get their view of the world and how you bozos fit into from one of Australia’s 35 plus universities, so expect to get more of the same government knows best. After all where else can all of this university and ex-university deadwood get employed? In the real world ? Most can’t and so they cruise as uni and/or government mandarins as they enrich themselves. And you still wonder who benefits from Howard and Coonan’s “new media laws”? It definitely ain’t the bozo public. The majority! If you still do wonder then you should also take a, have-I-been- seriously- brainwashed test! (As followers of the analog and digital media circus over at least the past 10 years we increasingly understand how an observer in Europe could be quoted in a large European daily that, “Australia is run by idiots for idiots”. Howard and Coonan’s latest “new media law” is more confirmation this observer wasn’t on a mind altering substance.)
It’s simple (the test that is), Do you prefer free or near free 50 – 100 plus channels of iDTV, equivalent to or superior to Foxtel and your current free analog TV combined? (Send your answer to bsqwatch@yahoo.com ) And remember some of our brief dot-joining lessons in previous blogs? This should prove just how successful these bastards have or have not been over the past 10 to 40 years in brainwashing you. Go on be a risk taker! We might even take bets on whether NO or YES wins. WHOA, do you have a license for that? Fuck the bureaucrats and their political sponsors with their endless self-serving claptrap. Bury the parasites before they bury you! AND DEMAND ACMA hand over their secret report they gave to Howard and Coonan and put it in the public domain. These little Hitler sleazebags are corrupt dictators taking care of their own priorities. Wake up bozos! It’s all about power and profit and keeping you brainwashed in the burbs with neither.
To be continued………