Government & Abuse of PowerHoward or Beazley or Howard or..?
"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
And Howard and his cabinet of ozzy lawyers are proving it yet again but is the inept and corrupt labor party mafia ultimately responsible for creating this? So voting for them to get rid of Howard and co is rewarding labor for creating them. Where’s the logic? And this is the clever country?One of the advantages of democracy, from a government’s point of view, is that it makes the average citizen easier to deceive, since the citizen regards the government as his or her government. Australia's political status quo understands this well and it allows them to limit diversity within politics and the bureaucracy to ensure they are able to perpetuate their mediocrity. It has its rewards! And as the AWB wheat crimes are showing to all ozzy citizens who vote for these mealy –mouthed career trough feeders the buck doesn’t have to stop. Just keep on passing it around and if it can eventually be made to disappear without a trace of accountability, fine, or otherwise crucify a few mandarins and pay them off with enough to retire for life. This is what the tyranny of the status quo does to democracy ? And Australian’s thought they had a say in it! It seems they don’t like to admit to having created it.
Once again propaganda is essential to influence and manipulate the wider public and therefore long -term alliances with the media monopoly are required. This in turn requires the media monopoly to be protected (subsidised by all Australians for low quality content and higher margins) in various ways and over decades if necessary. It is curious how not one bureaucrat made this media mafia aware of the AWB/government criminality. Are we expected to believe not one journalist was aware of it? Given the historical relationship between successive governments and the Australian media oligarchs it is more likely one or more content producers new but had the relationship to protect as a first priority. Australia has no real culture of investigative journalism only a conveniently orchestrated perception that it does. (That they claim they were unaware must be proof of this, and the deluded view they have of themselves.)
The Cole Commission is Howard’s whitewash commission and other ag mafia members have conveniently avoided the inquiry. For example ex DFAT minister and Deputy PM Mr. T Fischer and his mate John Anderson would have known about the wheat grains corruption. Senator Heffernan also! ( In between running around the country maximizing his ag tax shelter investments and monitoring the activities of a High Court Judge supposedly using Commonwealth cars for unofficial business.)
There are numerous DFAT/Austrade mandarins past and present who clearly should be subpoenaed and some for example have disappeared overseas through the international mandarin mafia network into their organizations like the WTO and so on. More than likely their new found positions were created to get them away from being implicated and implicating others especially scumbag politicians and their ag mafia mates. Then there is the board of directors of the AWB and their associates responsible for producing the prospectus and listing this entity on the ASX, including their auditors who are often one of the large 4 or 5 international organizations populated by ex mandarins and therefore members of the in-group necessary to keep this extensive cover-up complete. (Also are there any Swiss or Hong Kong bank accounts for this mafia including DFAT/Austrade?) The Howard whitewash is almost completed!
Elected representatives in the last analysis have more in common with each other than they do with the voting public responsible for their public status as people's representatives.
Opposition parties are supposed to have the incentive and ability to expose the misbehavior of the ruling party, but this cannot be the case for the previously mentioned reason. They would all rather hang together than hang alone!
A majority can only turn against the government by first admitting to themselves that they were mistaken in formerly thinking well of their chosen leaders, which given human nature is difficult, uncomfortable and unpleasant. Governments understand this, as does the political status quo of course and it is always mutually beneficial for all of the main beneficiaries of government power and control to cooperate for the common good. Their common good! Not the citizens' or the nations as history always seems to prove but which always seems to be ignored. Again it is unpleasant to have to admit that one could have been duped and to have even been manipulated by propaganda to vote for these arrogant unaccountable tyrants , which ironically, is paid for directly or indirectly by ones productive efforts and generously dissipated by this cohort.
Systematic propaganda, on a large scale, is at present, in democratic countries, divided between political parties, the new class (bureaucracy), churches, business, the plutocracy and the state. In the main all these forces work on the same side, although political parties in opposition claim to be an exception, but this is part of their role, because even they, if they have any hope of office, are unlikely to oppose the fundamentals of state propaganda as they indulge in it for the same reasons when they reach government. There is always clear proof of this but naturally enough it is not going to be exposed by any of the above mentioned "stakeholders".
Power over opinion, like other forms of power, tends to coalescence and concentration, leading logically to a state monopoly of propaganda, which is the reason Australia has the media monopoly it has and a world class iDTV failure. In a democracy of course this is not supposed to happen. Surpise! Surprise! Governments, particularly modern governments, have found ways around this, by among other things, creating and locking-in a media monopoly. Insuring profits and stock market valuations are the key factors and for this status, governments in the last analysis control the media. It has evolved in two stages. First governments of the day (always hanging together!), develop laws and economic reasons (dubious at best and that the majority blindly accept, like free TV which is anything but free) to allow the creation of a media monopoly. Secondly the media must then become dependent on government, directly and indirectly for reliable profits and relationships. As this alliance becomes increasingly entrenched the propaganda can be ratcheted up in increments to suit the purposes. However if the alliance becomes too obvious diversionary tactics are implemented. These have included the promise and possibility of free digital television, which has now basically been found out although only by a relative few, or the most recent, which is the need for cross media ownership. In this regard cross-media ownership also conveniently happens to divert the public’s attention away from the major failures (successes according to the media monopoly) regarding digital TV. In both cases economic reasons, even dubious ones, are not available, in the public domain at least, if anywhere (the Productivity Commission at least made a reasonably worthwhile but ignored contribution but needn’t haven’t bothered). As the media oligarchs and their media monopoly controls and delivers 99% of the information content 99% of Australians receive then naturally they are not going to make it a priority to tell them how digital TV is the media mafia’s biggest threat and they must do anything and everything to deny it until they can own or control it, which now, as it should be obvious to anyone, the government of the day is consistently conveniently facilitating. And neither will they be informed even remotely how this media monopoly is used as a propaganda tool. In fact proof of how successful the brainwashing propaganda has been for so long can be found in the population’s potentially unanimous view that such a thing couldn’t occur in democratic egalitarian OZ. Efficient indeed!
In the era of remarkable mass communications capabilities keeping the masses ignorant –blissfully ignorant – takes on new meaning while propaganda gets taken to new unprecedented innovative levels few citizens can comprehend the significance of or the consequences, but perhaps as an added benefit of such propaganda citizens will prefer that state to all others as they seem to have clearly preferred it for the past 50 years. Entrenched sleazebag politicians and their corrupt parties and sly bureaucracy dominate the agenda in an increasing struggle with the nations citizens to remain entrenched, perpetuating their power and control indefinitely. Funded by the citizens! Innovation and change for everyone else but not for this cohort.
Non-rational propaganda like the rational sort, must appeal to existing desires (manipulated by propaganda in the first place), but it substitutes iteration for the appeal to fact. To retain power and control (with limited accountability and transparency as a bonus), the facts therefore are what the government chooses to present, which logically, for reasons of self-preservation, can never be the facts! It so happens that free broadband and narrowband multichannel iDTV would improve on this and contribute to democracy in unprecedented ways. This is why it must remain stifled but at the nations expense and democracy, not the media mafia and their political allies.